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Author Topic: TMJD/ Jaw Pain  (Read 1166 times)


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TMJD/ Jaw Pain
« on: 18 September 2020, 08:34:16 pm »
Hi everyone,
I have tmj disorder, and I grind my teeth at night. My jaw tends to get stiff, crunches, clicks, sometimes gets stuck, and is quite painful.
As a result, sometimes I have difficulty with blow jobs.
I’m looking into Botox for Tmj, and getting a mouth guard, but I’m wondering if anyone has dealt with jaw pain whilst escorting, and if there’s anything you’ve done that has helped ?


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Re: TMJD/ Jaw Pain
« Reply #1 on: 19 September 2020, 01:55:40 am »
Hey I’m a cheek biter in my sleep due to bruxism.  I got a night mouth guard off amazon instead of dropping Ps on a custom from the dentist. I suggest that as some people can’t sleep with a mouth guard In so try the easier one first xx
I’ve had botox in my masseters before a couple times and it does help with jaw grinding and clenching but it restricts your smile! And I really think I couldn’t open my
Mouth as wide for oral. I’m not sure though. But it definitely weakened my smile. I let it wear off and just wear the night guard.


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Re: TMJD/ Jaw Pain
« Reply #2 on: 19 September 2020, 03:51:32 pm »
Okay, thank you so much! That’s really helpful. I think I’m going to try the Botox to see if it reduces my pain- but I’ll make sure to check my smile!


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Re: TMJD/ Jaw Pain
« Reply #3 on: 20 September 2020, 01:18:17 am »
I highly (!) recommend asking a dentist about this. A generic mouth guard can help, but a dentist's custom one can be a huge improvement.

This will protect your teeth, which can wear down, chip, and break if you grind them while you sleep. Grinding also wears your gums. Receding gums can will not grow back and eventually can lead to other significant problems. Reducing the jaw issues and making BJs easier is a secondary benefit too. :)

Years ago, a dentist client suggested that I get a mouth guard and it has really helped me. 

Gym bunny

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Re: TMJD/ Jaw Pain
« Reply #4 on: 20 September 2020, 08:31:46 pm »
Hi, sorry to hear about your problems with TMJ!

My jaw locked completely a few years ago and due to financial commitments, I had no choice but to continue working. Unfortunately, up to that point, deep throat had pretty much been my main activity and I guess the repetitive strain of that plus grinding teeth just shut it down - literally. I couldn’t open my mouth wide enough to have a mouth guard fitted at the time. Actually, I couldn’t get anything more than a teaspoon between my teeth and certainly couldn’t chew...I sucked chocolate buttons and ate puréed/soft food for almost a year. I now wear a dentist’s custom made mouth guard EVERY night and am super careful when giving oral. If I start to feel twinges it’s time to add a hand or two into the mix!!

I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone and would definitely suggest taking preventative measures before it gets any worse. Oh, I enquired about Botox  too, I would have done anything to fix it ( I even asked if they could sedate me and crack it back into place!) but was strongly advised not to go down the Botox road as it can so easily leave your face lop sided.


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Re: TMJD/ Jaw Pain
« Reply #5 on: 21 September 2020, 05:56:54 pm »
I think I've worn down one side of my jaw due to rsi giving blow jobs. I'm off to see a dentist soon but I'm worried I've ruined it beyond repair. It clicks and I can hear the joints rubbing together. The other side is fine, I think it's my head angle during blowies. 🤔☹️