I actually agree with Strawberry. You can do this job and have morals. Being a prostitute does NOT mean you don't have morals!
I have been one for a few years. I am also (I would like to think!) good and kind to people. I do not harm others. If a client bursts into tears or is upset during the booking, I am compassionate and kind (not that it's happened often thankfully!) I do my best to get through life, like others on here.
As someone else commented, being a "street walker" is the same thing, but most of them do it for different reasons. Sadly, a lot have drug habits to fund. But how do you know, underneath that addiction, they aren't good kind people, who have just got themselves into a bit of trouble and need some help?
I think I am straying off a bit from the post though lol. Personally the term prostitute doesn't bother me. I always think though, it's how it's said. For example, someone could say to someone who works in McDonald's "a fast food worker". That term isn't offensive, but I always think it's HOW you say it e.g. if someone says it in a stuck up way to make themselves sound better than you...
I think I'm really waffling now lol