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Author Topic: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!  (Read 785636 times)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #825 on: 21 December 2015, 04:36:26 am »
Brag in field reports. I was left a field report nearly a week ago and decided not to make it public since the stupid client wanted to brag and fabricate what had happened in our booking! Not sure why he felt the need to lie and make little things up such as I stayed two hours longer and that I told him he was the best client I had, there was some other stuff aswell. Really pathetic.

I just thought bless you, having to lie and fabricate the truth for no other reason than to boost your ego, and he will be so pissed when he realises I'm not making it public. Why do clients do such dumb things sometimes? It's as though a lot of them are pretty stupid, makes me laugh lol! The lying and fabricating only makes me be suspicious of other field reports and feedback as you don't know if it's truth or not.

Another thing that clients do to annoy is lie about you when you've refused to book them. Like I get it, you're bitter and a little angry I rejected you and that you can't sample my fantastic good but honestly get over it there are thousands of beautiful girls you can go see hahaha. Men in general really cannot stand rejection, poor sods! ;D


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #826 on: 21 December 2015, 08:39:53 am »
I know how you feel about that DesignerWhore!! One put in his field report that I made him lie down on the bed and pissed all over him. (Yeah right I'm gonna piss all over my bed!!) Then he stood up and I sucked his cock until he came all over my face!! WTF? I wouldn't even let my other half do that never mind a complete stranger. I actually hate the white sticky stuff  ???  :FF
Then when I checked my Adultwork earlier I have a booking request for 4pm today for 4 hours for the princely sum of ?150! There was one the other day who booked 30 hours for ?70!
I don't know if it's me being totally irrational because I'm having a lot of senior moments lol, but every damn one of them are doing something to annoy me. Even small things  ::)
I think I may take January off or some guy is going to do something totally innocent and he will bear the brunt of everybody elses idiocy  :P
I wish it wasn't too early to take a wine to set me up for when I switch my phone on for all the middle of the night calls and texts lol
A wee cup of tea will have to do though.
I feel much better now I've got that off my chest but I just wish we could all have at least one single day without all the nonsence  ::) ::)
I have a certain way of being in this world, and I shall not, I shall not be moved


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #827 on: 21 December 2015, 09:47:22 am »

Then, I think about 6 months ago? I found a bit of brown on my toothbrush, I smelt it it was... his no.2. When I asked him on the phone about it he denied it was him at first, then I got it out of him it turned out he was having trouble trying to make his poo flush down... yeah, I know, unbelievable :( I will never ever keep my toothbrush in the bathroom ever

This made me feel sick, then really mad. What if there had been no remains on the toothbrush and you'd carried on using it? Some men are so disgusting! Why didn't he do his business before he got to yours, anyway? Absolutely no respect. I really wonder what goes through these people's minds. Although, things similar seem to happen everywhere. The tanning shop I use has a disclaimer saying if you wee or poo in the machines you will be made to pay to have them cleaned. I asked if that had actually ever happened and was told by the owner that she gets someone wee in the machine or the vaces in the room at last a few times a month and someone had gone for a number 2 in the machine once. Really makes me wonder about the human race.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #828 on: 21 December 2015, 12:26:47 pm »
All guys like to stretch the truth it'd just be nice if they left it out of field reports and just kept to bragging to their mates about whatever fake story they want to make up. Lately what's getting me annoyed since I just started doing incalls is the amount of people who just feel I should run on their time and they can show up when they feel like it. I tell them to call when they are on their way and hear nothing after their booking starts so it's a no show. Somehow 2 hours later when I'm seeing another client my phone won't stop going off with calls and texts. After checking it when that booking is over it's the previous client contacting me for an address then when he got no response hours after the time he booked he is calling me all the names under the sun and a fake.

I'm really not sure where I said the booking was an open one and he can just come whatever time of day suits him. I mean it's in their emails that they sent to me "I would like to see you at 2pm for an hour" somehow that reads back to them "The booking is still valid if I want to come at 4pm"


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #829 on: 21 December 2015, 12:34:46 pm »
I know how you feel about that DesignerWhore!! One put in his field report that I made him lie down on the bed and pissed all over him. (Yeah right I'm gonna piss all over my bed!!) Then he stood up and I sucked his cock until he came all over my face!! WTF? I wouldn't even let my other half do that never mind a complete stranger. I actually hate the white sticky stuff  ???  :FF
Then when I checked my Adultwork earlier I have a booking request for 4pm today for 4 hours for the princely sum of ?150! There was one the other day who booked 30 hours for ?70!
I don't know if it's me being totally irrational because I'm having a lot of senior moments lol, but every damn one of them are doing something to annoy me. Even small things  ::)
I think I may take January off or some guy is going to do something totally innocent and he will bear the brunt of everybody elses idiocy  :P
I wish it wasn't too early to take a wine to set me up for when I switch my phone on for all the middle of the night calls and texts lol
A wee cup of tea will have to do though.
I feel much better now I've got that off my chest but I just wish we could all have at least one single day without all the nonsence  ::) ::)
I feel your pain! The hagglers piss me off, if you can't afford my rate go to a girl who's rate you can afford.
Haggling to a certain extent makes these punters look cheap, I state very clearly my rates are non negotiable. Yet I will still get the "I've only got 90 can you do an hour" like are you that desperate for some action that you'd spend your last ?90? Not just wait until payday? Complete bullshit. They can afford it they are just chancers.

These days I just do a big sigh and block, it's much better than sending a "fuck off" email/message hahaha


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #830 on: 21 December 2015, 03:40:22 pm »
Brag in field reports. I was left a field report nearly a week ago and decided not to make it public since the stupid client wanted to brag and fabricate what had happened in our booking! Not sure why he felt the need to lie and make little things up such as I stayed two hours longer and that I told him he was the best client I had, there was some other stuff aswell. Really pathetic.

I just thought bless you, having to lie and fabricate the truth for no other reason than to boost your ego, and he will be so pissed when he realises I'm not making it public. Why do clients do such dumb things sometimes? It's as though a lot of them are pretty stupid, makes me laugh lol! The lying and fabricating only makes me be suspicious of other field reports and feedback as you don't know if it's truth or not.

Another thing that clients do to annoy is lie about you when you've refused to book them. Like I get it, you're bitter and a little angry I rejected you and that you can't sample my fantastic good but honestly get over it there are thousands of beautiful girls you can go see hahaha. Men in general really cannot stand rejection, poor sods! ;D

With you on both points! I recently had a guy go absolutely bat shit crazy via txt when I declined his booking because I got a bae vibe off him. Wound me up so much i snapped and replied saying "Its obviously rather damaging to your ego to get turned down by q "dirty whore" but I'm sure youll find aanother lady you can pay to spend some time with you"
Obviously I shouldn't have sunk to his level and provoked him even more but he caught me in a Bad mood. The audacity of some of them is bloody incredible.
They tried to bury us.
They didn't know we were seeds.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #831 on: 22 December 2015, 12:29:17 am »
I'm not desperately keen on feedback, I have some nice comments and thats lovely but Im not particularly 'into' feedback.... The one thing I do dislike is tacky feedback... We all know what we're doing on AW after all ! I had a client recently who was a bit of pain, he was nervous and subsequently decided we should spend 2 1/2 hours in the hotel bar... I gently reminded him that it was a 3 hour booking but sadly he was on a role, by the time I did get him back to his room there were literally 30 mins left, he was horrified that I was leaving in 30 mins, begged me for extra time, I foolishly agreed 30 mins.... so 60 mins of him being far too wasted to do anything but I did my best to ensure he didn't feel 'cheated' and gave him plenty of attention.... I'm still new at this and don't find this type of situation comfortable! I was relieved to leave but as he had been polite and hadn't been in any way disrespectful, I left him very nice positive feedback.... He in turn left me feedback saying how hot and full on the sex was !!!  :-\ The only feedback comment I have ever had that includes 'sex' and we didn't have any lol... How annoying !!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #832 on: 24 December 2015, 01:58:22 am »
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
He could have been an address collector, I only give them my post code and street name so if he says hes parked around the corner he will still need to get out his car and walk into my road whilst talking to me on the phone so I can see him before giving him my door number.

OK but...what do you mean, 'an address collector'?? Why would a man want to collect addresses? For what reason?

Some want the address so that they can come back later on the off chance and maybe see you popping in / out without you realising especially if there is street parking / car park near by

Some want it so they can turn up at there own leisure


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #833 on: 24 December 2015, 02:02:57 am »
I hate when they make a booking and they dont read your profile and then they come and ask for something what you dont do. They put on a face when you say NO like is unusual to get rejected.

I had one of those yesterday and he come with " let's go to read your profile together and discuss about "
Yeah sure , that he had to doit before call amd when he is already in my room  :FF

I don't know why but I find being stuck alone in a room with a stranger that's turned up expecting something I don't do and then the disappointment in them when you tell them you don't do it beyond awkward, sometimes intimidating. I get so anxious at the thought, I know I'm over reacting but I can't help it so I always ask new clients when they phone me if they have read my profile and are happy with what's on offer, they usually say yes and for those who don't....I refer them back to my profile x
I cut all the bullshit out I have a bit of a script that i stick to - I can say it in my sleep
Covers the prices services,  what they get , what I don't do and if anything Is extra &  location


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #834 on: 24 December 2015, 04:57:51 pm »
Ah my all time fucking pet peeve (sorry for swearing)

Asking me WHERE I go to university. (Not WHAT I do at university but WHERE I go)

Like hell i'm telling you where I go to university. It's none of your bloody business.
That's like me asking WHERE do they work. They would wonder why I want to know
 I don't care how close you think we are. I meet you for 1 hour, (even if we meet every week)  we do not know each other.
I'm super sweet when I answer with the location of my fake university.

I'm always super cautious because some idiot met me then went and repeated everything he "thought" he knew about me on a forum. (then still tried to book me like I wouldn't know it was him that wrote it)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #835 on: 24 December 2015, 05:03:18 pm »
Also knowing that I don't do anal play/anal and still trying to stick their hand up my butt???

I had one client who would buy me gifts etc (I guess to sweeten me up) and then stick his finger repeatedly up my bum and talk about how much he wanted to do me up the ass even though I had told him that would never happen.

What is men's fascination with buttholes??? 
I should purposely take a crap on the next one's fingers so that they understand.  ;D ;D ???

Willow Summers

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #836 on: 24 December 2015, 06:37:06 pm »
I have now put it on my profile that if they want a shower, it comes out of the time they have paid for.

I had a client that assumed it was ok to bring his soggy old bike into my flat, because it is very expensive and doesnt trust people 'in this area'. Cheeky git!! AND I had to clean up a muddy floor afterwards!

Men that seem to this you are now friends and keep trying to elicit long text conversations.

I also get countless pictures and videos of clients cocks sent to me. Gee thanks, not seen one of those in a while   :FF


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #837 on: 27 December 2015, 05:09:52 pm »
Also knowing that I don't do anal play/anal and still trying to stick their hand up my butt???

I had one client who would buy me gifts etc (I guess to sweeten me up) and then stick his finger repeatedly up my bum and talk about how much he wanted to do me up the ass even though I had told him that would never happen.

What is men's fascination with buttholes??? 
I should purposely take a crap on the next one's fingers so that they understand.  ;D ;D ???

Never understood it either I've herd guys claim they like it because it's tighter but I think it's mostly a control thing because they know it hurts and they get off on making you do it for them.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #838 on: 27 December 2015, 10:50:05 pm »
I have now put it on my profile that if they want a shower, it comes out of the time they have paid for.

I had a client that assumed it was ok to bring his soggy old bike into my flat, because it is very expensive and doesnt trust people 'in this area'. Cheeky git!! AND I had to clean up a muddy floor afterwards!

Men that seem to this you are now friends and keep trying to elicit long text conversations.

I also get countless pictures and videos of clients cocks sent to me. Gee thanks, not seen one of those in a while   :FF

Agree with all the rest of this post , ie; unwanted cock pics, irritating expectations of long text convo's after the meeting,  but the charging them for taking a shower?  Personally I allow 10 minutes or so either side of the booking to shower,  not included in the booked time,  its much preferable to have a clean guy than someone who refuses on the grounds of wanting his 'money's worth' :-)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #839 on: 29 December 2015, 10:23:47 pm »
constantly text you and keep texting even without getting a reply. I am on Christmas holiday and receive several texts from one jackass when I switched my phone on today out of curiosity. I will not be so curious anymore and switch on my phone as it leads to me being irritated and that is not what I want right now. Just don't get how they are so persistent. He has been texting since 1st dec. If you are texting someone and they didn't reply the first time, didn't reply the second time, didn't reply the third time. What the fuck makes you think they would reply the 100th FUCKING time? Even if i was purposely ignoring the texts, can't men take a hint? I stop trying to contact someone after getting no response twice. Men can be very persistent. Aren't there other prostitutes around? fucking nuisances. What if I decide to quit for a year. would he text me everyday for a year too? Would not be accepting a booking from him when I resume work as he comes across very needy, had to put him in his place and tell him to stop calling me girlfriend not so long ago.  :FF No wonder I saved his number as annoying guy ::) He's the type that would want to date you after one booking. Oh yes, because what I need in my life right now is to date one of you lot that annoy me every fucking day. No thanks! I'm not desperate. lol