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Author Topic: They said what???  (Read 215607 times)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #75 on: 13 June 2016, 05:24:18 pm »
Today I almost took a booking from a first time man who has been emailing me over and over again. Not being keen on email tennis I did my best to get him to make the online booking and wait until tomorrow when the time came.
Then he sends a final message before going through the booking system "I was in the army many years ago and we were all warned never to visit prostitutes as we could catch VD. It is the oldest profession (really? wow never heard that one before) and I do not judge."

I cancelled his booking. I had also advised him to remove his very big full on face photo from his profile, he also has his location in bold letters on his page. I told him he could be easily spotted and outed.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #76 on: 13 June 2016, 08:43:42 pm »
How so daft.   ::)  there are idiots who have zero manners.  AVOID.  :o


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #77 on: 13 June 2016, 09:12:13 pm »
One just phoned me asking if I remember him. It turns out it was over 4 years ago. Then he said I changed a little bit. What was he expecting me to say.?.

I should have said thinking about it he is stating the obvious well done. But stayed professional.

Just some nosey idiot.

No one looks the same all the time. He has put me off him. I have done very well without his custom.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #78 on: 14 June 2016, 12:56:03 am »
I had a client that had been in the room with me for about 15 minutes, my name begins with English, my profile emphasizes that I'm English and he pipes up with, your English is very good, I couldn't stop laughing


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #79 on: 14 June 2016, 01:13:27 pm »
I had a client that had been in the room with me for about 15 minutes, my name begins with English, my profile emphasizes that I'm English and he pipes up with, your English is very good, I couldn't stop laughing

Lol I love that one. My working name is Asian sounding to play off my racial features and the fetish for that but I'm from NZ and speak English with a very clear NZ accent. Still had plenty say I speak really good English. I've spent my whole life living in English speaking countries of course I do! I think at that point their head brain stopped working and they only use the brain between their legs.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #80 on: 14 June 2016, 04:22:37 pm »
Lol, I think men in general always say the wrong thing  ::)

Willow Summers

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Re: They said what???
« Reply #81 on: 14 June 2016, 07:59:16 pm »
I'm in a bdsm relationship and I am an owned sub. I sell video clips of some of the stuff we do and every now and then, some guys can book in with my Master and give me a good going over. Aaaaany way. I had one client that I had for a 15min BJ and on his return visit, he announced that we had a special connection and that even if he makes himself sound silly, he has to be honest and that he loves me! He said, I can see it in your eyes that you dont like being hurt, I can see it so easily that this bdsm abuse isnt what you truly need. I would never let anyone hurt you, I would protect you and treat you like a queen!

I literally did not know what to say!! I was massively freaked out though! I skin actually crawled


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #82 on: 15 June 2016, 01:18:29 pm »
This ones a bit petty I know but a client said to me yesterday "Do you enjoy it?" ... I was hardly going to say no I just do it for the money  ::) I just said "Well it all depends on the person really doesn't it?!! "


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #83 on: 15 June 2016, 04:00:34 pm »
I'm in a bdsm relationship and I am an owned sub. I sell video clips of some of the stuff we do and every now and then, some guys can book in with my Master and give me a good going over. Aaaaany way. I had one client that I had for a 15min BJ and on his return visit, he announced that we had a special connection and that even if he makes himself sound silly, he has to be honest and that he loves me! He said, I can see it in your eyes that you dont like being hurt, I can see it so easily that this bdsm abuse isnt what you truly need. I would never let anyone hurt you, I would protect you and treat you like a queen!

I literally did not know what to say!! I was massively freaked out though! I skin actually crawled

Ugh, yes I've had that too when they realize I am in a d/s relationship. One client asked if he could co own me!


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #84 on: 15 June 2016, 09:00:27 pm »
Just had a new booking which was fantastic fun but at the end he got to talking about my neighbour who escorts too...

"I hope this isn't taken as cheekily as it sounds but she makes you look slim..."

Cheers pal.  ::)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #85 on: 01 July 2016, 08:09:14 am »
A guy yesterday told me he paid a girl in fake euros  >:( but he went back the next morning to pay her & has now "befriended" her (pimp). He told me he's an escort too & gets ?160 an hour but I highly doubt it. Tried to give me a Viagra for myself  ??? to make me horny. Didn't think they worked on women but I wouldn't take it anyway.

One the other week said after that me talking to him on the phone was enough to get him off. He was then arranging a threesome on the phone with a friend & moaned that he'd just paid me when he could have got some for free.  ::) Both his mum & dad called whilst he was with me & left his phone on, he then said he's going home to share a bath with his Mum. I don't find Oedipus complex jokes very amusing but he seemed to  think he was clever.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #86 on: 01 July 2016, 08:35:19 am »
Didn't think they worked on women but I wouldn't take it anyway.

It doesn't. You'd just get a headache from heightened blood pressure and increased blood flow in your limbs.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #87 on: 01 July 2016, 09:21:30 am »
i have a few who say "i love you" in time with their thrusting.... x


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #88 on: 01 July 2016, 05:40:42 pm »
A guy yesterday told me he paid a girl in fake euros  >:( but he went back the next morning to pay her & has now "befriended" her (pimp). He told me he's an escort too & gets ?160 an hour but I highly doubt it. Tried to give me a Viagra for myself  ??? to make me horny. Didn't think they worked on women but I wouldn't take it anyway.

One the other week said after that me talking to him on the phone was enough to get him off. He was then arranging a threesome on the phone with a friend & moaned that he'd just paid me when he could have got some for free.  ::) Both his mum & dad called whilst he was with me & left his phone on, he then said he's going home to share a bath with his Mum. I don't find Oedipus complex jokes very amusing but he seemed to  think he was clever.

he's just f** weird


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #89 on: 01 July 2016, 09:52:34 pm »
It doesn't. You'd just get a headache from heightened blood pressure and increased blood flow in your limbs.
Have you tried?   ;D :)