During bookings I hate the "do you have a boyfriend?" question. It immediately gets my hackles up because there doesn't seem to be a 'right' answer (I'd love to say "what an idiotic question to ask - do you have a wife?" but obviously can't really say that!) .
If I say no I don't have a boyfriend then straight away I know they are going to start asking for unpaid dates, to go out for dinner, "show me a good time" etc, and pester me for ages via texts, calls and emails afterwards, but never book a paid appointment again. Or they will try to "rescue" me (the older ones)
If I say yes I have a boyfriend to try and put them off asking for dates, the next question (guaranteed) is "and does he know you do this?" - to which there is no good answer and they seem to look horrified!
THIS! Omg why do guys not know that this is the no1 question to ask?!
Say no, and they think they have a chance. Say yes and it ruins the fantasy and then they get nosy. "what does he do?" "does he know?" blah blah
My favourite come backs
Client: "do you have a boyfriend"
Escort: "do you have a wife?"
Client: "what does your boyfriend do?"
Escort: "he's an arms dealer/drug dealer/ body guard/cage fighter/policeman/russian mobster"
Client: "do your parents know you do this?"
Escort: "do your kids know you see escorts?" / "does your boss know you're here?"
Client: "how much money do you make?"
Escort: "how much money do you spend every year escorts?"
Now I just say "no" to the boyfriend question and immediately follow it up with "and I don't date". If they ask then can just say it's impossible with the job, or if I'm feeling particularly manipulative, I say I was engaged and my fiance was killed in a car/whatever accident and I'm not over it so can't possibly date anyone new.