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Author Topic: someone wanted to make a booking over my private msn account  (Read 1853 times)


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thats the second time that happened. the other time was many moons back
a man was asking for a booking on my private msn account; i asked where he knows that account and he said from a friend who had booked me, etc.
the chat ended in, him insulting me,

but how could he get the msn and assuming that i am escorting, i mean my private one, there is no link to my work name and messenger accounts; any ideas how do find out?


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Re: someone wanted to make a booking over my private msn account
« Reply #1 on: 04 May 2009, 05:48:37 pm »
Sounds like a real chancer. I get all sorts of people wanting me to chat via my private MSN........usually they are russian girls looking to be "friends".