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Author Topic: Toot, toot! May I let off a bit of steam?  (Read 3033 times)


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Toot, toot! May I let off a bit of steam?
« on: 03 July 2009, 09:09:58 pm »
Ok...although so far my tour has gone fairly well and I've enjoyed my stay here in England...excuse me, new England  ;)  and I've had a long booking the other night which has set me well for the past few days and then some, I am getting extrememly frustrated at the amount of guys who arent going through with these damn bookings!

Today, I had 2 guys call 15 min. apart that had me raising a brow. 1st guy says he'd book 2 hours later and then doesnt even confirm or nothing. The 2nd one wanted me to meet him quickly because he was leaving town in a couple hours. Asking me if I could ''finish' quickly. I told him I dont work like that, that I dont like rushed services and that I find it inconsiderate to be called last minute when he knows he has to go somewhere. I hate that!

I also had someone call me at 530 am this morning to book, left a message...I called him back 3.5 hours later and he wants to meet me at 11. I told him if he dont call by 10 then Im going to go aboout my day. Nothing. Thats 3 in a row today, and doesnt count the other ones. Stuff like this just pisses me off. I had my ad up for a month now there's no reason I should be getting this amount of idiots.

The independence day holiday is this weekend so I dont know if that has something to do with it or not. I was hoping it'd still bring about a good turnout regardless as holidays can be surprising. Someone, please turn that stove off my water is boiling over  >:(