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Author Topic: Fake Pictures  (Read 908 times)


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Fake Pictures
« on: 06 August 2011, 04:50:32 pm »
I was browsing ebay today and came across a picture of a model in a corset that looked very familiar for some reason.

Then I realized it was the display pic of a lady in my area who features herself a lot, though on the AW profile the pic is cropped to remove the face.

After looking at her gallery (I have far too much spare time, I know!) I believe the pic has been ripped. All her other pics are blurry and home made, where as the ebay pic is high quality professional work. She also doesn't show her body in her gallery pics, just her legs and bum.

This really sets my teeth on edge, I don't think it's fair to the other girls or the punters paying for a lady they believe is a model. As envious as I am of the way other girls look (*cough*RubyofYork*cough*) I'm not going to go trying to pass myself off as anyone other than I am, and why should anyone else?

But she doesn't have any feedback complaints from guys, so am I just being bitchy? Should I report her to AW and make her work on her own merit instead of luring guys in with another woman's looks? Or am I being really naive and accept that this happens all the time? Maybe I should change my pics to Jessica Alba and wait for the line to form?


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Re: Fake Pictures
« Reply #1 on: 06 August 2011, 05:17:31 pm »
Jessica Alba? Do guys really like her? If i could get away with it, i'd use pictures of Lucy Lawless (Xena/Lucrecia from Spartacus:Blood and Sand). She's damn hot!

There was another lady on AW who wrote a blog and mentioned that twice, one of her photos was being used on another girls site. Just by chance, i was doing a random search afterwards and on the first results page, i saw 2 profiles with very similar names, working in the same area, both using the same profile picture. One of them had been typed up with a very poor command of English and the other was normal. Kinda scary.

But i guess it is a common thing unfortunately. Theres probably no point reporting her. Maybe she really was the one modelling the outfit on Ebay! You never know! Save all your frustration for when you notice a girl using your picture on her profile! Then give me a call before you let rip! I want to witness that!

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