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Author Topic: Tips of the Trade!!  (Read 50394 times)


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #120 on: 14 November 2016, 11:31:44 pm »
position digital clock in sight of the bed, the entire transaction is based around time and it's for their benefit as well as mine so they can pace themselves and make the most of the appointment.

Gynotex sponge tampons on amazon are cheaper than Beppy and come in 30 packs. ramer sponges cut up will do in a pinch.

baby syringe for lube if I'm very dry although usually I just apply before sex, don't mind client seeing

makeup bag for condoms. I got one from primark in a plain colour, it's long and rectangular like a pencil case - perfect fit for lining up condoms in order of type.
so the flavoured ones together at one end, large ones together, non-latex etc. I pop it on the bedside table and can grab whichever kind I need easily as I can see the tops of the packets.

using nappy sacks is a tip I got from this forum and several clients have commented on what a great idea it is.

Organisational codes for phone contacts, e.g. prefix "W" for one I've been passed a warning about. so e.g. "W Rough client" means someone warned me he was rough. "DNS" for do not see for ones I don't want to see based on my own contact with them. "S" for a client I've seen before. "C" for caution. I include the AW name if i have it. iphones dont always save the contact notes or transfer them when I change phone so I try to put key info in the contact name.

operate a cancellation list, if a client wants an appointment and I'm already booked, I offer to contact him if the slot becomes available. Usually makes it easier and more likely to fill a slot.

keep a personal alarm within reach of the bed. Some are designed to not look like alarms. I've never had to use it but makes me feel a bit better knowing it's there, I also carry it in my coat pocket when leaving my incall place or walking anywhere at night.

if you have an android phone download an auto-reply app.. I used to have one which replied straight away to missed calls saying; Sorry, I can't answer the phone right now. I'm available today at XX times, please text me and I'll reply as soon as possible.
Some men will receive it and keep ringing ??? but others will text and ask to book an available time.
iphones don't allow apps to access call history apparently so can't have auto-reply apps :'( :'(

don't trust anyone.. even the loveliest regular client can turn nasty as soon as things don't go their way e.g. not wanting to duo with a girl of their choice, not being available when they want.


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #121 on: 20 November 2016, 05:37:02 pm »
Money always within the first 10 minutes. And if it feels awkward and they are pushing to start without paying then I just say " let's get the paper work out the way first " sometimes they are just nervous and mostly they are just trying it on.

Never give out personnel info, work where you live etc. never.

I don't work past 11pm and I do really well. The crazy propel come out at night - drunks and druggies.

Don't take any shit. Ever. I've been doing this for 7 years, and now I won't take any bullshit.

I don't engage in long winded email ping pong on AW Or over text, I feel these clients are full of shit and Hardwork.

I don't offer sub as a rule, even though I enjoy it. But if they can tie you up they can do anything to you. Keep safe at all times. You can't put a price on that.


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #122 on: 20 November 2016, 05:55:28 pm »
Laundry geek alert! You can buy special towel conditioners which help them dry better. Also, if you have white ones especially, set the machine to do an extra rinse, and drying them outside (if possible) helps keep them white, too.

When the towels get a little rough or crispy you can do a cycle with just white vinegar and then a second cycle straight after with baking soda and it will get them soft and absorbent again.


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #123 on: 20 November 2016, 08:36:43 pm »
A fair bit of this will have been said before and is plain common sense.

Here goes;

It's been said a thousand times but never trust anybody!, (this includes customers, other working girls, owners of flats/saunas/escort agencies/boyfriends/even family), you never know when something you've disclosed will ever come up again and be used against you. Your friend/boyfriend/casual acquaintance now is highly unlikely to be your boyfriend/friend 5 years from now. Never tell anyone your real name, address or details about your family or your normal job occupation. Keep your personal and working life totally separated.

Keep your work line and business line totally separate. Be careful what you store on each handset especially if it's a smartphone as the likes of Google/WhatsApp/messenger services access your contacts and can and will breach your security by potentially exposing your details stored on your phone to other contacts including customers whose number you have stored (the same for Bluetooth). Also use a different email address and only use it for sex work related activities. Be careful what you store on your work phone in case it's ever stolen. Don't use photos for work that you use on social media and don't take them in known background surroundings that people who know you would recognise. If you have any easily identifiable piercings, tattoos, or moles/birthmarks, cover them up in photos.

Never take any personally identifiable information about you to your place of work or on an outcall (flat/saunas/agencies/hotel/customer's home). This includes common items that we all hold in purses and handbags such as driving licence, passport, utility bills, cash cards/gym membership, etc.). Try to estimate how much cash you need for essential supplies such as travel, food, mobile phone top up, condoms, stockings and maybe some extra cash as a buffer in case of an emergency and take that with you instead of your debit/credit cards. If you were to get robbed (and the longer you are in this business the more likely this is to happen) the first thing a dodgy customer/robber will do is rifle through through is your bag (so when you first get to work try and find a decent hiding place to hide ID type documents/other important stuff and in separate locations, incase one of them is found). I've been robbed at gunpoint and knifepoint whilst working (on a few occasions). It was bad enough being robbed but it would have been horrific if my attacker went to my home or knew anything very personal about me (and I know ladies that has happened to). Don't tell customers how you commute in to work, e.g. if you come by car, tell them you came by train (let them hang around the station waiting for you) and that includes regular customers. Customers can be incredibly indiscreet.

Don't boast about what you have and what you earned...jealousy breeds resentment.

If you live with someone and are running out of places to hide your work stuff a strong suitcase with a combination lock works a treat. It's big enough to hold everything and not so easy to tamper with or force open without it being drawn to your attention. Use a pin number specifically for that case (I use to use part of a memorable old telephone number). You can lock everything away in that suitcase; clothes/shoes/toys/condoms and your work phones, etc.

Go to outalls wearing a smart suit or even smart casual clothes if you can get away with it. Walk out in flat shoes and carry your heels in a bag. If you have a car, you could keep your work clothes and bag locked permanently in the boot. If need be you could change in the car and then when you've finished change back before coming home. Just park somewhere dark and quiet where you are not likely to draw attention to yourself and be really quick!!

One of my golden rules on an outcall is never ever accept food or drink from customers. Date rape drugs are like sweeties to get hold of. Take your own water with you. If for some reason, you feel it's necessary to drink, take it from an unopened bottle with the seal still intact and either pour it yourself or insist that it is poured in front of you. Don't let anyone who is pouring you a drink (in a sex work capacity) turn their back towards you.

Another golden rule I swear by is NEVER allow a customer to tie you up or blindfold you ever (even a regular). I knew girls that are submissive and allowed customers to beat and spank them and been really injured and unable to work afterwards. When you're entertaining a potential client who gets off on hardcore BDSM (whether you know about it or not) and you then allow him to tie you up/blindfold you, you are entering very dangerous water.

Don't drink or take drugs while you're working. You are so vulnerable and easy to take advantage of in that condition.

I never pose for pictures ever. The more pics you take of yourself and float around social media the more likely it is that you will be recognised.

Trust your gut instinct. It's your 6th sense, use it.

Pay tax, don't claim benefits that you are not genuinely and legitimately entitled to and keep everything as above board and as legit as possible (there's less chance then that it can be used against you and you won't lie in bed losing sleep over it).

Treat your work as a proper business/promote your brand, save hard. Have an exit plan.

« Last Edit: 21 November 2016, 04:49:41 pm by Mariah »


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #124 on: 23 November 2016, 09:42:40 pm »
During the 4 years I've been doing this, I have stuck to these few things...

Money first, always - even with long time regulars

ALWAYS speak on the phone before arranging to meet, its good manners, good business and you can tell a lot from a persons voice. Gut instinct is a powerful thing, don't ignore it!

I no longer do outcalls... but when I did - Outcalls to houses, don't park your car near their house, park it further down the road or even on the next street so the registration number is out of sight. Outcalls in hotels, always dress smart casual and walk straight towards the lifts.

I find new clients are very inquisitive and like to ask about my personal life. I like to keep my business head on when seeing new clients. I find its best to keep them talking, small talk tends to work fine, like... did you find the place ok? Where did you travel in from? News/Current events, the weather,  random chit chat. Regulars are different, but still even with regulars there is a line between business and personal life.

Never text full incall address to ANYONE, I consider everyone to be a timewaster until proven otherwise!

Beware of doing doggy with new clients, some will remove the condom, then re-enter without saying anything.

Get a good nights sleep, eat healthy and take multi-vitamin supplements to keep strong, doing this work is physically demanding.


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #125 on: 29 November 2016, 02:33:56 am »

Never text full incall address to ANYONE, I consider everyone to be a timewaster until proven otherwise!

Beware of doing doggy with new clients, some will remove the condom, then re-enter without saying anything.

Get a good nights sleep, eat healthy and take multi-vitamin supplements to keep strong, doing this work is physically demanding.


- never trust anyone in industry (clients or sp) and be very careful around friends who have joined (such a shame this has to be mentioned multiple times)...even if they seem genuine you never know they could be talking behind your back or lying themselves to get info from you. You never know who your client might be - he might be BS-ing his status or hiding his celebrity. You never know if he has people looking for his history, and looking for information on girls he has seen for whatever reason.

- if you feel sore/tired then take a day off. It is much worse when you let the overbookings happen and end up bed ridden for days

- if a clients offers a holiday trip or day trip, have them send you the cash then book the flight yourself (don't have them book it). If you can't get the cash beforehand then make sure it is a regular you trust, then book it yourself and get reimbursed upon landing. You want to keep your personal info out of the transaction and have the option to cancel your booking or fly home at any time.

- if freestyling, state your prices asap or you will be wasting a lot of time. Remember there are always future nights if this one doesn't work out. (same goes for any other sp work)

- never ever give out personal info, if they ask and ask then lie and keep lying.

- keep dental dams in case the small condoms don't fit but you need to do something for the booking lol.

- if I'm on a date I always carry gum and powdered mouthwash packets in case the client or I need them (easier than mouthwash if I have to kiss him)

- for freestyling and hotel outcalls, dress like a business woman who wants to have a one night stand. I usually wear an expensive looking bag and jewellery but understated makeup/hair. Then they usually approach me and ask what I do for a living, if I am here on business. Perfect opportunity to say I am an escort, right at first introduction. No more time wasting getting to the point.

- probably not a good idea to freestyle at the same hotel you just had a scheduled booking..

- when freestyling, look for people who are from out of town. Then you know they have a room, likely alone.

- hotel shampoos = great, free laundry detergent

- I love suggesting room service in long bookings because it can take up a lot of time. Or sex first so it's out of the way, then room service/date after so its less awkward and less anticipation (and less likely to rush through dinner so the rest of the time can be for sex)

- really think through arrangements like social events and activities like boating, tours etc. Have a set time limit for social events and keep in mind it may be hard to leave if you are stuck on a boat or on a ski hill.

"hey baby what's your sign?"



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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #126 on: 29 November 2016, 05:01:05 pm »
This is purely paranoia, but I always hide my tooth brush out of site.  Am convinced that a passive aggressive psycho would take it and wipe it around the toilet rim then place it back, deriving pleasure in the knowledge that I've probably used it without realising where it's been.   

Love the idea of the shots.  Am sure you can get a pack of them to buy in the parties section of most pound shops.

Mouthwash idea is awesome. Off to buy a cheapo shot glass from charity shop on way to tesco! Thanks!
(Fairly recently discovered that peroxide based mouthwash before a booking is not a good plan, can irritate their bits to an entertaining extent.)

Also on that note hide your tooth brush (or swap it for a tesco value range one) caught more than one using my toothbrush!and also Ince had a toothbrush nicked, which I wouldn't mind except I really good toothbrushes!

Also my biggest tip - don't buy white or shiney black bedspreads/covers. Ever!


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #127 on: 29 November 2016, 05:16:07 pm »
I don't use make-up.  Just never got into it.  And I have many regulars.  When a guy dictates what make-up I should wear, I tell him best to call off the booking because I don't use make-up.   As I shower with a lot of clients, not having to worry about make up is a plus. 

Again, there may be some one-timers who won't return to see me because I don't use make-up ...

This ones a bit dubious...If I didn't wear any make up I don't think I would get many returners!  :D


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #128 on: 25 November 2023, 01:13:13 pm »
That you use regularly?

Mine is witch hazel! Whenever I need to go for a wee before a booking (always after I shower ffs!) I use it. It gets rid of any smells down there. I use it on my bum even after showering because I’m paranoid lol.

What are yours? Any tricks during a booking you use? Before or after a booking?


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #129 on: 25 November 2023, 03:10:47 pm »
Before I unpack or bring up my suitcase I check the water pressure and the phone signal
A few times I’ve lugged suitcase into my room unpacked only to realize I have no phone signal or it’s absolutely crap or the water pressure is like a slow piss 😂

I take the majority of my bookings via text - I hate speaking on the phone and never had a problem doing this

In my texts I always confirm the price time & service they have booked
I also always put cash only - no bank transfer
This gets rid of the ones that expect you to have a credit card machine between your legs 😂

I know a lot of ladies take bank transfer / credit cards now but I don’t want a punter turning up expecting this
Plus it’s well known that scammers will do this and use a fake app to make it look like it’s transferred and it hasn’t and often new transfers don’t go through straight away

Never leave anything in the bathroom that a client might use - trust me on this one

I include toothbrush and my own face flannels - exfoliating sponges and my own expensive shower gel in this list .

Don’t leave personal stuff like your personal phones with credit cards / bank cards in them lying around
Very easy to steal a card from a phone case and it’s unlikely you will notice it’s gone straight away

I tour a lot so I take a lot of stuff with me but I keep a sports bag in my car with spare stocking lingerie mouthwash, spare pair of shoes spare make up shower gel lube condoms
I’ve been with friends in a flat and they are like shit I’ve fogot a toothbrush - and I’m like oh I have  a packet of new ones in my car 😂

I also take a long long extension lead and a multi usb charger. I hate it when I need to charge my phone and I can’t do it by the bed

I also take a little bag of differentt charging leads / usb charger and a spare phone / with SIM cards


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #130 on: 30 November 2023, 06:39:03 pm »
I don’t speak to any client on the phone until I’ve checked their number first. I used to give away far too much info by accident having conversations with time wasters.
I have an auto reply set up on my phone saying “can you text please I’m just a bit busy”. I don’t let nasty or time wasting men have any access to me at all these days.

My next rule is not to take bank transfers from people I do not know as regulars. I had one client raise a form with Nat west and try and claim the money back thinking I wouldn’t notice. I had two other clients with those fake banking apps where it looks like it went through and I gave them services for free.


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #131 on: 01 December 2023, 03:17:16 pm »
Same I don’t  speak I till I have checked the number
I rarely speak to them anyway and do most of my bookings via text

I don’t accept bank transfers unless it’s wish tender or Amazon vouchers either
I don’t want them knowing my bank details

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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #132 on: 01 December 2023, 04:17:58 pm »
Those are good tips from GG and RB1.

I too go in and make sure, heating, tv and shower is working.

I am getting annoyed at some places with no plugs by bed so i might need to invest in an extension as i am limited with my studying on my phone and of course watching Netflix.

Any idea RB1 what type of extention would be best and the length?

You are so organised RB1 but you seem like you out for long tours and need to have lots with you.   


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #133 on: 01 December 2023, 04:27:17 pm »
Those are good tips from GG and RB1.

I too go in and make sure, heating, tv and shower is working.

I am getting annoyed at some places with no plugs by bed so i might need to invest in an extension as i am limited with my studying on my phone and of course watching Netflix.

Also test the hairdryer (if you're likely to use it) and for the love of God, make sure the toilet flushes.

I once got all settled into a nice hotel room where everything was bang on except I discovered the toilet didn't work ten minutes before my first booking. I had to keep filling the bathroom bin with water and pouring it through until he'd gone and I could move rooms  :(

I always had a 4 gang extension lead with a 5m cable in my suitcase, plus rubber door wedges and an extra toothbrush for the bathroom so it looked like two people were there to the cleaners :)


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Re: Tips of the Trade!!
« Reply #134 on: 03 December 2023, 06:16:39 am »
    Some tips that serve me well:

    • Have a plan to save, spend, and invest your money
    • Never leave the house without supplies, you never know when or where you might find work. I keep enough condoms, lube, and wipes in all of my purses at all times. Makeup bags work well too.
    • Be thankful and appreciative for good regular clients
    • Remember to take time off. I enjoy staying busy, but doing a full schedule the day after a gang bang does not make me happy anymore
    • Be careful who you tell details about. Most of my really good friends are also in the business and it makes things a lot easier for me, because we spend a lot of time sharing client stories or venting
    • If you are escorting for the long term, remember this is a career too. Invest in yourself, learn basic marketing skills, customer retention, finances, etc.
    • Keep detailed records of who you see, services, prices, any details that they tell you, problems, etc. My clients appreciate that I "remember" things they tell me about themselves....I just review right before seeing them.  Encrypt those records! You can also treat yourself to something for milestones like 100th or 1000th client, etc.
    • Learn self defense--take a class.  You never know if you'll need it.