Thankfully, it's not our job to police the Internet - I'm sure we all have too many willies to tend to really have time for that.
I know it can sometimes be a nauseating worry thinking about the idea of being bashed on an online forum, because for us, it's not just our personal selves that might get picked apart by some meanies but also our work lives that might be negatively affected.
However, if someone's going to open a forum that becomes notorious for prossie-bashing, then I'm not sure if they might not somewhat be defeating their own purpose. And if that is not their purpose, as Punternet's never was, then it'll just be a much-needed space for certain punters to go to and say whatever they feel needs saying. I do not read any punter forums as they make me mental and actually, reading them is bad for my business as even seeing one comment by a troll or other mentally unstable person (
not the majority, usually) can make me not want to work (yes, I'm a sensitive soul really!).
So I recommend to all sex workers not to read these sorts of forums if they are offended by them. And like Amy said, if we sit about here talking sh*t about them, we aren't any better. I love SAAFE because it's been around longer than I have and has never really been distracted from it's ultimate purpose of helping newbies and not-so-newbies. It's almost always a very mature, measured and calm place - almost unheard of for the Internet! We've achieved a miracle.
One thing that helps me feel zen again is remembering that the sorts of punters who might enjoy bashing me (or any escort like me) are not my clients. They're not the men I'm advertising to, they're not the men I'm talking to on the phone, they're not the men I'm having sex with. So we can all just stay a million miles away from each other and let each other get on with whatever we enjoy doing. The vast majority of clients, after all, have very busy lives (work, family, etc) and don't actually spend time online discussing prossies. It's important not to let a few odd souls get the best of you - focus on your own clients and you'll quickly remember what's important and what's not.