Ok...my turn for critique

and Violette, please do post more of these as it makes my 'normal' workday go by faster
Story #1...All I can say is HiiiiYAAAHHHH! Thats HiYa the sound of a would be mugger getting his nose broken. Now thats something out of a movie, and I hope they make one. Indian girls will be known to literally beat the sh*t out of their clients! Of course with the crime rate, which I find astonishing is well desevered. And talk about competition? We think we have competition, they've got hundreds of thousands of girls working!
Story #2 Ok, the only thing I have to say is...she says she worked for 11 years, and now she is giving out bibles to working girls in Las Vegas to let them know there is an alternative? Its a good will with not much reason to it. Ok...if there is an alternative, what is it? Handing out a bible and saying there is an alternative allows it to go from 1 ear to the other. Unfortunently the bible doesnt show what alternatives there are out there for jobs so it would take more than that. The only thing it would serve is to make the workers (who already feel there isnt an alternative) feel even worse about themselves. Referring them a bible is great, but without a given alternative and the power to decide is just like throwing the book to them.
Besides, she made upwards of $500 an hour...I'm sorry but; HELLO! she got hers, but now that she has gotten 'worn out' she wants to bash it. Sounds like Spitzer...