2 gems yesterday.
One I'd not seen for a couple of months;
Me. How did you get on with your garden project since we last met?
Him: What? That's poor customer relations, you are confusing me with someone else.
me. I remember you said you were on the way to the garden centre to buy something for a pond.
him: Oh yes that's right.

Other one I'd not met had a total attack of verbal crap;
Me: Do you want a quick back rub? so I get on with that then ask him to roll over.
Him; Shall I sit up & beg?
Me: Pardon?
Him: you know like a puppy?
Me: Are you into puppy play?
him: Whats that?
I explain No I do it with my daughter.
me; OK, I'm not sure where this is going
him: No I'm just talking about messing around with my 3 year old. It's OK don't look worried.
Me: I joke about edging him towards to door
He calms down a little bit but mentions 3 times he's paying me & I should be thankful, especially on the way out after he's thanked me. Saying
Him;"Are you the client? No I'm the client, what are you?"
Me; I'm a sex worker.
Him: "oh that sounds vulgar. You're a service provider. "
Me: "Yes that aswell. Bye."
And silly season has ensued.