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Author Topic: Top 5 Annoying Questions...  (Read 14401 times)

sadie x

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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #30 on: 14 May 2012, 06:39:46 pm »
or what about the guys who dont say anything at all!!

"grnnt where are ya"?

Exactly the FFFFFFing same...GO AWAY!!!


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #31 on: 14 May 2012, 06:47:26 pm »
Exactly the FFFFFFing same...GO AWAY!!!

Bless lol, some of them must see us as the Pic N Mix counter. Someone please tell them Woolies closed down for a reason!  ;D


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #32 on: 14 May 2012, 07:12:23 pm »
I also hate "will we be alone?" "do you work with anyone else?" and "do you live with anyone else?" or any variations of these - they get immediately blacklisted, I just won't take the chance.

During bookings I hate the "do you have a boyfriend?" question. It immediately gets my hackles up because there doesn't seem to be a 'right' answer (I'd love to say "what an idiotic question to ask - do you have a wife?" but obviously can't really say that!) .

If I say no I don't have a boyfriend then straight away I know they are going to start asking for unpaid dates, to go out for dinner, "show me a good time" etc, and pester me for ages via texts, calls and emails afterwards, but never book a paid appointment again. Or they will try to "rescue" me (the older ones)
If I say yes I have a boyfriend to try and put them off asking for dates, the next question (guaranteed) is "and does he know you do this?" - to which there is no good answer and they seem to look horrified! 
I have a few times said I am gay, but this usually starts off a huge debate where they ask all sorts of questions, and say idiotic things like "but we are having fun together now, you can't be fully gay??!!" (who says I am having "fun" now  ;D)


Also anyone who asks for my real name, or in general anyone who refers to sex work as "this" in a really derogatory fashion as if it was a bad taste rolling around in their mouth.

Also, texts and calls where there is not even a rudimentary "hi," just launching in to "how much?" or "where are you based and what is your rates?" I find it really abrupt and don't think those who cannot even say hello are going to be very nice in person. I mean, you wouldn't call to make an appointment with a professional person in any other capacity and not first say "hello" would you?

Another is those who use the phrase "What is your best price . . . .?" or "What is the best price you can do for me?"  I don't know exactly why but that one always makes me  :-X

Yes, a lot of things annoy me!

If they ask me if I have a boyfriend during the booking I either say 'sometimes/ on occasions' or 'several' with wink  ;)
Both too vague and 95% of the time don't prompt further comment above an d beyond 'knowing' or nervous laughter...


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #33 on: 14 May 2012, 07:13:32 pm »
Can I come along so we can have some fun? Yeeeuckkk.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #34 on: 15 May 2012, 01:33:18 pm »
or what about the guys who dont say anything at all!!

"grnnt where are ya"?

Exactly the FFFFFFing same...GO AWAY!!!

I know or the guys that start off with

Me: "Hello?"
client: "Hello I saw your ad on adult work"......................................Longgg silence.
Me: "Hello?"
Client: hello?"
Me: "Call back when you have your something to say"

He saw my ad on adult work but expects me to know what he is wanting to ask since it was him that phoned.  :FF
Hello nice to meet you :)

sadie x

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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #35 on: 15 May 2012, 02:06:22 pm »
YES!! infact its the men above that are my most annoying callers!!
Its like get a personality!!
If there like that on phone what would they be like to meet!!
I thought it may be something i was doing wrong..but its clearly them!
dont these guys realise there giving terrible vibes..
Ive said to guys before "cheer up" hope your a little happier when you get here?
and they have been embarrassed..
sometimes you would think there visiting a morgue!!

Kinky By Nature

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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #36 on: 15 May 2012, 09:17:46 pm »

1.   I got your number from a friend (hence why I expect you to regurgitate your entire profile word for word)

2.   What?s your ethnicity? (this is despite me stating my ethnicity in no less than five different places on my profile will full photos ? inc face ? in colour!!!)

3.   What services do you provide? (I?m getting better with this one but it still irritates the hell out of me ? I sometimes feel like replying ?hmmm...let me think....were you looking for services like accountancy, tea making, palm reading etc?? ? I?m a PROSTITUTE fgs!!! figure it out you pillock!!!)

4.   Alright babes....are you....? (GRRRRR ? hate any question which starts like this, no wonder some of these sad sods are reduced to paying for it ? can?t think why they can?t pull with gems like these!)

5.   I?m White/Black/Asian/Oriental/Mixed Raced ? will you see me? (seriously I get asked this by every race of man on earth ? who the hell is it that they think I normally see? Men from Mars?!

Thank you xxx

1. I tell them to go back to their friend to get the rest of my details, then call me back. They never do, because what they really want is for you to talk about yourself and your services.

2. Tell them that, that you've mentioned your ethnicity numerous times on your site and you don't repeat anything that's already on there. I would imagine you've gone into great detail to create your site, the least people can do is read it.

3. Turn the question back on them and ask them what exactly it is they're looking for. That way they don't get off on you talking about your services. If they ask if you provide such and such services, short one word answers should suffice. No room for titillation then.

4. I grit my teeth and place a smile on my face. Here in London you get that a lot so I try not to let it get my back up. But it does irk me sometimes.

5. This one I don't mind. It's a shame they have to ask, but it's better than having the door slammed in their faces after they've made the trip to see you. 


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #37 on: 15 May 2012, 10:39:33 pm »

During bookings I hate the "do you have a boyfriend?" question. It immediately gets my hackles up because there doesn't seem to be a 'right' answer (I'd love to say "what an idiotic question to ask - do you have a wife?" but obviously can't really say that!) .

If I say no I don't have a boyfriend then straight away I know they are going to start asking for unpaid dates, to go out for dinner, "show me a good time" etc, and pester me for ages via texts, calls and emails afterwards, but never book a paid appointment again. Or they will try to "rescue" me (the older ones)
If I say yes I have a boyfriend to try and put them off asking for dates, the next question (guaranteed) is "and does he know you do this?" - to which there is no good answer and they seem to look horrified! 

THIS!  Omg why do guys not know that this is the no1 question to ask?!

Say no, and they think they have a chance.  Say yes and it ruins the fantasy and then they get nosy.  "what does he do?"  "does he know?" blah blah

My favourite come backs

Client: "do you have a boyfriend"
Escort: "do you have a wife?"

Client: "what does your boyfriend do?"
Escort:  "he's an arms dealer/drug dealer/ body guard/cage fighter/policeman/russian mobster"

Client: "do your parents know you do this?"
Escort: "do your kids know you see escorts?" / "does your boss know you're here?"

Client: "how much money do you make?"
Escort: "how much money do you spend every year escorts?"

Now I just say "no" to the boyfriend question and immediately follow it up with "and I don't date".  If they ask then can just say it's impossible with the job, or if I'm feeling particularly manipulative, I say I was engaged and my fiance was killed in a car/whatever accident and I'm not over it so can't possibly date anyone new.  ;D

sadie x

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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #38 on: 15 May 2012, 11:10:26 pm »

During bookings I hate the "do you have a boyfriend?" question. It immediately gets my hackles up because there doesn't seem to be a 'right' answer (I'd love to say "what an idiotic question to ask - do you have a wife?" but obviously can't really say that!) .

If I say no I don't have a boyfriend then straight away I know they are going to start asking for unpaid dates, to go out for dinner, "show me a good time" etc, and pester me for ages via texts, calls and emails afterwards, but never book a paid appointment again. Or they will try to "rescue" me (the older ones)
If I say yes I have a boyfriend to try and put them off asking for dates, the next question (guaranteed) is "and does he know you do this?" - to which there is no good answer and they seem to look horrified! 

THIS!  Omg why do guys not know that this is the no1 question to ask?!

Say no, and they think they have a chance.  Say yes and it ruins the fantasy and then they get nosy.  "what does he do?"  "does he know?" blah blah

My favourite come backs

Client: "do you have a boyfriend"
Escort: "do you have a wife?"

Ive used this one and the guy was well offended NOB! so now i say "i have boys who are friends"very cheekily..
but why do they feel they have the right to be personal,then we cant be back?

Definetly using the "my boyfriends a gangster"!!love that one!!

sadie x

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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #39 on: 15 May 2012, 11:12:00 pm »
Messed that quote up!! ansew is at bottom


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #40 on: 18 May 2012, 04:32:10 am »
"Is that really you in the pictures? would imagine my verification photo, field reports and the sixty-odd feedback ratings confirming that yes, that is indeed moi would be enough but alas, no.  :FF


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #41 on: 18 May 2012, 03:58:31 pm »
My favourite come backs

Client: "do you have a boyfriend"
Escort: "do you have a wife?"

Client: "what does your boyfriend do?"
Escort:  "he's an arms dealer/drug dealer/ body guard/cage fighter/policeman/russian mobster"

Client: "do your parents know you do this?"
Escort: "do your kids know you see escorts?" / "does your boss know you're here?"

Client: "how much money do you make?"
Escort: "how much money do you spend every year escorts?"

Love love love this!!! Especially the last 2....elle_e this is pure class! xxx


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #42 on: 18 May 2012, 04:45:23 pm »

Client: "what does your boyfriend do?"
Escort:  "he's an arms dealer/drug dealer/ body guard/cage fighter/policeman/russian mobster"

I normally ignore the questions about the boyfriend/husband etc, but if they're really persistent I just say that he's in the industry as well, that usually shuts them up. There are of course those who don't give up and want to know more details, so I tell them he's a pornstar! Works every time without fail, they can believe it (and proceed to imagine my greek god of a bf lol!) which is highly unlikely, or simply think 'you're full of s**t, sweetheart'. Either way, they drop the subject  ;D
Yes, I'd risk it for a biscuit, as I said, you know me.


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #43 on: 18 May 2012, 09:43:24 pm »
the most annoying question for me is do you do...(enter service that's not on my enjoy list and as gross as possible)


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #44 on: 19 May 2012, 10:34:53 am »
"Do your parents know that you do this?"

I mean come on!

Next time I'll say 'oh they're the ones who introduced me to this, the profession runs in the family'. I'll start employing a new philosophy of 'ask stupid questions?expect stupid answers'.