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Author Topic: They said what???  (Read 215305 times)

mature helen

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Re: They said what???
« Reply #210 on: 28 October 2016, 10:54:09 am »
Had a text message this morning...

Hello I hope I bumped into you today as I wonder around Morrisons xxxx Brom! You are fit!!!

It wasn't


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #211 on: 30 October 2016, 08:42:35 am »
Booking with a new guy, who came after about 7 seconds of oral and then was quite embarrassed about it.

Was having a chat with him after to try and ease his embarrassment and he told me this was his afternoon tea break and he was working at a festival which would be going on til 3am.

He named some of the artists playing, one of whom was a well-known rap artist.

Then he said "I've got nothing against coloured people, but..."

Dude, really? Who the fuck even says "coloured". The atmosphere became somewhat frosty and I encouraged him to get dressed and piss off.

 :FF :FF :FF
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #212 on: 03 November 2016, 02:54:52 pm »
Had a guy yesterday kept telling me he picked me because i was ''plain''


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #213 on: 03 November 2016, 06:31:32 pm »

Text this morning,
Hi it's xxxxx, I saw you last week but left 10 mins early.
Any chance you could add that 10 mins on if I book for half hr again???
Errrr NO!!!

Nia Hope

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Re: They said what???
« Reply #214 on: 08 November 2016, 08:37:16 pm »
I had a very twitchy client arrive today who asked if it was likely the police would burst in during the booking!
If something is not perceived it doesn't exist.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #215 on: 08 November 2016, 08:40:45 pm »
Had a guy yesterday kept telling me he picked me because i was ''plain''
I've had a similar comment 'I like plain janes like yourself'!! After hez paid me countless times for sex then how do they pluck up the courage to say such things?! Honestly 1 day I WILL book a male escort & get my own
X From Scottish Sexpot X 🕯🎉💓😗


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #216 on: 08 November 2016, 08:51:39 pm »
I had a very twitchy client arrive today who asked if it was likely the police would burst in during the booking!

Oh god, I don't know if I could have stopped myself saying "Well, it has happened three times out of the last five bookings..."
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #217 on: 08 November 2016, 08:54:49 pm »
Oh god, I don't know if I could have stopped myself saying "Well, it has happened three times out of the last five bookings..."
God imagine!!! 1 client called me and asked, in all honesty, 'will I get attacked when I come to your flat'!!! I said 'aww yeah I've got a couple of hard nuts here with baseball bats....' ask a silly question & you'll get a silly answer!!
X From Scottish Sexpot X 🕯🎉💓😗


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #218 on: 14 November 2016, 10:28:56 pm »
A booking due soon was saying for his request to be slutty. I'm ok with that what bothers me when he said the he wants me to look cheap. It is what does it for him this was over the phone. I shouldn't be bothered. His seen me before but crikes.

Nia Hope

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Re: They said what???
« Reply #219 on: 16 November 2016, 04:34:21 pm »
A client today who was lovely said as he was getting dressed 'Oh I feel sorry for you girls, you could get a bloke punching you or anything'
If something is not perceived it doesn't exist.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #220 on: 19 November 2016, 02:24:33 pm »
A regular with 50-odd feedback:

Him: I see you've got a lot of feedback now
Me: yeah, well the profile is x years old, so that only averages 1 feedback a week.
Him: yeah, I suppose that doesn't make you look too bad, then



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Re: They said what???
« Reply #221 on: 10 December 2016, 10:57:53 pm »
A client today who was lovely said as he was getting dressed 'Oh I feel sorry for you girls, you could get a bloke punching you or anything'

Ah bless he hasn't got a clue has he lol

A new client yesterday was asking me about deep throat I said no I'm not into that, he then said (and the way he said it was as if it was a big secret he was going to share with me)  "Ooh there is a way to do it so it goes down your throat without you feeling it, you just lay back on the bed head over the side look I'll show you"... Needless to say I showed not the slightest enthusiasm *rolls eyes*   Then as he was fucking me from behind "Ooh have you done anal before you need to try it, I'm sure you would like it" Err no I think after 30 plus years of having sex and 'trying' all these 'new' things I'm sure I know by now what I like and don't!! lmao


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #222 on: 11 December 2016, 03:28:49 pm »
Oh I hate when they think they can teach you to suddenly 'like' something.It's as bad as Asian or Black dudes who ask you if you have slept with Asian/Black dudes I'm a 37 year old worldy wise're the first Asian/Black dude I've ever been with and wow you are like so exotic and different to any other dude of any other ethic origin.. ::)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #223 on: 12 December 2016, 09:40:16 pm »
I very occasionally offer quickies, but only if I'm having a quiet day and it is definitely my shortest booking. A client I'd bet before texted me saying he knew my rate for 15 minutes (as he'd had that once before) he then asked if he could do 10 minutes for less than half than what I offer quickies for. I told him that clients don't get to choose my rates!

Another utter dickhead really wound me up the other day. After oral he said he hoped I enjoyed it. I said I did. But then he went on about it. He said he hated to think I was just doing this job because I was desperate for money.  For some reason this really offended me because I felt like he wanted me to justify myself. The way he said it wound me up so badly I snapped, which I very rarely do.
I have a regular who often says it , he means well and is old fashioned , but we have a love hate relationship that has grown ( used to drive me nuts)

I've told him off more times than I can count and last time he tried to re-word it " I really just can't understand why an intelligent woman like you has to do this " ( don't worry he has had numerous responses but that time I grabbed his money saying " right that's it OUT take your money and seriously GET OUT"

Don't know why it gets me so bad , like right under my skin , but he apologised no end and begged to stay , he's easy to make happy and now seems to have had a personality transplant.

He also always say " thanks for putting up with me " and brings beautiful gifts ...he's v cute really just old fashioned and can't get his head around me making an analytical decision to do this , I love it most of the time , it's rare I don't lol


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #224 on: 12 December 2016, 09:48:42 pm »
I see a guy often who, when I first started seeing him, wanted to make sure I am not just 'desperate for money'. I said 'no I enjoy sex' just to play the game. It is a game.

I wanted to say 'why the hell else would I be here????????' but that sort of kills it for these types haha  ;D