darlingsssss, I have missed you all. (Honestly!) So much has been happening my way, I havent been able to read the forum, nevertheless get my whore on.
But this morning, i took a glance and I saw sugar daddies and knew booom. Must be fate.
My history with SDs has been a sordid one, but it is as the always sage Violette has mentioned a very very delicate balance. It requires a great deal of you-- yourself, your emotions, your time. And the money issue is always a sensitive topic. And as mentioned before most of these men just need a damn escort, they are fooling themselves. So you play along and play the damsel in distress role, and do your thing, I actually recently procured ANOTHER sd, but honestly sabotaged the entire thing. I simply couldn't do it. He was unbelieveably needy, unbelieveably WASPy (think: trips to Block Island and Nantucket, bland food and history of drinking too much) and just a simple bore. BUT- he always treated me with respect. And I appreciated that. We went on a short trip together that nearly drove infuckingsane, and I was forced to spend 4 hrs in each direction, listening and pretending to be interested. By the time we reached his condo in the mountains I was ready to murder him and drive the car back home. I jerked him off instead.
While I was giving him the rub and tickle, I was unbelieveably disgusted. Not with me of course
, but him. I just couldnt go down the road again with pretending to be horny all the fucking and pretending like I wasn't pretty much revolted by him. (In retrospect, I started to get my period so maybe......this may have affected my thinking
) Whats funny is he had such an issue with "what he was doing to his wife" that we decided it may be better to move on. He even offered to pass me on to some rich friend of his, but I dont think he ever spoke with him.
Times like this I want to escort more than ever. The separatism is righteous. They have their lives and you yours. I still have an SD, but with him it is very different, and we care about and understand each other deeply. I'm actually due to meet his daughter soon. (Nervous! She's only 3,4 years younger
Bound to be interesting.) He is a brilliant CEO and has helped advise me on business and etc. But still, the relationship carries some weirdness. But it helps EXTREMELY, to have some sort of affection for these men. Otherwise you might drive a fucking nail through his head. Or worse, yours.
My point is, I may have lost my edge with SDs, or maybe it was a bad spell. But it is a situation I wouldnt suggest for everyone. If money is your focus, just be prepared to deal with alot. And be prepared to realize it may a take a bit more effort to find your perfect SD
I forgot to mention that the disasterous SD was in fact as Violette mentioned- lost soul looking to fall in love. Blech. Ladies, proceed with caution when encountering one of these men. I choose the run, not walk option. Preferably in the opposite direction.