I think many of them prefer to think we are just hobbyists and so must be very much into having sex with them (and any random guy) rather than the idea that we are only doing it for the money.
Clearly many of them don't consider it to be a "real job".
I think this is very much the case (even though I've taken to answering the inevitable 'what do
you like?' question with 'money'), but I do wonder how they reconcile that with their apparent belief that "I must see some real 'weirdos' ", since they ask me that an awful lot too. Obviously they are the lone, unique punter who is pleasant and normal

I've banged on about it on this thread already and probably more than once, but the early arrivers are driving me round the fucking bend. No I am not 'ready', because your booking doesn't start for fifteen minutes. And no, I don't want you to 'just let me know you're here', because - incredibly - it doesn't make me feel relaxed and comfortable knowing there's some random numpty hanging around my street pacing up and down checking his phone

I would be less irritated if my text template with their directions didn't include the words 'please be punctual'. Nothing I add makes a blind bit of difference.