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Author Topic: The Art of a Well batted Lash.  (Read 9306 times)


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The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« on: 03 March 2009, 06:05:06 pm »
Ok this is going to sound funny, coming from a person who loves make up, but for years I have avoided fake eyelashes, they just seemed to be too much hassle and mine a quite long and thick. Well, I had a photo shoot the other day and the make-up artist popped some on my eyes, and Bloody Hell! I was transformed in to this smokey-eyed doe-eyed diva with fans attached to my eye lids! I bloody loved it. I felt instantly sexier, and oh soooooo feminine and girly. Not to mention flirtatious, and Younger! Hey at my age anything that can do that is a good thing! I highly recommend them! In fact I went to Boots and raided the store, I now have all kinds, for daytime, non-working ones, and the ones for work are totally fantastic. I have become addicted to Fake eyelashes!

Anika Mae

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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #1 on: 03 March 2009, 09:13:03 pm »
Do you mean you plan to wear them on the job? They look great for shows and things (though I can't be arsed myself), but I'd be impressed if they stay on while you're shagging!


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #2 on: 03 March 2009, 10:31:38 pm »
but I'd be impressed if they stay on while you're shagging!

It can be done.  Unlike Viollette I was not blessed with long eyelashes so there was a time, a very long time when i almost wouldnt go out the door without them on.  Done right they can be amazing and stay on through a hurricane.  My eyelashes seem a bit better these days so as long as i have some extra plumping, lengthening, stretching and whatever else they can do mascara i dont mind so much but i still wear them if im going out with mates.

Id say the individual ones could be dodgy during a booking, ive had those drop in to my drink before.


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #3 on: 03 March 2009, 10:52:12 pm »
The Art of a Well batted Lash.

That's a book title in the making...
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #4 on: 03 March 2009, 11:16:33 pm »
That's a book title in the making...

And I'm pretty confident Violette would have a story worth reading too.  Quick V, cant you patent that title or something before someone else steals it   :D

Anika Mae

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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #5 on: 03 March 2009, 11:47:33 pm »
So where do you get the best fake lashes? I've only ever used Stargazer and I expect there are better ones.


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #6 on: 04 March 2009, 12:10:32 am »
I dont know really, i used to just pick them up in boots etc.  I didnt have a 'brand' that was my fave i dont think.  I did at the time have a friend who was a popular Drag Queen in london and he gave me some of his, he had a shop that sold every thing a queen would ever need and his were great (i didnt wear the huge massive ones like he did, i could barely open my eyes with them on).  i think its more to do with the glue than the lash itself.  he used to give me tubes of glue he had spare and i always assumed it was different some how because it was definately stronger.  It might have been a glue used by theatre lovvies and make up artists, they usually have a prefered brand of choice for things like that dont they.  But it was a long time ago, i probably stopped wearing them all the time about 7/8 years ago (wow, that made me feel old!!).  When i stopped wearing them a few friends commented that they didnt even realise i wore them until i stopped, they just assumed i had lovely long lashes.  In hindsight i think my lashes were probably ok when i started wearing them but i wore them so much that i was probably pulling out my real lashes when removing the false and so thats why i thought they were thin and short.  they arent really long now but they are more normal than they were when i stopped.

I can tell you what was shit, the ones that said they were ready to use or self gluing or what ever.  i dont even know if you can still get them.  For a start they would be impossible to get off the packaging without stretching to double their length and if you did get them off in tact they would need glue anyway because they were crap.

I think i like lashes most because of all those old films and musicals where there would be a scene with the ladies coming off stage or home from a glam night out and peel of the lashes.  i feel most glam when im doing that, i love it.


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #7 on: 04 March 2009, 12:14:06 am »
So where do you get the best fake lashes? I've only ever used Stargazer and I expect there are better ones.

Shu Uemura, hands down. MAC is good too, but I vote Shu


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #8 on: 04 March 2009, 12:16:40 am »
Ooooooooh, they look bloody gorgeous on, but I unfortunately have the make-up skills of a teenage boy and so I can never get the things on. I am SO jealous of girls who can wear them! My old housemate actually had some of these fake eyelashes which were meant to be "semi-permanent" and stay on for a month- they were pretty good for a week, and relatively subtle, just in the corners really, but they fell off in a week and cost her a fortune. Methinks I'll stick to lash plumping and eyelash curlers!


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #9 on: 04 March 2009, 01:10:09 am »
so I can never get the things on. I am SO jealous of girls who can wear them!

they can be tricky.  the individual ones are a bit easier.  Like your friends were, you can just put them where you need them and i found them less fiddly


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #10 on: 04 March 2009, 05:05:55 pm »
See this was my belief, that they would be fiddly. But the trick I have been told is to gently pull your eye lid in the corner and aim for the middle, and it seems to work.

They don't fall off during shagging either, I look gorgeous even after a vigorous seeing to. :)


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #11 on: 04 March 2009, 07:10:57 pm »

Holding and applying the lash with tweezers is a great help- Hold the lash, apply glue and let it get tacky, then lay on with the tweezers in one hand and the other hand holding the eyelid straight- Works a treat! Put on mascara before applying lashes, i really love them:)


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #12 on: 05 March 2009, 06:08:49 pm »

Holding and applying the lash with tweezers is a great help- Hold the lash, apply glue and let it get tacky, then lay on with the tweezers in one hand and the other hand holding the eyelid straight- Works a treat! Put on mascara before applying lashes, i really love them:)

Agreed on the tweezers - the individual ones are pretty good too as long as you use decent glue, and I wear them quite often. Then again I wear glasses so they are a little better protected and I've never tried using them with contact lenses.

Has anybody tried lash extensions? My local salon does them for about ?90-100 and they look great in theory but I don't know anyone who's had them yet.


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #13 on: 05 March 2009, 06:16:21 pm »
Has anybody tried lash extensions? My local salon does them for about ?90-100 and they look great in theory but I don't know anyone who's had them yet.

Is that not the same as individual ones?  I wear glasses too and if i know if i get them in the wrong place or too long because i can feel them brush against the lens lol


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Re: The Art of a Well batted Lash.
« Reply #14 on: 05 March 2009, 06:49:27 pm »
Has anybody tried lash extensions? My local salon does them for about ?90-100 and they look great in theory but I don't know anyone who's had them yet.

Is that not the same as individual ones?  I wear glasses too and if i know if i get them in the wrong place or too long because i can feel them brush against the lens lol

Well, the ones I call individual ones are like tiny bundles of a few lashes knotted together which you glue on. The individual salon ones are single lashes attached to your own like hair extensions and I think is what they use in the mascara ads (they got a bollocking about it a while ago as I remember). I fancy a go of these, but it's a hell of a lot of money if they all fall off, or go cockeyed or pull all your eyelashes out :o.