Ripping, tearing or leaving bodily fluids on my very fucking expensive Victoria Secrets, Ann Summers etc underwear. Like I be damned if I paid 59 pounds for a bra for some idiot to tear it assunder. Might start adding fees for soiled lingerie at the end of bookings. Like the hotels do hehehe. You may be Eligible to pay a safety deposit of £50 for ruined undies.
Ugh I get guys who ask if they can dress up in the appointment
I’m like sure but you need to bring your own stuff
Oh no I want to wear yours - insert whatever they want
I’m like you NFW are you wearing my nice expensive lingerie and stockings to ruin - just why
I have one punter who I have known for years and he has this annoying habit of twanging my suspenders belt straps - he broke one once and it’s the type that you can’t fix
I didn’t say anything but now whenever I see him I wear my cheap crappy suspender belts that cost a fiver and not the ones that cost £50 - they are for clients that respect my lingerie 😂