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Author Topic: The escort storyline in Coronation Street  (Read 2690 times)


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The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« on: 23 April 2022, 12:00:49 am »
I'm wondering if there are any fellow corrie fans on here who are following the storyline of a known previous escort now trying to get a civvie job and leave escorting behind. She appeared to be an independent escort charging good rates, and it wasn't being portrayed as seedy and having a controlling pimp whilst she was working. Since her return and being outed she's justified it saying she needed to do it to look after her child, and felt dirty and that clients could be violent. Apart from that aspect this storyline really could've done us all a favour for those of us who do get outed. I understand a TV show can't be seen to glamourise it and promote it, but I feel it would've been better if it was just a case of her saying it's something she did in the past, was entirely her choice, and now has moved on. It's almost like corrie felt there needed to be a sympathy aspect to it rather than her just being a young woman who made a decision to become an escort. I'm by no means saying there aren't escorts who do get beaten up and feel dirty, but I feel this would've been a great opportunity to demonstrate to society that it isn't necessarily a job we turn to because we have to. For many of us it's a choice. When she was first on the show she seemed lovely, and I was hoping her return would demonstrate how it is possible to be an escort and then leave without it hindering future prospects. Perhaps it will turn out that way, and I jolly hope it does, but tonights episode saw her suspended from the job she was so pleased to get and her career prospects look like they're now ruined  :'(

Media plays such a huge role in public opinion. None of us want to be outed, and that is something only we should have the right to disclose. Most my family know, a few close friends, and the ones who have threatened to out me have received stern notices from solicitors to keep their cunty gobs shut. I hope the naysayers in the storyline are in the minority and that she's supported and accepted by everyone else. This would do us a massive favour and lessen the worry that many of us have for if we ever do get outed.


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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #1 on: 23 April 2022, 12:18:19 am »
I've not watched Corrie for ages but I remember Leanne was an escort. Is it her? I think soaps have to ramp up the drama. They won't be interested in portraying a normal level headed person who dips in and out because it suits her. They usually err on the side of kindness in their morality tales though so I hope they show people how wrong it is to judge someone for this work


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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #2 on: 23 April 2022, 01:14:12 am »
It's a new one since Leanne. I'd forgotten about that! In fact I think they handled hers better and that was ages ago when the stigma was even worse. It's been nice seeing Leanne getting on in relationships etc and only having the odd snide comment here and there. I think with the popularity of sites like Onlyfans media are keen to put sex work back into the box of it being a seedy industry that will ruin your prospects, so to steer clear. It's like they want to make an example of us and how we are seen. I really do hope I'm wrong and that this story ends up telling what the truth is for most of us, that we're just the same as everyone, but with a bit more tolerance, compassion and understanding!


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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #3 on: 23 April 2022, 08:08:47 am »
Ultimately, what it boils down to is the fact Coronation Street is a family-orientated pre-watershed programme, and not only do advertisers pay a lot of money to advertise during its breaks, but it has a featured advertiser too (Argos, I think). This is why every storyline will have some kind of moral message. They will never show an escort who is entirely happy with their choice to do that line of work, there will always be a degree of negativity and/or shame because anything less could be construed as glamourising this industry.

Nicky wanted to change her life and leave the industry behind her. However, she did not disclose her past to her employers which was a lie on her part. Irregardless of anything, liars are not rewarded, this is something that was a core part of the Hays Code in cinema. Continuing to look at this under the same code, Nicky is a woman, and woman are always punished for their past misdeeds, and sadly, prostitution will always be considered a misdeed, no matter the reasons that lead the person to make that choice. Tbh, the writers in Corrie are simply doing what they have to do to get the storyline on screen which is following guidelines. However, it is worth noting that many of the characters are appalled by the way Nicky has been outed, which is encouraging, and not all seem her escorting past as shameful.

Unfortunately, this storyline is a powerful reminder to us all that if our advertising shows our face and allows us to be identified, then chances are this side of our life can become common knowledge and many will not take kindly to it or be understanding.

English Green

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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #4 on: 23 April 2022, 11:18:18 am »
Yes i been watching it on corrie. Obviously it's just a soap and her particular story is made up but i do think there is women and situations just like her one that does happen. I have met many like her. Although there is women that love this job and would not want any other but i do think there is still many that come in to it because they really need the money and not lots of options for them especially already in debt. To do with some violence that had previously happened to her while working well that can be pretty accurate just look at the thousands of warnings on here about men/clients doing bad things to us.


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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #5 on: 23 April 2022, 11:24:45 am »
I've been watching Corrie for years but find the reactions to Nikki  (escort) changing from escorting to try teaching
wanting to do something different with her life  instead met with the usual negative responses. From other characters especially a loud mouth judgemental woman(Beth) who anyway makes my blood boil most episodes.

I like the fact the character Daniel her client put across support  towards her in one episode


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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #6 on: 23 April 2022, 05:50:23 pm »
Ultimately, what it boils down to is the fact Coronation Street is a family-orientated pre-watershed programme, and not only do advertisers pay a lot of money to advertise during its breaks, but it has a featured advertiser too (Argos, I think). This is why every storyline will have some kind of moral message. They will never show an escort who is entirely happy with their choice to do that line of work, there will always be a degree of negativity and/or shame because anything less could be construed as glamourising this industry.

Nicky wanted to change her life and leave the industry behind her. However, she did not disclose her past to her employers which was a lie on her part. Irregardless of anything, liars are not rewarded, this is something that was a core part of the Hays Code in cinema. Continuing to look at this under the same code, Nicky is a woman, and woman are always punished for their past misdeeds, and sadly, prostitution will always be considered a misdeed, no matter the reasons that lead the person to make that choice. Tbh, the writers in Corrie are simply doing what they have to do to get the storyline on screen which is following guidelines. However, it is worth noting that many of the characters are appalled by the way Nicky has been outed, which is encouraging, and not all seem her escorting past as shameful.

Unfortunately, this storyline is a powerful reminder to us all that if our advertising shows our face and allows us to be identified, then chances are this side of our life can become common knowledge and many will not take kindly to it or be understanding.

I love this Miffy, thanks. I had no idea about the Hays Code. Yes, the advertisers are pretty much king and this is a family show so that explains why escorts can't be shown in too positive a light.


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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #7 on: 26 April 2022, 01:52:57 am »
However, it is worth noting that many of the characters are appalled by the way Nicky has been outed, which is encouraging, and not all seem her escorting past as shameful.

Unfortunately, this storyline is a powerful reminder to us all that if our advertising shows our face and allows us to be identified, then chances are this side of our life can become common knowledge and many will not take kindly to it or be understanding.

Yes it was nice to see not everyone was cynical about it. I hope they end up outweighing the bigots. Even though it will portray escorting negatively in general I hope the good to come out of it will be to show that attitudes towards decisions other people make regarding their lives has no impact on them. It'll open up discussion with it being a popular show. I love these discussions at work, even though some peoples opinions make my piss boil. I'm the last person anyone would suspect  ;D rah rah rah "selling their bodies" bollocks. "Oh, so they don't get to take themselves home afterwards then? When I sold my car I didn't get it back after an hour or two. I think it's more like when we'd book a facial or massage for a certain amount of time, I don't think they're actually up for sale. Do correct me if I'm wrong?!". Always makes for an interesting conversation.

If you want any evidence of old sites removing for if anyone ever does go on a trawling expedition then the web.archive .org wayback machine removed some old content of mine within a few days of requesting. When I first started I made it clear to my agency that my face needed to be blurred because of my other line of work. They put them up unblurred and encouraged me to keep them, and convinced me the ones who showed our faces got over twice as much work. Silly sausage me allowed this for a bit. The web archive have random screenshots of pages, and even though I wrote a lengthy plea as to why I wanted them removing I don't think that really made any difference, they were wiling without any back and forth. They emailed back and said it would be completed within the next few days.

suzi sue

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Re: The escort storyline in Coronation Street
« Reply #8 on: 12 June 2022, 06:15:20 pm »
i don't watch Corrie  but Easties, my only vice lol,  does similar - Rainie  was a street worker with addiction issues and im loving them showing her off drugs n working hard to make marriage and family life work  and obv Janine  is played as evil Femme fatale be nice just once to see a media reflection that bares any reflection on real life