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Author Topic: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork  (Read 7812 times)


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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #15 on: 08 June 2014, 07:05:42 pm »
It is a toughy. Hmm

I mean first take a step back and realize that other people will also think she is an obsessed nut job too so is her word worth all that much. Perhaps thank her for the increase in business & joke you wish to hire her to rattle her bones back but of course this is serious so once the tit for tat is out the way it does need to be made very clear you could sue for harassment. Most solicitors will work with you to come to an agreement with how long this will take to resolve, how much work is actually involved for the solicitor so it is very variable in price i'm afraid, phone consultations are usually free mind you. Writing her a letter that exlaims you know your rights & although she may be satisfying her urge to wreck havok, it will lead to serious legal trouble that just isn't worth the fun she is having bullying in the long run & provide her with the legal scripture that states you are entitled to take her to court over this harassment, claiming "Stress" that personal attacks that effect your business due to health & perhaps unwanted attention. Perhaps suggests she takes up a hobby :/ < i know nothing about law mind you so take that with a pinch of salt.

She sounds like such a nut case, funny how irony works isn't it, she's trying to make you seem like the devil when your right, all your trying to do is make a living. It can be a questionable job for some, even having moments of doubts yourself so i'm sure this can't be easy on you, hopefully it gets better or he gets another girl some time soon.


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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #16 on: 08 June 2014, 07:07:05 pm »
She must spend more time on adultwork then the men actually do lol sad woman

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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #17 on: 09 June 2014, 08:33:13 am »
I had emailed you privately  but it did cross my mind as she so frequently views escort sights(aw)  that maybe many people should know about her habits lol !


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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #18 on: 09 June 2014, 02:17:10 pm »

How much do you hate her son, your ex lol.... If you could tolerate him for a night id go back to her house with him shag him to death and sit at the brekkie table next morning telling her all your gonna buy with his fee... Each time she says anything then just remind her that your a prossie but having sex in her house makes it a brothel... Wonder would that shut the oul cow up

That made me giggle  :P I wish i could do just that because i'd take great pleasure in doing so, but unfortunately he doesn't live with her anymore so she wouldn't be there to get pissed off directly.

I've thought about writing her a letter personally and sending it in the post so she can't accuse me of going to her home, but i think she'd use something like that to her advantage. She does seem to be the type of woman who gets some form of thrill from causing upset, so i think any reaction from me is a good one irrespective of what it is because she's getting a reaction. I have tried to approach her on the matter a good few times before but all she does is dismiss me and flare up over the internet again. It's really childish behavior and reminds me of being back at school, actually scratch that no it doesn't because shes a lot bloody worse  ::)

She does seem to spend a hell of a lot of time on Adultwork which is slightly bizarre to say the least, i'm pretty sure she's not seeking sexual services (lol) so her sole motivation is to spy on me which is just plain weird.

I really want to tell her husband everything she's been doing but he's 'under the thumb' and lets her do whatever it is she likes. I don't even think that he cares that his wife is a raving lunatic to be completely honest. Before i left my ex and she was causing problems, my ex telephoned his dad and left a voice mail (his dad wouldn't speak to him at the time because he wasn't talking to his mother - yes the family is really that petty) and asked him to look at what she's been doing on the internet and have her stop it. Needless to say nothing changed, he knows what she's like because she's always done things like this, so it'd be pointless trying to approach him either. 

One of the most hurtful factors in all that she's doing isn't even the fact she's doing it, it's the fact shes doing it now when she knows only too well that i've just suffered a loss. She's deliberately trying to kick me whilst i'm at a low point to try and break me. If karma exists then ooooh boy has she got a lot of it due her way!

Thanks ladies, and also for the PM's which have been most helpful x

sexy scottish nina

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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #19 on: 09 June 2014, 02:40:49 pm »
I had something similar happen a few years back. It was when i was with my ex bf and his ex wife found out what i was doing, she told my landlord and showed him my AW profile which resulted in me being evicted  from my flat. She was showing her lawyers and friends my pictures etc. I even  had to stay in a hotel when my ex had his kid over to stay. I tried talking to the police and again was told that she wasn't doing anything wrong. However i seen a lawyer who sent her a few letters stating that it was harassment etc and obtained an interdict against her. My lawyer lodged the application for an interdict and it was granted. It was then served to her . It stated that she could not come within 10 feet of me or harass me in anyway and not show anyone my pictures . It worked thank god .

Nina x


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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #20 on: 09 June 2014, 03:12:56 pm »
That's great news Nina, really pleased to hear you managed to resolve this. I haven't heard of an interdict before but i'm going to make a point of looking into that now, it sounds like the avenue i need to be taking if i want to get a result because you obviously had the same response from the police as i did.

I'm sorry to hear about your landlord evicting you, landlords tend to go one of two ways when it comes to us lot and it's either "harass us for sex or more money" or "boot us out" - Hopefully you found somewhere nicer? That wasn't fair of her to make you stay in a hotel when your ex had his child to stay, fair enough she's the mother and she doesn't want her child around prostitution, who would? But loads of us are prostitutes and we simply wouldn't do it around our children let alone anybody elses  >:( I hate it when we're generalized as some sort of scum. If there was no evidence to suggest you'd be doing it around the child then it's out of order to insinuate that you're dangerous for her child to be around. 

Thank you for the info about the Interdict i'm going to make some calls x
« Last Edit: 09 June 2014, 03:14:30 pm by kinkyboots »


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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #21 on: 09 June 2014, 03:18:01 pm »
Hey KB,

Send her a Thank You card and say "thanks for all the free publicity" it's brought me in a lot of local business.  That may totally piss her off.  Think I've got on my wicked witch hat today rofl.
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sexy scottish nina

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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #22 on: 09 June 2014, 03:26:04 pm »
Hi Kinky boots.

Thank you for your kind words, it was a long ago now and i have moved onto bigger and better things. The worst bit was that i never worked from my place as it was where my ex had his child stay over etc. It was a family home. I still have my working flat though  ;)  An interdict/ injuction is passed in court without the  person even knowing it has been lodged until they receive the court order.

Nina xx


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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #23 on: 09 June 2014, 04:29:22 pm »
Send her a Thank You card and say "thanks for all the free publicity" it's brought me in a lot of local business.  That may totally piss her off.  Think I've got on my wicked witch hat today rofl.

Good one LL, she would bust a vessel if she thought she was contributing to my business that's for sure. "Oh hey ****** thanks for the free advertising, just wanted to applaud you on your continued efforts to publicize my advert as your persistence has lead to my clientele being increased by 25% since you began your ramblings, many thanks!"  :P

Glad to hear you've moved on to bigger & better things Nina, no doubt the piece of work wanted to damage your business so she'd be gutted to know you're doing well and that she didn't manage to ruin your work - hopefully after seeking out one of these injunctions i'll be saying the same as you. These narrow minded twerps that make it their duty to 'expose' us need to realize we're just as human as they are, we shouldn't have to put up with such idiocy especially from fellow women x

sexy scottish nina

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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #24 on: 09 June 2014, 04:39:30 pm »
Hopefully a nasty lawyer letter stating whats going to happen will be enough to scare her, my first letter cost me ?90 but  the woman involved was a right evil piece of work x


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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #25 on: 09 June 2014, 04:53:23 pm »

I'm pretty sure it would worry her, that being said ?90 is a small price to pay for me if it means potentially getting rid of that troll. She's relishing in the fact shes 'not committing any crimes' and therefore evading any police involvement so to receive a letter from a lawyer would rattle her a little x

sexy scottish nina

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Re: Creepy ex mother in law stalking my Adultwork
« Reply #26 on: 09 June 2014, 05:06:35 pm »
Defo, in total my lovely ex bfs wife cost me about 6k in lawyers bills,his lawyer, my lawyer and court injunction, n other costs  xx