I made a profile with SA, but never found the motivation to sift through and spend time flirting to meet many men. A few of my friends had great success with SA though and when they have photos up, that is always a bonus. The tricky part is setting a price (I am always terrible at negotiating) when you can't have your price on your profile.
Two of my clients were on SA, both were good looking and young (30s) but both seemed to want more of a gf that is always available and accepting of gifts instead of cash (they were also kind of flashy despite being less successful than my long term SDs)
I had a SD for 2.5 years whom I partially lived with, travelled with, etc. I would consider him a very good friend and it was more like a mistress/gf scenario than escort, whereas some men on SA are really just looking for escorts. However I find guys who want this GFE also prefer it to be exclusive.
If I have any advice it would be to set the prices high (and early) because you never know how much attention they want or what they might pay, and have a pay schedule. One SD (previous client) would pay me weekly, seeing me on scheduled days of the week and stay for a few hours at a time, another monthly and I would travel or spend consecutive 24h days with him, but both would first try to offer gifts instead of cash (um NO). Eventually both gave me gifts as extras and still paid the cash, so I was happy I had been assertive. If you can find older ones, they tend to be more willing to pay the prices and understand that your life is not all about them. It seems very unlikely to find this in younger, attractive guys but I always hope to meet one someday lol.