In the last 24 hours I've dealt with a former banned forever client (2 x bookings attended 10+yrs ago, major issues surrounding and since).
New client who can't understand why I wouldn't send identifiable photos from some thing I do in my personal life.
Another who has made specific booking enquiries over the last 2 years without going ahead possibly bought a video from one of the platforms I upload to, is going over the top with 'sorry I messed you around, you are beautiful' going into explicit details, saying he wants to make love to me, has seen me in the street (from what I know of him via the details he has given, and where I live this is entirely possible, and infact very likely). He's made comments about how lucky my OH is, constantly apologising but ignoring advice on profile, adverts, website to not use text message, not get into lengthy conversations. The information I found Googling his name (after he was difficult), indicates he has a reputation for being problematic.
'I haven't done this before, sorry I messed it up I didn't mean to'.
The messages are scary, stalkery. But he is sorry.