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Author Topic: The most disgusting client  (Read 8805 times)


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #15 on: 16 November 2010, 03:28:45 am »
I can't help noticing that there were mainly male or TS escorts saying "no refund". I totally agree with that. I also envy your confidence and upper body strengh. Unfortunately as a born female I get scared of men. Fear plays tricks on us, it makes us forget that as escorts we're not just selling time.  ::) Some guy have just touched, caressed, kissed and fondled one of us, after not showering properly (in itself a boundary violation), and then pushes drugs, OWO, whatever - while many ladies here still believe he deserves a refund?  :o  :-[  :-X  >:(  :'(

I'm not much better muself (although I try to bring my inner b1tch out). I think as born women we have been conditioned to "not provoke violence in men". We are also being conditioned by certain punting sites that what we're selling is "just sex" simply broken down into different time slots.  Erm, no actually,  we invite a stranger to touch us sexually and to enter our bodies - all at our discretion, terms and conditions. If the punter then chooses to behave like a disrespectful knob then he has violated our terms and conditions - and thus does NOT deserve any refunds.

And I bet there are quite a few arseholes who capitalize on the fact that if only they behave repulsively enough, then they get to fondle + more, for very little money.  >:(

Sure, it's not easy to remove a big bloke off your premises. But let's not justify his actions by advicing other escorts to give him refunds. As IMO it's only a sign that we're loosing sight of healthy boundaries.
« Last Edit: 16 November 2010, 04:37:37 am by SnakeLady »
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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #16 on: 16 November 2010, 09:59:18 am »
I can't help noticing that there were mainly male or TS escorts saying "no refund". I totally agree with that.
I also envy your confidence and upper body strengh.
5 years on HRT looses much of the muscle mass.   :-\
So it's all bluff.
Body language helps, mainly.

Though I once had a scary outcall.
Client wanted me to penetrate him, something I specifically would never do, and make clear prior to booking.
He was on speed or coke
kept moving me to different positions every 30 seconds, like a rag doll.  He was not in control.
He was a body builder.
Got threatening when I didn't get immediately hard
{HRT means this takes a while normally, and not at all when I'm scared}
Demanded money back, which after 30 minutes was just not gonna happen.
I just kept repeating "I'm sorry but I can't give it back"  over and over.
He could have overpowered me but I was in his apartment
and I calculated he wouldn't want to do anything which might bring the police
seeing a whore---embarrassment
in possession of illegal drugs (I suspected)---arrest

Eventually, he moved away from the front door.
And I could leave.
{no big deal, waiting for him to move, rather than go head to head, by trying to leave, without giving a refund}


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #17 on: 16 November 2010, 10:05:08 am »
I think you're right about the gender differences, but it does work both ways.

The 'I'll be ok no matter what' attitude means a large number of male escorts do none of the safety stuff that you'd consider essential: not checking out addresses before going, not letting someone else know where you are and who you're with, not getting the money first, etc etc etc.

Sometimes, this bites them. Male overconfidence was the reason several serial cheque bouncers got away with it for so long: they could book a stream of men - not newcomers to the work either - who'd do overnights and only ask for the money in the morning. Faced at that point with a story about not having the cash, they took the (worthless) cheque.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #18 on: 19 November 2010, 06:01:56 pm »
So I had a  client in the apartment, during the cross over of me gettimg changed to go and the next girl getting ready to meet the next client we got chatting, told her about this gross guy and left just before the guy was about to show... and who should I pass on the way out but gross guy himself! poor girl! not only did I tell the agency about him being off his face etc, but they booked him with another girl again! oh and he asked as we passed each other if i fancied joining them both... I should of probably been poilite and made up an excuse but i couldnt help the disgust so i seemed to just shout NO and carried on walking... oh dear!

On the plus side had a lovely client today, although when he showed up he said he had a presant for me... oh no! memories of gross guys bag of "presents" came flooding back but no... lovely client had braught me a big bottle of chanel... You win some you loose some!


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #19 on: 19 November 2010, 06:36:35 pm »
I can't help noticing that there were mainly male or TS escorts saying "no refund". Sure, it's not easy to remove a big bloke off your premises. But let's not justify his actions by advicing other escorts to give him refunds. As IMO it's only a sign that we're loosing sight of healthy boundaries.

Not to mention, most of the sites we advertise on dont give refunds either  :(


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #20 on: 19 November 2010, 07:16:08 pm »
So I had a  client in the apartment, during the cross over of me gettimg changed to go and the next girl getting ready to meet the next client we got chatting, told her about this gross guy and left just before the guy was about to show... and who should I pass on the way out but gross guy himself! poor girl! not only did I tell the agency about him being off his face etc, but they booked him with another girl again! oh and he asked as we passed each other if i fancied joining them both... I should of probably been poilite and made up an excuse but i couldnt help the disgust so i seemed to just shout NO and carried on walking... oh dear!

I feel like I'm always nagging about this but you need to watch out with agencies - it is common that they cannot or do not take complaints about clients seriously enough. It's becoming more common, too, for criminals and downright unpleasant types to know this - they can see one agency girl, rob her, and then go see another girl from the same agency the next night because the receptionists/agency owners will not bother to do proper checks. I myself was sent more than once to do repeat bookings with clients that I'd previously asked not to see again - they would only tell me that "David/Mike/John" was in room xxx of his hotel and to be there at 7pm; next thing I'd know, the door would open and there would be Mr Stinky or Mr Pushy or Mr Crack-Smoking grinning at me. And then I'd feel so worried about the agency being angry with me that I'd go in anyway, so I do know how it feels.

They all say they take your security seriously... but they don't. I would strongly advise that anyone who works with an agency also get themselves a security buddy independently; you need someone on your side, who isn't making money out of you, to call in the hopefully-rare situation that you need help or advice or (God forbid) someone to fetch the police. You can post on the Safety Buddy section of this forum if you need to find someone. :)
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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #21 on: 19 November 2010, 07:27:10 pm »
Sure, it's not easy to remove a big bloke off your premises. But let's not justify his actions by advicing other escorts to give him refunds. As IMO it's only a sign that we're loosing sight of healthy boundaries.

Also, I wish I could agree here but I don't think anyone can in good conscience tell another woman how to deal with the awful situation of an unpleasant, hostile, often "large" (fat, and/or tall, and/or muscled) man who knows full well you and he are alone in a private location together and has already indicated that he does not believe he needs to respect your boundaries. It's like getting mugged: The best advice is to give the attacker your belongings and just try to stay alive.

I wish I could stand up and say, "Never give belligerent, stinky, rude clients their money back!!" but actually, all we can say is, "Please do not antagonise an already-hostile man when you are alone with him. Put your health and safety before any amount of money." It is not an individual sex worker's job to change deep-set societal attitudes towards us; that sort of change must come from people who are safely sitting in nice public rooms having sensible discussions with other sensible people.

Making sure you have a security buddy who knows where you are and who you're with when you're working is essential, though. Prevention (of difficult situations) is still better than dealing with the aftermath! Also, feel free to incorporate my trademark Evil Emily Method Of Screening: Say no if in any doubt at all about a potential client's state of mind! Don't worry about offending them, they're not the ones with the huge risks to weigh up every day!
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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #22 on: 19 November 2010, 11:49:09 pm »
I have never encountered the issue of a refund so far, though once when I was working
as a domme a client asked to stop mid session and wanted to leave. He said keep the money,
and his body language said he was totally spooked. I sat next to him made him some tea and just chatted
to calm and reassure him, then he left. That was an odd one.
If I did have a client who asked/demanded a refund I would do my best to defuse things
and avoid confrontation and try to find a mutually acceptable resolution.
If I had a client who did get out of it would be a blur of high heel brandishing vikki  ;D
Being a good girl from now on.


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #23 on: 20 November 2010, 07:28:42 pm »
all we can say is, "Please do not antagonise an already-hostile man when you are alone with him. Put your health and safety before any amount of money."

Most of me agrees with all you say. But, being male, part of me goes '.. but one of the reasons they behave like this is that they think they can get away with it! Please let do something when you feel you're safe, even as simple as reporting him to make it harder for him to get another booking.'

As a person, I like to think that I am lovely. When I am cycling, I am not. That's because a substantial section of drivers think that they can get away with murder (literally) with cyclists and they need to be taught that there are consequences when they behave badly to cyclists.

Of course, this did not stop me handing over the goodies the one time I was mugged...

.. and much of most good self-defence classes is teaching you how to minimise the chances of getting into the situation in the first place, a bit like Evil Emily's Method Of Screening.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #24 on: 24 November 2010, 08:13:35 pm »
Omg,,I would have booted him out the moment he stunk after showering but not...
I Dom most the time and have done strap on b4 to but have to say all my subs have properly cleaned them selfs out b4 hand  as i wont do it for them, my stomache isnt that strong.
And if id gone to blow him and he stunk id have chucked for  sure and then charged him extra for that to, which by al accounts of your man/scum he would have enjoyed lol ewwwwwwww


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #25 on: 28 November 2010, 01:28:59 am »
Most of me agrees with all you say. But, being male, part of me goes '.. but one of the reasons they behave like this is that they think they can get away with it!

Hell yeah!

If a guy senses you're timid and afraid, he's going to to think he can overpower you. I've made that mistake more than enough times. Nowadays...most clients dont even try me with no ridiculous nonsense like that.

But, neverthelesss...Im not trying to sound like some hardcore macho, because there's always someone bigger and stronger out there. But..still, stand your ground and be ready and willing to kick ass on a moment's notice.


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #26 on: 28 November 2010, 03:21:01 pm »
The other thought is remembering the sequence in Richard Pryor Live in Concert where he talks about the right approach when threatened by someone with a knife - run!!! - and the wrong approach - get all 'go take that knife and stick it up your ass' macho.

It's a fine line.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #27 on: 28 November 2010, 09:52:53 pm »
Ugggh.. gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

If they're not clean, they wont be seen, schimples!!

I'm way too scornful to go ahead with a booking, plus if I'm disgusted, no matter how nice I try to be my face is one that doesn't hide how I'm feeling LOL.

Sorry, but if they stink, crap on my sheets (which ironically I'd tell them to take with them) I'm not seeing them, they can be on their way, infact I'd go as far as logging on to P-net or AW and letting them book someone else using my PC.

No amount of money is worth that to me.. uh uh *shakes head n dismay*
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