Iv'e been really poorly over the Christmas - Iv'e had Pleurisy which I think most people know affects your lungs. Nothing whatsoever to do with sex. I still don't feel well enough to work. Anyway I had a regular email me this morning asking for a booking. I emailed back to explain I'd had pleurisy and still wasn't working. He came back and said "OMG -I'd better get myself to the GUM-why didn't you tell me before". I know everyone is not a walking medical dictionary - but please.
What an ignorant man! I would love to be a fly on the wall when he talks to the nurse.
My "they said what?" for today is the man who slobbers all over my mouth with his wet kisses (I let him do it as it is no problem) but when I go to kiss him before he leaves my front door he pulls back then turns his head so I can only kiss his cheek.
I know you may think he is trying to minimise any traces of perfume or lipstick/makeup from me but this man is single and he never even goes to the bathroom after the deed to wash at least his hands.
I asked him why he does not kiss me goodbye and he said "oh you know, best not to" !!!!!

After our session I always go to the bathroom to wash hands while he starts dressing,I do not do cim so nothing icky around my face or mouth etc.