SAAFE forum

General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: woowoomonster on 23 June 2021, 08:56:56 pm

Title: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: woowoomonster on 23 June 2021, 08:56:56 pm
He texts you a question.
A minute or two passes.
Then you receive a text message that looks like this:


A single, solitary question mark. All on its own.
What purpose does this have apart from showing how impatient he must be?
I find this the most irritating, rude, aggravating thing in the world. Nagging me, just because I haven't yet responded to their message in a full three minutes.
Sorry, but I've got other things to do, other people to respond to, and I'm not glued to my phone every second.
As if it's going to achieve anything??!

So ladies, have you had much experience with the Solitary Question mark of impatience, and if you see the clients who send this message, do you find their character turns out to be as rude and impatient as their texting or are they generally okay people in real life?
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: misscleo on 23 June 2021, 09:12:17 pm
Instantly blocked.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: ana30 on 23 June 2021, 09:30:43 pm
I don;t block, but I don't respond either. I leave them hanging in a permanent state of interrogation...wondering...

Adds to the mistery.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: woowoomonster on 23 June 2021, 09:35:55 pm
I don;t block, but I don't respond either. I leave them hanging in a permanent state of interrogation...wondering...

Haha, love it!!

Adds to the mistery.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Vintage Miss on 23 June 2021, 09:47:56 pm
Similarly anyone who asks questions with a double ?? can get tae fuck.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Mirror on 24 June 2021, 11:24:39 am
This feels so rude, it's usually not a good sign.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: thickthighs on 24 June 2021, 11:33:22 am
He texts you a question.
A minute or two passes.
Then you receive a text message that looks like this:


A single, solitary question mark. All on its own.
What purpose does this have apart from showing how impatient he must be?
I find this the most irritating, rude, aggravating thing in the world. Nagging me, just because I haven't yet responded to their message in a full three minutes.
Sorry, but I've got other things to do, other people to respond to, and I'm not glued to my phone every second.
As if it's going to achieve anything??!

So ladies, have you had much experience with the Solitary Question mark of impatience, and if you see the clients who send this message, do you find their character turns out to be as rude and impatient as their texting or are they generally okay people in real life?

it irritates me no end, it's so rude and impatient  :FF
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: barbiegirl on 24 June 2021, 12:00:00 pm
I had someone ask if I was available, then because I didn’t answer in 10 minutes he text the classic ??, and then :

‘A simple yes or no will do.’

Had seen him before as well! Blocked and blacklisted! Some of them really do believe the world revolves around’s pretty obvious why we’re not answering and I’m sure they wouldn’t like it if we were answering ‘are you available’ texts whilst balls deep inside our pussy  ::)
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Snow Whitest on 24 June 2021, 07:52:30 pm
These are the sort that if you, God forbid, take more than 15 minutes to reply, they've already booked someone else. I'm afraid patience is a virtue so they get blocked immediately but, not before I give them a bloody talking to..
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 26 June 2021, 11:04:44 am
It's rude and impatient.
Doesn't matter if it's a client or someone I know, if they do that they can get in the sea.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: ff on 26 June 2021, 01:12:59 pm
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: RB1 on 30 June 2021, 09:31:38 am
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Nadya on 30 June 2021, 03:51:25 pm
I got the triple question mark yesterday.  He asked a question, I answered the question in a clear way and he replied with ???

F that.

I delete all question marks, ALWAYS.  If you can't be bothered to ASK me the question or you don't understand something, either ask me for clarity or bugger off.  I don't have time for all that nonsense.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Lady Frog on 05 July 2021, 02:05:46 pm
Only mega rude people ever do send this message. I agree with ana - leave them hanging forever.

There are polite alternatives. For example, a nice client yesterday text me in the afternoon to ask if we could bring our evening appointment forward by half an hour. I didn't reply straight away (fair enough) but he must have wanted confirmation in order to arrange his other plans (also fair enough) so he followed it up with a 'LMK babe x'

which amounts to the same as a solitary question mark but I felt was very friendly, not rude!

Selling on ebay, gumtree, etc... people who send questions followed by the single ? usually go on to ask for an 80% discount plus free delivery to the Scottish Highlands... wankers...
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Blonde boomer on 21 October 2021, 05:21:47 pm
I’m totally with you the ? Absolutely drives me mad  :FF
This post shows how often it happens 🤦🏻‍♀️
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: thickthighs on 21 October 2021, 05:40:45 pm
We should be available 24/7 don’t you know  :FF
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: CelesteManchester on 21 October 2021, 06:46:56 pm
I just send it back, it’s quite effective lol.

“Hey Celeste can I see you at 3 pm today?”

5 minutes later:


Me: “??”

Them: “What?”

Me: “??”

Them: “I want to see you at 3 pm today!”


Me: “See how rude & annoying that is? You want to try this from the top?”

Them: Silence.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Milf-G on 25 November 2021, 05:20:04 pm
It's so passive aggressive. Instant block
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Sofia2021 on 26 November 2021, 04:25:09 pm
What annoys me is that it stops me replying because it comes up on my phone as I'm replying
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Milf-G on 26 November 2021, 07:19:13 pm
Missed call x 1 tonight (never called before) followed by text ?? Less than 1 minute later. Now saved in my phone as passive aggressive thinks he's the only one.
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: pennypicker on 05 January 2022, 08:41:03 am
My absolute pet hate

 That and also three dots after a sentence...

Will guaranteed be a TW
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: dazwhite on 22 January 2022, 08:45:45 pm
I've been getting a spate of these messages recently!! Drives me up the bloody wall. I never imagined I would be so irritated over a single character lol
Title: Re: The Solitary Question Mark of Impatience
Post by: Lillyx on 23 January 2022, 02:59:35 pm
This is the most irritating thing, they rarely get a reply to this unless I have generally forgot/got lost in the messages, AND it's been a reasonable amount of time. The other reason is if there question requires a genuinely quick answer. But on the whole I find it incredibly rude, if you really want a reply, it is easy enough to put a few words together than just the solitary question mark. Rude and inpatient, it's the worst and a massive reflection on themselves and their character. I would hope that they do respect we have lives and other things going on.