Unusual for me but it has been silly week so far and although I have had a couple of bookings so on track I am losing my patience with the inane emails and texts.
Today I had a man text me with a 2 word question "you free" and I replied that he needed to phone me, but did not expect him to call. Next text said his phone is blocked. I ignored and then he rang! WTF!
He was already doomed but didn't know it and his next question clinched it "will anyone see me if I come to visit you?"
I had to reply "yes me" and he was hopeless, no clue at my sarcasm so then asked would I give my full address over the phone before he set off. All chance of him turning up was now gone so I heard myself say "yeah fine I am at number 69 in the building which is next to the other building and they are in GetLost Road.
He didn't respond when I then cut him off.