Hello Ladies & Girls from far and wide!
It’s lovely to be here, at long last, I was such a lurker that I had my head stuck in this site for nearly 2 years before I decided to take the plunge and actually post something! Hahaha that sounds bad but I felt no need to ever post anything, and I got all the answers I needed from practically every topic ever written here!
You have all been my mentors and for this, I will always be grateful to you soulsisters
Here is a little about me: I have been an Indie for 7 years, before this I worked in parlours for 3 years and this was throughout Wales & Northern England, I also have a full time civvy job that I love!
Anyway I’m looking forwards to chatting with you ladies in threads that I post in, none as yet though. I love a friendly discussion about Big cocks and annoying clients as much as the next sp
Back to me...I have been with my female partner for 8 years & we were both married to men previously, and they fathered our kids after all, I have 5 kids and my partner has 3 so we have 8 between us! Aargh! No wonder I am always exhausted! Thanksfly we have a cleaner 3 mornings a week & the kids have school plus a P/T Nanny! My partner works full time and does the school run every morning. Anyway she is aware I’m back escorting with her blessing, she loves hearing about my experiences, with mad clients, over a few glasses of Red, she thinks it’s all so entertaining & hilarious 😂
Anyway that’s me, sorry if I overshared, I do that
I shall try to stop! Looking forward to getting to know you Ladies, both mature and less maturez
Love TantricTease