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Author Topic: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!  (Read 764474 times)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3015 on: 04 October 2019, 04:56:32 pm »
So since I've been independent I've been working from home... I don't tell clients this and they only ever see the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing personal or anything. Anyway, a client I have seen about 4/5 times mentioned he would like to date me as I am 'definitely his type.' I say I am not interested in dating, change the topic blah blah blah. Yesterday I get home from doing the grocery shopping, wasn't working so had on my track pants and a jumper, and this guy leaps out of his car and says 'AHA! Got you on your day off I see! Let me help me with your groceries." and tries to take a bag off me, probably hoping to come in to 'socialise' on my day off. I was really pissed off, and told him im not working and that it is wrong on so many levels! He acted shocked that I was pissed off which made me even more annoyed! Ughhhh I don't get how some people can be so bloody thick!

Possibly a report for NUM you just can’t trust these guys. Who knows how long he was waiting for you? Could he get worse after your refusal? Creepy!!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3016 on: 08 October 2019, 12:34:56 am »
When they confirm and i give them my address, i always tell them to CALL me when parked up for house/room number...then the texting starts 15minutes later...."on motorway", followed by "not far", and another "nearly there"...and really make my blood boil...a text saying "i'm here"  I told you to CALL , you dipshit!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3017 on: 08 October 2019, 05:01:57 pm »
Message you when youve told them youve quit
No I'm not having a closing down sale !


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3018 on: 09 October 2019, 11:05:57 am »
So he stakes out your house, spying on you, waiting an unknown period of time..possibly hours who know! Despite your refusal, of his proposal tries to manipulate entry into your home. I don't think he's thick at all. He's an obsessive, fully prepared, highly motivated stalker. Needs to be nipped in the bud as these people are often unpredictable and mentally unstable.
He's now moved out of the category of annoying client into the red zone.

Did you happen to jot down his car numberplate just in case?

I second this & that's a very good point about the number plate. What a creepy scum bag.

It would have been a like a scene from the exorcist if this happened to me. I'd have probably hit him in the nuts with my heaviest shopping bag.

Otherwise, there'a self defense move in Karate, a swift chop to the nose if a guy jumps out on you again.  You'd get away with it too because it's self defense. It's the only language these types understand sometimes.

Had an older guy getting me in Bear hugs yesterday, told him I don't like being crushed. On the third hug, I mentioned that I threw a guy out recently for putting his weight on me, giving me a crushed feeling. Fucking idiots. Had a gut feeling he'd be annoying on the phone when he booked.
« Last Edit: 09 October 2019, 11:15:53 am by BangerRacing »


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3019 on: 09 October 2019, 04:25:27 pm »
He's a newby, so I patiently explain the simple confirmation process. But my gut says, 'hey...he's not listening'. As predicted, he's 10 minutes late confirming, no apology. So I asked why he's late.  'distractions.... :P' he says. My ass is sat at home sipping tea now, can't be bothered to run over to do him.
« Last Edit: 09 October 2019, 04:36:14 pm by saltysweet »

Jane Seymour

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3020 on: 23 October 2019, 02:05:57 am »
It's been a while, but... I did enjoy my work, and left the industry for other reasons but..............  i did get annoyed when clients did not listen to me on the phone as I gave them the final directions to my place.  They never listened !

I got annoyed when disabled guys did not inform me they were disabled because of the extra time factor.

I got annoyed when guys overran the time and did not take hints asking for a cup of tea etc etc

I got annoyed when they showered and still left skid marks on the bed/sofa

I got annoyed when they tried to do bareback even though they knew it was never going to happen

I got very annoyed when guys pushed boundaries about where they could cum.  I didn't like it in my hair. It very often ended up there.

I liked regular clients because they felt safe.  They knew where they were coming, and I knew they would pay me, but every so often one would substitute £20 notes for tens, my fault entirely for never counting it, and then later asking to come back and denying they short changed me !!!  Very annoying.

I  also got annoyed when regulars assumed they had priorities  with time, and also called me when I was unavailable expecting me to be there at the drop of a hat but that was probably my fault anyway for not being firm enough.

Having said that these were minor annoyances and the job in itself was a joy mostly :)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3021 on: 30 October 2019, 08:33:56 am »
One of my pet peeves... drives me crazy   :FF

yes its the potential punters (well fake potential punters) who think for one minute that I and going to engage in free piggy-back texting or chatting on some APP describing sexual acts.

You know, the will you do this..describe...will you do that...tell me how you will please me..blah..blah..blah.

I either say book and find out, or just block them, depending on my mood.  >:D


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3022 on: 30 October 2019, 05:10:29 pm »
I get this alot with foot fetish guys. So annoying. I tell them if they want sexting in the run up they can send me a digital voucher. Funnily enough they never take me up on it.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3023 on: 01 November 2019, 12:00:11 pm »
Thinking that booking me once means they’re entitled to text me shit whenever they fancy.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3024 on: 05 November 2019, 09:14:38 pm »
So since I've been independent I've been working from home... I don't tell clients this and they only ever see the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing personal or anything. Anyway, a client I have seen about 4/5 times mentioned he would like to date me as I am 'definitely his type.' I say I am not interested in dating, change the topic blah blah blah. Yesterday I get home from doing the grocery shopping, wasn't working so had on my track pants and a jumper, and this guy leaps out of his car and says 'AHA! Got you on your day off I see! Let me help me with your groceries." and tries to take a bag off me, probably hoping to come in to 'socialise' on my day off. I was really pissed off, and told him im not working and that it is wrong on so many levels! He acted shocked that I was pissed off which made me even more annoyed! Ughhhh I don't get how some people can be so bloody thick!

This deserve to be in warning section.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3025 on: 06 November 2019, 11:55:53 pm »
Potential clients who are 'new to this' asking dumb questions by text  "Do I need to bring my own condoms" "How much is it again?" "What bus do I get?" and when I ask for a deposit by phone top up "How do I do that?"  How the hell do these people manage to pull their socks on in the morning??!! :FF


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3026 on: 11 November 2019, 03:44:19 pm »
A new client today and a very young one (early twenties) who thought the idea of clutching the money in his hand as he knocked on my door was ok.

I told him off in a jokey way but made it clear it was not advisable. He just grunted "ok"

He also thought it fine to try and pull me about into different positions. It wasn't. My advice to him was to ask and I would oblige.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3027 on: 12 November 2019, 06:52:40 pm »
His name should have given his age away, but it's been a long time since I had a full hour with a late twenties 'lad' and I had forgotten how difficult it can be  :-\
Not a shagathon per-se, more of an oral-athon. 😟

What do others do with 60 minutes (and counting) of  just oral both ways?
Trying to have a chat/massage etc would have been futile (though he was perfectly polite)
He had already paid via bank transfer (and it would have to be dire circumstances for me to ever hand back cash anyway)

He was obsessed with making me squirt I assume🤔

I blame porn.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3028 on: 12 November 2019, 07:17:33 pm »
His name should have given his age away, but it's been a long time since I had a full hour with a late twenties 'lad' and I had forgotten how difficult it can be  :-\
Not a shagathon per-se, more of an oral-athon. 😟

What do others do with 60 minutes (and counting) of  just oral both ways?
Trying to have a chat/massage etc would have been futile (though he was perfectly polite)
He had already paid via bank transfer (and it would have to be dire circumstances for me to ever hand back cash anyway)

He was obsessed with making me squirt I assume🤔

I blame porn.

Goddamn I hate that ??😡. It's always said in the creepiest manner possible too🤢. I always coldly say, "No, I don't." & they're always so crestfallen.
Zero fucks given. You want that crap, go see Nina Hartley, she's escorting these days (& charging $2700 for 2 hours, last time I checked The Erotic Review😮).
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #3029 on: 14 November 2019, 01:56:00 pm »
It's the mix of paranoia and not following instructions that annoys me about some clients. When he's near the venue starts asking the 'is it a house or private flat' questions. I usually cancell at this point as its a 'chicken' signal. But I give him the benefit. So I ask which he prefers.'It's your lucky day!' I say without revealing either way. He's satisfied with the bullshit answer. (I'll use this in future, works well lol)

Now he wants to borrow a phone charger so we faff about searching for that. Then I ask why all the questions? He reveals last place he went had lots of Bulgarian girls waking round. Am I Bulgarian? Am I over 18? He shrugs. 'And why didn't you ask all these questions when you booked?' No answer.

I ask him to remove his shoes in the hall and some sixth sense made me reinforce it by saying 'its for hygiene reasons'. Usually I don't have to explain so fully. When he's on the massage table I notice he's smuggled them in which is a hanging offence. 'You didn't tell me not to bring them in'. I bite my tongue, throw them in the hall and wipe the floor with disinfectant.

I was distracted by his questions and accidentally let him keep his watch on. I just notice he's checking his bloody emails on it while I'm massaging. 'What are you doing? Have you come to relax? I make him hand it over. My erotic mojo has dried as I battle with the interruptions. Not vibing with this out of towner at all.

He's burned 15 minutes messing about before we start. He's busy and can only stay another 30 minutes but paid for the hour,  thank you sweet baby jaysus.
« Last Edit: 18 November 2019, 03:06:47 pm by saltysweet »