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Author Topic: They said what???  (Read 215521 times)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #735 on: 14 October 2019, 09:44:42 am »
What IS this fascination with our real name? IDGI. In the urban fantasies I read, supposedly demons are very protective of their names, bc if you find out what it is, you can control them, make them do your bidding, send them back to the underworld, whatever. There's a parallel in here I'm sure😆😆.

I've gotten to the point where I just tell them, "Ok. It's Hortense." or something else off the wall (no offense meant to any Hortenses here naturally!).

Brilliant! Yes I agree about the controlling thing.

I sometimes burst into "a song for whoever" by the beautiful south. Usually shuts them down. Especially with my tone deaf voice.  ;D


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #736 on: 14 October 2019, 08:57:34 pm »
So I've decided on Euphegenia Doubtfire (RIP Robin Williams) or Vicky Vale (from the original Batman movie with Michael Keaton, 1989. Kim Basinger played Vicky Vale, Prince did the music).

Let's see what clients pick up on either of them *rubs hands together & cackles*.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉

Jane Seymour

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Re: They said what???
« Reply #737 on: 20 October 2019, 01:29:10 am »
Oh Dear

I had a client who told me if he found out I had a boyfriend he would not see me again.  He saw me every two weeks for four or five hours.  and he never left on time. 
One day he said to me if his wife died he would be asking me out and he thought I would accept.. of course he would not be paying me any more and we would not live together, just see each other casually. 
I never encouraged him or said anything to make him think that way but five hours of someone's company is a long time..............

One day I arranged to see someone else after he had gone so I told him I had to leave after our appointment  and go home.  When the time was up I had to tell him I was kicking him out and that was fine.

As he got dressed I cleaned the table of our drinks, and took the glasses into the kitchen and then I told him I would have to shower and he left.

When I got home there was an email waiting for me from him accusing me of seeing someone else !

One guy on an outcall asked me if I had children to which I said 'yes'.  He asked me if they were in care.

Another guy I saw regularly and thought we got on well, talked about his sister's son who was going to university.  I mentioned that my son was also at Uni and he looked shocked.  I had been seeing him for about two years every second Thursday for two hours.  The visits stopped after that.

Could it have been that he couldn't get over a prostitute as an equal?  Now that is another subject entirely

Sometimes you just gotta bite your tongue !


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #738 on: 20 October 2019, 02:39:41 am »
Oh Dear

I had a client who told me if he found out I had a boyfriend he would not see me again.  He saw me every two weeks for four or five hours.  and he never left on time. 
One day he said to me if his wife died he would be asking me out and he thought I would accept.. of course he would not be paying me any more and we would not live together, just see each other casually. 
I never encouraged him or said anything to make him think that way but five hours of someone's company is a long time..............

One day I arranged to see someone else after he had gone so I told him I had to leave after our appointment  and go home.  When the time was up I had to tell him I was kicking him out and that was fine.

As he got dressed I cleaned the table of our drinks, and took the glasses into the kitchen and then I told him I would have to shower and he left.

When I got home there was an email waiting for me from him accusing me of seeing someone else !

One guy on an outcall asked me if I had children to which I said 'yes'.  He asked me if they were in care.

Another guy I saw regularly and thought we got on well, talked about his sister's son who was going to university.  I mentioned that my son was also at Uni and he looked shocked.  I had been seeing him for about two years every second Thursday for two hours.  The visits stopped after that.

Could it have been that he couldn't get over a prostitute as an equal?  Now that is another subject entirely

Sometimes you just gotta bite your tongue !

Maybe it’s because you seen him for 2 years before he found out you had a son? I cannot believe the one that said he’d never see you again if you had a boyfriend, my god they are so deluded, it’s funny because they’re not deluded about everything, just sex workers, surely when you seek an escort out then you must know that the money is the incentive for her to sleep with a stranger?! How could you NOT know?!


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #739 on: 20 October 2019, 10:18:17 am »
One guy on an outcall asked me if I had children to which I said 'yes'. He asked me if they were in care.

 :o :FF

The mind boggles


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #740 on: 20 October 2019, 10:07:17 pm »
The British slang on here still confounds me sometimes, I'm assuming "in care" means "they're at a babysitters.", yes? Sorry if I sound dumb.

My reply would've been, "No, I give them $5 each & tell them to go play in the traffic. Mind the stranger danger, now!"😆

And as always, such a goddamn invasive ??. *scowls*
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #741 on: 20 October 2019, 10:21:24 pm »
Hi Celeste yes it sounds like childcare doesn't it, it means in-care of the government eg removed from house because parents are unsuitable.
« Last Edit: 20 October 2019, 10:25:02 pm by saltysweet »

Dynamite Doll

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Re: They said what???
« Reply #742 on: 20 October 2019, 11:21:08 pm »
The British slang on here still confounds me sometimes, I'm assuming "in care" means "they're at a babysitters.", yes? Sorry if I sound dumb.

My reply would've been, "No, I give them $5 each & tell them to go play in the traffic. Mind the stranger danger, now!"😆

And as always, such a goddamn invasive ??. *scowls*

Hey Celest in-care is the same version in America of being put in the system I only know this as I watch too many true movies. Taken off you and then never seeing them again.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #743 on: 21 October 2019, 01:43:06 am »
Ahh. Well, very different then🤦🏼‍♀️! Thank you Salty & Dynamite!

Yes, bc we're completely incapable of doing anything like raising children in a steady & positive environment, clearly🙄😡.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #744 on: 21 October 2019, 03:44:32 pm »
Yeh -I've had clients that seem under the illlusion that they're in some sort of a relationship with me. Only last week I mentioned to a reg that i was off to my book club that night. He turned round and said "I even get jealous -at the thought of you going there- there might be other men going"  :o


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #745 on: 21 October 2019, 05:30:39 pm »
Yeh -I've had clients that seem under the illlusion that they're in some sort of a relationship with me. Only last week I mentioned to a reg that i was off to my book club that night. He turned round and said "I even get jealous -at the thought of you going there- there might be other men going"  :o

The jealousy thing would be a red flag from a partner and so it’s even more worrying that it’s from a punter, can’t you stop seeing him?


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #746 on: 21 October 2019, 07:07:40 pm »
Got a young client who has seen the grand total of about 6 or 7 escorts.
Firstly tells me I should charge more, that what I charge is 'below the average' and when questions, 'no trust me it's below average' (£170ph LOL not below average! What even is average?!)
Then when mentioning another girl he has seen..'she's much more high class than you of course'


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #747 on: 22 October 2019, 11:52:52 am »
...'she's much more high class than you of course'
TRANSLATION: "She's much more EXPENSIVE than you, of course."  ;D


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #748 on: 30 October 2019, 07:02:45 am »
From a ex-regular

" you are too pretty and intelligent for this, why don't you get a real job?"



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Re: They said what???
« Reply #749 on: 30 October 2019, 04:55:48 pm »
I am from a country outside the UK and a lot of people book because they like my accent. At the end of a booking, client says 'Look, I gotta be honest, I booked because of the accent and it wasn't as strong as I would've liked... can I get half my money back?"
I was like mate this is the exact same voice I spoke to you on the phone with, if it wasn't strong enough you should've said it back then...