I market as a luxury experience provider and I regularly get clients looking at the bottoms
Of My shoes or in the labels of My underwear. I shut them down with a casual ‘I Told you I’m fabulous! And they don’t know what to say. But I do Find it Fucking cheeky they look at the brands of what I’m wearing. It happens I would say 70% of my time with clients. Another asking if my louboutins are real.
Another one is asking if I’m Clean. Yes because I’m totally going to do this knowingly having something and risking being done for it. I often find the ones that ask usually attempt to rub their bare genitals on mine. Again they get shut down.
The best one thought out of everything was during a duo a
Client who used to be my estate agent also burst out with ‘I brought a farm’ as he was ejaculating.
What an animal