It's difficult to give hope when we are in a situation we have never faced before but surely ,as with everything, it will end at some point and as we all know, this profession has been around a very long time so it's a matter of hanging in there but I realise that's harder for some than for others.
Exactly. Nobody here is going to be old enough to remember previous pandemics (and we
really don't need another coronavirus thread), but given that prostitution has continued in every area of the world throughout history should be enough to demonstrate that it isn't going anywhere. Even sticking just to the UK, I doubt that working through the bubonic plague, Spanish flu and two World Wars in the last few hundred years alone was exactly a walk in the park and we didn't have the internet, proper healthcare or a welfare system then.
I started in 2002 so I can only speak from then on, but bar the odd blip it's all been pretty steady away although I've changed the way I work several times when I realised that the way I was doing things was no longer the best way for me. Even when I've thought it was a crap year, when I look back through tax returns there's relatively little variation (which proves nothing other than that however much business there is, I can only work so much).