I've been doing escorting for less than a year and through trial and error I have found little things that have helped me. However, I still need advice and recommendations for other things I'm having trouble with. First I'll share mine
1) I only ever use hold-ups with suspenders. This stops them sagging down and also they stay in place should the attachment to the suspender come undone
2) Always buy cheap hold-ups from the same place. I use wilko's as the are about ?2.80. Buying the same style save money should you get a ladder in one. You'll always have plenty of spares with the same lace topping.
3) I discovered a spray called comfortably numb, specifically for numbing tonsils for when you give a client deepthroat
4) Bacterial Vaginosis (aka - your hoo har smells of fish) My GP said this is caused by washing it too much with soaps/shower gels etc. I found something called 'pharma care'. It's a wash with sage and bark specifically for that area.
5) Baby wipes - If I have been waiting a while for another client, I give my bits a last minute wipe with baby wipes. Because of the risk of BV, I rinse the wipe under water first. I never use toilet roll after I've had a wee, incase bits of tissue get stuck in the folds, so I use rinsed baby wipes again. Finally, I have read that some guys associate the smell of wet wipes down below with us not showering and just had a quick wipe.
6) via amazon, i found something called octenisept antiseptic. This is used to help treat/prevent every kind of STI imaginable.
7) Shaving - I only ever use razors for men. They just seem to do a better job. I use coconut oil to shave with.
E45 - My favourite product. My face gets covered with this at night, to help get rid of the spots on my face, caused my make-up. I also smother my pussy to get rid of my shaving rash and sooth any soreness. It works really well!
Do any of you have any tips for the following?
Even though E45 helps with shaving rash, it isnt perfect. Any ideas how to deal with it? As soon as ive shaved, it is red and spotty again.
Any quick change tips? Do you always have a complete shower after every client? Make-up makes me spotty, any suggestins? What are your beauty tips to keep your face and skin healthy as I'm sure constant washing and make-up cant be good for it? Any tips on bedding? I offer ws, gushing and vomiting. I have a pvc sheet with i put under a duvet cover, but its so slippery that its not easy to fuck on.