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Author Topic: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!  (Read 787234 times)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4200 on: 18 September 2023, 11:36:50 pm »
I get the too many personal questions and interference constantly and it’s getting draining.
I get it because I’m Pakistani and it’s generally quite taboo to be in this industry, 80% of my clients are also Pakistani and they constantly ask me questions about my family, if they know what I do, why I do it etc etc
It’s actually just really boring and intrusive at this point  :FF


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4201 on: 05 October 2023, 05:46:15 pm »
The one I’ve had the most recently is “so what are you investing your money in”. I’m a single parent just about getting through life leave me alone.

English Green

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4202 on: 05 October 2023, 05:52:06 pm »
The one I’ve had the most recently is “so what are you investing your money in”. I’m a single parent just about getting through life leave me alone.

I know they forget we are in a cost of living situation too and think we are just busy all the time.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4203 on: 05 October 2023, 06:21:21 pm »
The ones that follow my profile like a hawk and quiz me on a day I had off or a new area I'm visiting  :FF


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4204 on: 05 October 2023, 08:10:32 pm »
The ones that follow my profile like a hawk and quiz me on a day I had off or a new area I'm visiting  :FF

Yes! So creepy!
I was walking a client out, and he said so you’re back in two weeks? I said yes, see you then.
Two days later I get a text at midnight saying ‘so you are working next week then???’
He must have got mixed up, but it’s just weird and screams of red flags


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4205 on: 11 October 2023, 10:14:38 am »
Has anyone ever asked a client to shower because he has applied far too much aftershave/perfume/bodyspray. This man was clean wasn't hiding any BO or cheesyness, but the smell of his aftershave hit me as I walked in - the strongest I have ever encountered in 10+ years of experience. There were other things held me back in this booking, he and his property were clean and warm (have been in some well-appointed properties that have been very cold/cool temperature (I cannot stand the cold!))but lacking even basic home comforts.

I did tell him on the way out that it was overpowering, he thought he was doing the right thing. Could also have been to try conceal smoke from cigarettes.

It was so heavy my stockings are still too pungent to wear for another booking after two handwashes.

I always look back with hindsight wonder if I could have asked him to shower?One reason I didn't was some of the other circumstances as well as how he had come across.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4206 on: 13 October 2023, 06:34:30 pm »
I get clients to call when they're at my postcode so I can give final directions in person and get them to walk into my view before I tell them which door to come to.
The number of idiots who are walking round my neighbourhood with me giving directions ON SPEAKERPHONE is staggering.
And they're asking me if my location is discreet. Fucking morons.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4207 on: 13 October 2023, 07:19:09 pm »
I get clients to call when they're at my postcode so I can give final directions in person and get them to walk into my view before I tell them which door to come to.
The number of idiots who are walking round my neighbourhood with me giving directions ON SPEAKERPHONE is staggering.
And they're asking me if my location is discreet. Fucking morons.

Does not surprise me, had lots shouting into phones outside various properties over the years - many very paranoid they would be seen. I used to point the door and path out at distance. These days I text discretion information (things not to do, explaining that if I do not mention this people do it), along with postcode when I receive deposit, then full directions to door when they confirm their appointment.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4208 on: 13 October 2023, 07:28:19 pm »
Does not surprise me, had lots shouting into phones outside various properties over the years - many very paranoid they would be seen. I used to point the door and path out at distance. These days I text discretion information (things not to do, explaining that if I do not mention this people do it), along with postcode when I receive deposit, then full directions to door when they confirm their appointment.

Discretion info in advance, that's a good idea.
When I'm in apartments I give them the door number on the phone, and they bloody repeat it out loud. Gah!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4209 on: 14 October 2023, 08:54:28 am »
Discretion info in advance, that's a good idea.
When I'm in apartments I give them the door number on the phone, and they bloody repeat it out loud. Gah!

I've all sorts of tales running up communal stairs clutching cash shouting my name in greeting, leaving shouting back this was a small block of flats. Phoning from outside have had the door pointed out (very distinct door with door number by the side) to ask "Is it number....." I could hear them from inside the property. In a block of flats (mostly all small blocks in the town I used to work in) I advised in advance the buzzer on keypad at the back wasn't working, please come to the front. He went to the back pressed other buttons asked neighbours to let him in 'I'm here to see Mirror in flat xx".  :'(

English Green

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4210 on: 14 October 2023, 09:41:47 am »
I've all sorts of tales running up communal stairs clutching cash shouting my name in greeting, leaving shouting back this was a small block of flats. Phoning from outside have had the door pointed out (very distinct door with door number by the side) to ask "Is it number....." I could hear them from inside the property. In a block of flats (mostly all small blocks in the town I used to work in) I advised in advance the buzzer on keypad at the back wasn't working, please come to the front. He went to the back pressed other buttons asked neighbours to let him in 'I'm here to see Mirror in flat xx".  :'(

Years ago i remember one twat i wanted to torture, he turned up at my flat where you have to buzz in. Small block of apartments and summer time with Windows open and when i buzzed him in and said nothing for discretion he never came in and buzzed again and i said come in push the door he then said hi just want to know do you to reverse and oral and toy shows and is it in with the price?? I could not believe it. Chances are a neighbour would have heard that with the windows open and yep they did as a week later i was told to get out as they know what is going on. I ordered a Voodoo doll for him.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4211 on: 14 October 2023, 10:18:24 am »
Years ago i remember one twat i wanted to torture, he turned up at my flat where you have to buzz in. Small block of apartments and summer time with Windows open and when i buzzed him in and said nothing for discretion he never came in and buzzed again and i said come in push the door he then said hi just want to know do you to reverse and oral and toy shows and is it in with the price?? I could not believe it. Chances are a neighbour would have heard that with the windows open and yep they did as a week later i was told to get out as they know what is going on. I ordered a Voodoo doll for him.

Just awful, and ignorant it's as if people do not think. I do allow for punters really not knowing because they do not walk in our shoes. For some years I found it difficult when one or two clients told me they felt the block I used to work from was ideal for their discretion. In reality it was not, and visitors were noticed. Not least when they slammed the door, or parked in other residents numbered spaces.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4212 on: 14 October 2023, 11:38:44 am »
A good part of my working in hotels is that are discreet generally. But some stupids go to reception and ask them to call me to announce: "Ms. X wants to visit you". When happened this I told them: " I don't know MR X"
How some of them ( once, or twice like that) can be so stupid?!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4213 on: 14 October 2023, 02:17:06 pm »
When I worked from hotels I used to sometimes wonder whether I ought to be telling them walk straight in and call from in front of the desk, then loudly repeat my room number a few times before making for the lift. Hopefully they would do the opposite of what I told them, which is what used to happen when I'd asked them to call from outside and try to be discreet.

A good part of my working in hotels is that are discreet generally. But some stupids go to reception and ask them to call me to announce: "Ms. X wants to visit you". When happened this I told them: " I don't know MR X"
How some of them ( once, or twice like that) can be so stupid?!

The level of fuckwit here is off the scale. I'm grateful I never had this to put up with.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #4214 on: 18 October 2023, 03:34:18 pm »
I charge slightly extra for a client to cum on my stockings telling him - truthfully - that I would not be able to wear them again.
To me, it's no less gross than a randomer blowing his nose on them  :-X

He makes darn sure this is true, by peeling it off me & chucking it in his bin and this last time, wipes his fingers on the remaining stockinged leg.
 Bloody twat!
 Won't do it next time :(