I was laid on the bed with a client the other day and he said, “you have a lovely body, I could just sit and stare at it all day” which was fine.
Then he said, “that probably sounds a bit creepy, but then again I’m sure you’re used to having loads of old men perving over you constantly”
It didn’t is help the he said it in the slimiest way possible too!
The same man was also incredibly condescending and each time he complimented me and I said thank you, he told me off like I was a small child. I had to say “mhm” instead and then he complained when he left that I seemed awkward during the booking. No ones ever said that ever who I’m aware of.
I was finding it very difficult to be relaxed and natural when I was trying so hard to literally not be my natural self as it was such an issue that I said thank you!