Prostitute doesn't bother me either, I tend to address myself as an escort to clients etc, and when I'm with my sister or someone I'm close with who knows about my job, then I use the term hooker in a light hearted comedy way, for eg. I shall soon be coming out of my hooker closet to my mum. Or something like that.
I've noticed a lot of women on here don't like hun, darling, my dear, sweetie etc. They don't bother me at all, maybe it's because of where I'm from. Here in Somerset these terms are commonly used, in shops, between friends, in the pubs, the list goes on. When I've worked in local pubs, it's just force of habbit to go, "you alright hun, what may I get you?". I don't batter an eyelid at it. The one thing I don't like is being called babe by someone I've never met before, that rufflesmy feathers, but only a bit, then I just let go of it. These clients aren't doing it out of disrespect, it's most likely because where they come from, it's common lingo and just a force of habbit, it just comes out without a thought. xox