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Author Topic: The most disgusting client  (Read 8800 times)


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The most disgusting client
« on: 13 November 2010, 11:18:58 pm »
Hey I'm new to the forum and nobody knows I do this soo this seems like the best place to vent!
Had THE most disgusting client today!
He arrived and although he was disgusting which is obviously part of the job, we don't get a constant stream of brad pitts do we... I thought he seemed normalise enough, he was travelling in the area we got the formalities out of the way and I showed him the shower and got him a drink, he wasn't so keen on the idea of a shower but I took the option away by just leading him there and saying shower!
He then got out and came into the living room and brought out a bag of "tricks" lube, condoms which cheered me up at the time thinking thank god I'm not going to have to be overly adamant over the stick one on situation and then a strap on and four bottles of poppers... hmm
He told me what he wanted and he was definitely a hobbyist or something because he knew EXACTLY what he wanted and he was the most arrogant guy I have met...
As soon as I got closer to him the repulsiveness started, he stank... did he not know how to wash? I never have a problem with kissing, close my eyes and I'm somewhere else but his kisses made my skin crawl they were so awful, I just can't explain how awful he was...

Any way the major low points... having him try to force poppers on me constantly... NO NO NO
then asking me if i wanted to do something stronger... which confirmed my hes on something! thoughts...
Inhaling the strongest smell of shit while giving him blow jobs, i was gagging but not in the good way...
The condoms it turns out he didn't want for protection but for the strap on... I practical had to wrestle him to wear a condom constantly, to which he was like I'm just putting the tip in... NO NO NO...
Then having to fuck him when he wanted me to pull out it was COMPLETLEY covered in shit... not just a little bit alot, he flicked the condom of the strap on and put it on my table to stink the fucking room out.... by this point I just wanted him gone, he was repulsive, but no he wanted me to rim his shit covered arse.... there was 1o minutes left and I made up excuses and suggested he showered again...

I pride myself on my acting abilities when it comes to this job, I do my best to ensure every one I see feels I enjoyed my time aswell but this guy knew I hated it... Im so glad I have no reviews because I know it would be a bad one, but to be honest I don't care enough it was enough to make me want to work for minimum wage honestly... I've showered twice and my skin is still crawling!

Disgusting arrogant beyond me personality; check... b.o; check... honestly all the bad qualities were checked... I wish I could just see my nice regulars constantly...


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #1 on: 14 November 2010, 12:19:55 am »
If I was seeing this type of guy who is stinky and forced me to take poppers, within a moment I would ask him to leave and give him majority of the money back. It's so simple...
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #2 on: 14 November 2010, 02:21:14 am »
Damn...this is like the exact scenario I've dealt with on occasion. And as a gay guy, that type of thing happens all day, apartments across the world. That doesn't make it any less pleasant nor acceptable.

That guy was inconsiderate to even walk up in there like that. If it were me, I would stop right away, and I do stop right away. I'll let them know straight up, your ass is dirty. I dont want to deal with your shit. A doctor giving a patient a prostate exam wont deal with it either.

And I bet you, those are the same type of guys who are angry and upset at us 'dirty whores'. Well, its jerks like him that make it as dirty as its 'hyped' to be.

exotic princess

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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #3 on: 14 November 2010, 05:44:20 am »

Deja vu.  I have been escorting for a month now, had quite a few clients, all been okay so far.

But i had a client similar to yours, he came in had a really dry mouth, and admited he had took coke, he also smelled like he had just shit himself, and he came too quickly, was clearly embarrassed and made a few moany comments about my flat and left, he even had the nerve before he even entered my flat to ask  to pay ten pounds less.  Sick is not the word, i will never see him again, first time round he was not so bad, i dont get it.  Thing is i kinda had an inkling both times that something was not right about him before, i even agreed to see instincts always  seem to be right.  But when he begged i took pity!!  Never again.



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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #4 on: 14 November 2010, 08:14:35 am »
I wish I could say I'd never encountered a shitty bumcrack... but I have, at least a dozen times. :-X There have even been two instances of having to throw away the (thankfully cheap) top blankets afterwards because of shit stains on them!

I hate when you put a guy in the shower and he spends several minutes rubbing his willy raw (so it's all red and flaky :-X) but totally neglects armpits/groin/ballsack/bumcrack - doesn't even get them wet, in fact!! Then kissing is foul because of the BO wafting all over you, so you run away down to start oral hoping for relief but noooo, it's FAR worse down there!

One thing I would say, though, is that someone getting out poppers and being pushy, even mentioning drugs, or even trying ONCE to "put in the tip" without a condom is a fabulous excuse to give them their money back (for the remaining time only - if you've already had half an hour of this torture, keep half the money for god's sake!) and ask them to please piss off. I know they can sometimes seem so huge and hairy and belligerent that you don't want to risk making them angry (cos they might literally throw some of their poo at you or something) but it's important to remember you're in the right in times like that. If they review you badly, you can say you terminated the appointment because of the shit he was getting everywhere and I don't think anyone would dare argue you weren't right!

Anyway, most important thing is that you're okay and thankfully I don't think anyone yet in this industry has died from a stinky, pooey-arsed client. And if it happens again, call your safety buddy for support cos they'll help you get rid of him, even from afar! :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #5 on: 14 November 2010, 08:25:51 am »
Im pretty new, have only been doing this for a month and so all these things crossed my mind, and haha I did make my way down to get away from his mouth and it was worse! whilst down there i was mentally calculating how much money to give him back but I just didnt know if the agency would be pissed...
Plus this safety buddy thing what is it? and how do I get one?
Thanks xx


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #6 on: 14 November 2010, 09:51:05 am »
Urghhhh, How Vile!
Some men dont know how to wash the shit out of their ass!


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #7 on: 14 November 2010, 11:08:03 am »
Im pretty new, have only been doing this for a month and so all these things crossed my mind, and haha I did make my way down to get away from his mouth and it was worse! whilst down there i was mentally calculating how much money to give him back but I just didnt know if the agency would be pissed...
Plus this safety buddy thing what is it? and how do I get one?
Thanks xx

Ah, yes, this is one of the problems with joining an agency - it's not that they're forcing you or anything, but you do feel a sense of obligation that you just don't have as an independent; I would've chucked that guy out as soon as he pulled out the poppers, let alone if he started wanting me to put dildos in his unwashed anus. In fact, the arrogance alone would've meant he never could have gotten in my door! Being able to vet your own clients is usually superior to the "You have a penis and the money? Okay then, go to this address for your girl" procedures often adopted by agencies.

But I know there are other benefits to agencies so I won't try to start that whole debate here, and you can have a safety buddy either way! A safety buddy is just someone in your area who also works as an escort, so you both know the situation and act as back-up for each other should you ever need it. You can let your buddy know when a client's due, and when a client's supposed to have left, so they can call you at 10 mins past the appointment ending time and make sure everything's alright. It's a great system and means that you have a reliable and responsible friend and partner so you should never feel too alone or afraid when working. It can help add confidence.

You can find a buddy by simply posting in the Safety Buddy section of this forum, here. You'll need to have 5 forum posts before you can use the PM system, but you're of course free to exchange private emails and texts/phonecalls outside of SAAFE if someone posts in your "Seeking a Buddy" thread. It's a good idea to verify a potential buddy thoroughly - not only for safety reasons, but also because meeting up for a coffee to see how you get along is both important and fun! :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #8 on: 14 November 2010, 02:26:38 pm »
Yes it can definitely be much harder to feel you have the right to ask a guy to leave when you are working for an agency. You worry about feeling the wrath of the agency if you do so.
But agency or not Leila you still have the right to have your boundaries and to refuse to work outside them. Any agency that does not back you up isn't worth their salt. I've worked for some pretty piss poor agencies in the past but even then not one of them has grumbled when I have asked their clients to leave. Which happened on several occasions. Once when a client was requesting a vile schoolgirl type scenario that made me want to vom :-X and another time when a guy was just been so downright rude that I would rather have chewed my own legs off than let him put his hands on me >:(
So if a guy is asking for services you are not comfortable offering you have EVERY right to refuse, agency or no agency. Your sanity comes first, there will always be another agency to join if worse comes to the worse. Some of them will try and bully you in to seeing horrid clients but you just have to be strong and stick up for yourself.


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #9 on: 14 November 2010, 04:42:06 pm »
Sorry you had such an awful experience!. It sounds like one of those times where you really would sit and think, why do i do this job. I can understand why you didn't want to throw him out, but no agency is worth their salt if they expect you to see clients like this.

he then got out and came into the living room and brought out a bag of "tricks" lube, condoms which cheered me up at the time thinking thank god I'm not going to have to be overly adamant over the stick one on situation and then a strap on and four bottles of poppers... hmm

I'm not sure on this, but i wouldn't ever use a clients condoms, lube or equipment. I know my own is clean, sterilised and fit for purpose. I would be far to concerned about risk of infection from anything that wasn't mine. I not sure on what if any risks there would be, but....

Then having to fuck him when he wanted me to pull out it was COMPLETLEY covered in shit... not just a little bit alot, he flicked the condom of the strap on and put it on my table to stink the fucking room out.... by this point I just wanted him gone, he was repulsive, but no he wanted me to rim his shit covered arse.... there was 1o minutes left and I made up excuses and suggested he showered again...

I assume these are on your list of services? It doesn't sound like you were made aware of what would be expected in the actual booking. Does that normally happen with agencies?.

As for flicking it on the table, digusting git! I'm sorry but i would have made him put it in a nappy bag and wipe the table with disenfectant!. I keep tissues, wet wipes and nappy bags on my bedside table. Not sure if the nappy bags are the norm or not, but most clients pick one up of their own accord and place used condoms in it, before putting it in the bin.
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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #10 on: 14 November 2010, 11:18:17 pm »
If I was seeing this type of guy who is stinky and forced me to take poppers, within a moment I would ask him to leave and give him majority of the money back. It's so simple...

Ditto, but "none" rather than "majority".


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #11 on: 15 November 2010, 03:31:04 am »
Ditto, but "none" rather than "majority".

I know, fuck giving money back. Is it your fault that he showed up like that? No. Then why should you have to suffer, lose money, and possibly starve for the night because of his lack of hygiene?

My motto is: No refunds, but I'll do WHATEVER Joely possible it takes to keep things going, even if that means dumping someone in a tub of bleach water  ;D


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #12 on: 15 November 2010, 07:47:38 am »
Oh and I just wanted to second what Candiflossipink mentioned about not using any 'Supplies' a client might bring along with them. I have had guys bring along their own condoms before for various reasons such as 'Normal ones are too small' (Are you sure? ;D) etc etc. I always ensure to have condoms in a variety of sizes, flavours and whatnot so as to make their argument obsolete. Without wishing to be the harbringer of doom all it takes is for that client to have stuck a pin in that condom foil and you are snookered. Yes we all might like to think that nobody would be evil enough to do that but there are twisted people out there and I believe it is always best to stay on the side of caution.
Some goes for lube, sex toys, ANYTHING a client may bring. I'm afraid it isn't going within 10 feet of me and any client who refuses to understand that is a client who will be appreciating the quality of the paintwork of the outside of my front door sometime very soon :)


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #13 on: 15 November 2010, 04:33:53 pm »
If I was seeing this type of guy who is stinky and forced me to take poppers, within a moment I would ask him to leave and give him majority of the money back. It's so simple...

Faeces on his bum, on dildo & now on your table?
He tried to force drugs {poppers} onto you
He tried to make you rim his faecal covered bum?

About this guy...
Actually, just thinking about him is so gross.

Seriously, you owe him nothing and should kick him straight out
no refund,

He has no respect for you at all
I would have kicked him out of my house straight away
except he would not get ANY money back.
If I was on an out call I would walk straight out; again without refunding a penny
Anything other than a 'slight' verbal remonstration from this client and I would call the police.
I would say:
You have tried to force drugs on me
Tried to do sexual  activities against my will, involving your faeces
I suspect you are in possession of illegal drugs***
Attempted unprotected penetration on me, which Is without consent.... ie attempted rape
Back off!
I've dialled 999.
Back off or I press the "call" button.


A few of my clients want me to penetrate them
{I'm a pre-op transsexual female, so I still have a penis}
I always say 'no' as it would muck up my head and there is no way I would get and/or stay hard.....

Some ask for dildo play, which I agree to
"As long as you are spotlessly clean back there"
"as poo really turns me off"
"and I don't want a dildo with poo on it"

95% go bashful and change their mind.........which is exactly the response I want.  ;D
5% still want to.

    Towel on the work room bed
    latex glove on me
    condom on dildo
    tons of lube...

sometimes there is faeces on the dildo
I used to hide it from the client as I would feel mortified
that there is a dildo in the room with their poo on it.
{Talk about "owning other peoples problems!"}
I used to hide the dildo in tons of tissue
Now I just lie it on some tissues in plain sight.
Then I walk out to the other room (I never say why)
I wait one minute then go back in.
They always look sheepish and they are eager to finish the session
which is specifically my intention when I leave them for a minute.

Some men are so gross.

***This two sentences should make him back right off
« Last Edit: 15 November 2010, 04:46:44 pm by JodieTs »


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Re: The most disgusting client
« Reply #14 on: 15 November 2010, 10:56:54 pm »
Not to pile on here, but what freaks me out the most about this is disease transmission through shit. I refuse to go anywhere near the stuff and give that as my reason. Ugh.

Also, I have a policy of giving a refund within the first 15 minutes. After that, they are on their own. Please don't let anyone pressure you into taking a client like this. Think of your SAAFE buddies and know that we have your back!
« Last Edit: 15 November 2010, 11:03:50 pm by css3456 »