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Author Topic: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements  (Read 135356 times)


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #15 on: 27 May 2010, 12:58:30 am »
Many clients are very happy to give business advice and be a mentor Snakelady.

Oh tell me about it, Cindy and American Joey. And on Grunternet you'll get it in buckets - free of charge.  How kind! ::)

What I meant was civil career advice, not advice on escorting. After all, a few professional gents may have plenty of experience in the civil world - which could be helpful if you wish to set up another business/study something in particular etc.

Of course many more men are only too happy to give advice on things they know nothing about. Like escorting.

Prostitution - now I want it my way.
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #16 on: 27 May 2010, 01:25:51 am »
Ah, the good old days. I love a SD-SB relationship. As long as you are both singing from the same hymn sheet. I have my profile up on several sites, and straight off the bat, it is not unusual to chat for a bit, skype, then arrange a meet, where he covers the costs of travel, which will include some serious shopping, nice hotel, and then shag him senseless. As to items purchased, get a gift receipt if you can. :)

Ah so it's true then. Some ladies accept (expensive) gifts instead of money. I only write this because when one gent replied to my FT ad, he got quite upset when I only wanted cash. As he said, he was happy to take me out for dinners, trips, buy designer clothes etc. I wasn't sure if he was for real, so it's good to know that some people are actually just looking for that.

A woman once told me that there are 3 types of Sugar Daddies:

  • The Gift Daddy. Is only happy to give presents as he doesn't like to "pay for sex" or "visit a prostitute".  ::)
  • The Cash Daddy. Is propably a lot more closer to escorting, unless he helps with your bills or maybe pays a monthly allowance. Is really the type which appeals to me most.
  • The Cash and Gift daddy. Combination of both, but I'm not too sure how it works? I mean whether you know on beforehand what you're going to get when you meet.

Apparently an American lady has written a book on how to meet SDs as she herself managed to get cars, houses etc by this. I can't remember the title though, plus at this level it sounds like she really was their fulltime girlfriend.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2010, 01:29:25 am by SnakeLady »
Prostitution - now I want it my way.
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #17 on: 27 May 2010, 09:09:44 am »
It is a delicate balancing act. I had one who liked me to travel with him, bought me presents, and payed some of the household bills. In all honesty you do need to be slightly sociopathic to be able to give the level of detailed attention and affection, but not be affected by it. It is different from escorting. Because you need to involve more of the real you, but still maintain a distance. But the rewards can be great, indeed.
The key with the Gift Daddy, is to establish the level of gift he needs to come baring. If he wants to give you gifts, he needs to be subtly taught that it needs to come with a 4 four figure price tag, as an appetizer. Vacations need to be 5* and above, flights need to be Business class and above. Remember, you too have something to offer.
Cash Daddy, if homeboy isn't offering you a minimum of a 5 grand a month allowance, don't waste your time with him. Because these ones are the hardest work. They think they can monopolize your time whenever where ever, you need to set FIRM ground rules with these, and not slack up. They will start with 5000 a month, seeing you once or twice a week, and then in three months time want to pay half and double the amount of time they are spending with you!  The min they start to cry financial hardships, it is time to nip it in the bud. Remember this type is more of a business transaction.
Cash/Gift Daddy The best of both worlds! These are rare creatures, but when you get one, treat him like gold! But don't fall in love, and run when they talk about leaving the wife. Good Luck.
« Last Edit: 28 May 2010, 09:27:24 am by Violette »


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #18 on: 29 May 2010, 03:03:23 am »
Thank you Violette (and others) for your tips! Yes it does seem like I wasn't totally wrong in thinking that one should tone down the "I work as an Escort" truth and instead market yourself as a "nice and innocent girl with money troubles".

Prostitution - now I want it my way.
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #19 on: 29 May 2010, 03:54:46 am »
So I have set up my profile and will let you know how it goes...
Violette, I really wonder how the vetting procedure goes in this case? Or it is the same as escorting?


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #20 on: 29 May 2010, 09:18:57 am »
Lena, you WG-radar will come in soo handy here. Some things to look out for:
Offers a large allowance after one email, and wants you to send pictures. :)
Wants you to describe what will happen the first time you meet.
Another thing, is there are some poor lost souls, REALLY looking for love in the wrong place. You will get loads of these. Politely, but firmly turn them down.
Another thing to do, google them! Make sure they are who they say they are.
Unlike working with a direct pay client, SDs need a bit more work to get the good stuff out of them; it is along term investment of time and effort.

Anika Mae

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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #21 on: 29 May 2010, 10:32:31 am »
Urg, I don't know if I can be bothered with this! Four guys contacted me. #1 was a gaping bumhole (and I suspect only on there because he was too cheap or entitled to pay proper money for sex), #2 had a crap profile, said he'd met me once as Anika which I didn't believe, and that I'd told him my real name but he'd forgotten, #3 was scared off when I mentioned the ?2k allowance that whoever posted the link originally suggested, and #4 stood me up.

I realise this rate of failure is perfectly reasonable for what is pretty much a dating site, but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it after the simple joy of escorting. Once I'm over this lot I'll try approaching some guys, and if that doesn't go anywhere I'm off.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #22 on: 29 May 2010, 04:53:34 pm »
Violette, thanks for the tips!

It seems to be a way to blurred and I am quite sure that many of advertised sd's are just punters who are looking for cheaper options. Anyway, as you have already said, it is probably possible to get smth out of it but it takes time...

sammy s

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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #23 on: 30 May 2010, 11:09:27 pm »
I think a lot of these men are too good to be true. Offering monthly allowances to just meet up a couple of times a month?  I dont think so!

For the past week I have been speaking to a potential sugar daddy who i got on with very well. I told him exactly what my requirements were and we agreed on everything. we had arranged to meet tomorrow for lunch so earlier today i sent him an email basically saying "i just need you to definitely confirm before we meet that if we end up liking eachother tomorrow that you are going to be happy to still go ahead with our previous agreement on the monthly allowance etc".
(i worded it much better than that and was extremely polite. Dont think I came across as pushy or anything either).

He has just replied basically telling me he would rather we spend a few weeks dating first before we properly agree to anything regarding money.

REALLY pissed off because id spent the past week chatting to him and vetting him to make sure he was genuine and he is going back on his word now. I still think he's a genuine guy but it all sounds like hard work with no promises at the end of it.

But on the other hand what should I have expected by using a site like that. Any girls that manage to secure the perfect sugar daddy are very lucky in my book"!


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #24 on: 31 May 2010, 12:55:38 pm »
Sammy, this is a common thing, what you will find is that some of these guys have been burned, and are a bit more cautious. I would go and have lunch and see how you get on. Dress, nicely, and once he sees you are a genuine person, it will put some of his fears to rest.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #25 on: 01 June 2010, 08:26:26 am »

I looked into this about 5 years ago & I wasn't tempted then, & I am not tempted now! With Escorting everyone knows the score, he gets sex ,I get money! We go are separate way & every on is happy!

I also had this client try & turn himself into a sugar daddy. He would always give me double my fee, never say how long he wanted to stay for but never stayed longer then a 1hr 30min, so I was always with extra cash. he did the whole I like helping you out with bills etc. He would buy me gifts, expensive ones etc. He would see me 2-3 times a week. Then he wanted to take me out all the time, shopping, dinners blarr blarr. Yes in the beginning I lapped up the extra cash & the gifts, but the whole thing drove me into the ground & depressed me.

In the end I blacklisted him & it made me feel bad, in my work I like making people feel good. But that's just it, it's work & I like my cut off line.

Lol, I'm sitting here writing this post on the lap top he bought me, & moaning about him  :o

Miss Mary

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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #26 on: 01 June 2010, 02:24:39 pm »
darlingsssss, I have missed you all. (Honestly!) So much has been happening my way, I havent been able to read the forum, nevertheless get my whore on.  ;) But this morning, i took a glance and I saw sugar daddies and knew booom. Must be fate.

My history with SDs has been a sordid one, but it is as the always sage Violette has mentioned a very very delicate balance. It requires a great deal of you-- yourself, your emotions, your time. And the money issue is always a sensitive topic. And as mentioned before most of these men just need a damn escort, they are fooling themselves. So you play along and play the damsel in distress role, and do your thing, I actually recently procured ANOTHER sd, but honestly sabotaged the entire thing. I simply couldn't do it. He was unbelieveably needy, unbelieveably WASPy (think: trips to Block Island and Nantucket, bland food and history of drinking too much) and just a simple bore. BUT- he always treated me with respect. And I appreciated that.  We went on a short trip together that nearly drove infuckingsane, and I was forced to spend 4 hrs in each direction, listening and pretending to be interested. By the time we reached his condo in the mountains I was ready to murder him and drive the car back home. I jerked him off instead.

While I was giving him the rub and tickle, I was unbelieveably disgusted. Not with me of course :), but him. I just couldnt go down the road again with pretending to be horny all the fucking and pretending like I wasn't pretty much revolted by him. (In retrospect, I started to get my period so maybe......this may have affected my thinking ;) ) Whats funny is he had such an issue with "what he was doing to his wife" that we decided it may be better to move on. He even offered to pass me on to some rich friend of his, but I dont think he ever spoke with him.

Times like this I want to escort more than ever. The separatism is righteous. They have their lives and you yours. I still have an SD, but with him it is very different, and we care about and understand each other deeply. I'm actually due to meet his daughter soon. (Nervous! She's only 3,4 years younger  ??? Bound to be interesting.) He is a brilliant CEO and has helped advise me on business and etc. But still, the relationship carries some weirdness. But it helps EXTREMELY, to have some sort of affection for these men. Otherwise you might drive a fucking nail through his head. Or worse, yours.

My point is, I may have lost my edge with SDs, or maybe it was a bad spell. But it is a situation I wouldnt suggest for everyone. If money is your focus, just be prepared to deal with alot. And be prepared to realize it may a take a bit more effort to find your perfect SD

I forgot to mention that the disasterous SD was in fact as Violette mentioned- lost soul looking to fall in love. Blech. Ladies, proceed with caution when encountering one of these men. I choose the run, not walk option. Preferably in the opposite direction.
« Last Edit: 01 June 2010, 03:30:30 pm by Miss Mary »

Miss Mary

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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #27 on: 01 June 2010, 02:33:54 pm »
I forgot to mention I have been on seekingarrangement but Im not really the dating site type. I dont remember anything coming of it. But they are having a meet party in NYC. Im thinking of going, could be interesting!!! If any ladies are interested PM me, maybe we can hunt together :)


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #28 on: 02 June 2010, 01:03:39 am »
To be completely frank if ever I secretly haboured an idea that this kind of arrangement would make my life easier, it is looooong gone now. Id so much rather earn my fee,go home and switch off. Rather than have the constant needy me,me,me. Or if you invest emotion then me,me,me so long as the wife is blissfully unaware and its at his convenience. Sod that for a game of soldiers? Me too.

find out exactly how and why a man hoping to escort women for a living has more chance of plaiting fog, and better earning prospects on Jobseekers Allowance.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #29 on: 02 June 2010, 07:59:31 am »
MM, hey lady, glad to see you are back in the boudoir. The needy ones are the worst! But the worst thing about the needy ones, is you don't know they are needy until it is too late! I can't tell you how many confident, powerful men, seemingly independent men turn out to be teet hangers! They have created a facade that works most of the time until they encounter a strong independent woman. There upon latching on to you like a starving infant and proceeding to drain the hell out of you. I had one SD to the point of suicide one weekend, because I wouldn't answer my phone! He lived, unfortunately!