SAAFE forum
General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: sammy s on 29 November 2010, 12:23:18 pm
Are any of you working from the areas badly hit by snow? How are you coping? Have you seen a decrease in people wanting to visit?
I ask because my area is meant to get hit by extreme snow tomorrow and I worry no one will book due to public transport probably being off, roads too dangerous to drive etc.
I was on tour over the weekend in n area quite badly hit and could not believe how busy it was. I have to say I am hoping it stays that way this week as it has been forcast as horrendous here this week
A lot of my clients travel some distance to visit me, and a couple have already cancelled as a result of changed travel plans. Saturday however I turned away numerous bookings because of a bad cold, so the snow didn't matter then!
We've had a lot of ice and bad road conditions over the weekend (although most of the snow has gone now), and I still had bookings on Saturday (I had the phone off yesterday, so I don't know about that). I have had one cancellation for today, plus I got asked for a couple of outcalls which I think was down to the weather and people not wanting to go out (likewise ;D).
The main thing I found was that the travelling conditions made the timings a nightmare - my Saturday afternoon client was 45 minutes late because of the roads, and although it didn't matter because I didn't have anyone booked in later it could definitely cause problems for ladies who have a smaller gap between appointments. I can't say it made a difference to enquiries though, and this week's looking fine for me :).
Amy I had exactly that problem. I usually have big gaps between visitors but over the weekend timings got pushed together because of the snow and a few other things I had arranged. I was very grateful my client perservered and did get to me but I was fairly anxious about the time - something not usual for me at all.
Ok, I'm going to try to write this without writing about myself LOL...but I was VERY close to moving to Denver (which is geographically near Aspen, Colorado) but the thought of having some bad winter days kind of put me off for the season. I love snow, but ice tends to be another matter. It almost looks unreal to see your neighborhood look like a freezer LOL.
Needless to say, I did have an overnight earlier this year during a mild snowstorm...but of course it was planned months in advance and by the time I arrived in the hotel, the snow had just began!
And I know how clients can be. If even a drop of rain begans to fall, just forget about working for the day. Add snow...just go to bed!
Any opinions?
I live in Holland and here every winter people are shocked by the winter as for the first time they see a snow! ;D For example last year I could not even order pizza and the taxis were not working, it was total disaster! Fortunately the snow here is only few days and hopefully the same will be this year. You cannot do anything about it, unless you go on the street dressed in fur only offering the men hot couple of tee or warm ice cream at your home ;)
That's why I want to move to hot country, I hate winter!!! :-\
That's why I want to move to hot country, I hate winter!!! :-\
Well how about you move to Florida and we can become roomies! ;D
And I know how clients can be. If even a drop of rain begans to fall, just forget about working for the day. Add snow...just go to bed!
Grrrrrrrr! I am thinking about throwing in the towel and call it a day as the bloody snow has just cost me my first client for today! Not happy as this is going to cut into my weekly target! ahhhhh that's nature for you. :'(
I don't want to stay at home but rather go out and do something fun but I know what is going to happen when I am out away from my house >:(
I've only had one phonecall today and two clients have cancelled because of it! It's been snowing here really heavily though with more on the way :(
I have had to turn my phones off. I live at the bottom of a very steep hill in a village and have no hope whatsoever of getting my little Auris up it so cannot get to my incall place. Its not stopped snowing since last night and if it carries on I wont be going anywhere for at least a week.
I have had nothing for days - so depressing. This is why we always keep some savings for a snowy day!
I'm actually quite glad its snowing (sorry ladies) because it's given me a chance to catch up with courswork/housework :) instead of me being distracted by clients/shopping :D
I will change my tune in a few days though if it doesn't change...
It hasn't really drifted as far as me yet ( North west England ), just a dusting at most on lowground.
Gritters out in full force on the motorways, car windscreen needing washing every 200 yards or so is the most major of my problems.. 8)
Prepares for waist-deep avalanche heading this way shortly.. ::)
I have had nothing for days - so depressing. This is why we always keep some savings for a snowy day!
Hi Pandora!
How is it going now for you?
I had one venture out to me on Wednesday but that's it.
A few requests for late night outcalls in areas cut off by snow. When asked what the roads are like round there, they invariably answer that they are snowed in. Oh yes, I am going to risk my neck on the roads, then trudge up in my wellies.
The best bit is they have all asked for major discounts!!!!!!!! Drive out and risk getting stuck/accident for ?100, I think not. They seem to think that I should be grateful for any work.
Stayed at home doing a bit of camming instead.
I don't drive so have to get a train to work at my incall apartment, had two bookings yesterday finally, checked online and the trains were running... had to make my way to the station, by the time I got there my feet were wet and hands/face/feet were numb... Went to buy my tickets and was promptly told, no trains were running... Not happy... had to skid back home numb and moneyless and piss the agency off because I couldnt make the bookings last minute... Not happy!
The best bit is they have all asked for major discounts!!!!!!!! Drive out and risk getting stuck/accident for ?100, I think not. They seem to think that I should be grateful for any work.
What is this world coming to? I guess they think girls fly around on brooms or something :P
All I can say is I love London!
All I can say is ARGGGHHH! I spent two hours yesterday digging my car out as weather said end of snow and I am moving to my new apartment today. Guess what? Soon as I had finished it started again. This morning I have to go and do it all again.
I want to swap my village for a nice big city.
All I can say is I love London!
Except for how pathetic we are when faced with half an inch of snow - everyone's got a dreadful cold or is "totally stuck" on the other side of a small icy puddle that they simply cannot traverse. ;D
Im in Yorkshire, in my garden, which is about 10 mins drive from my incall place, Ive got 2ft of snow!! I didn't even put my fone on just did sum camming.
I've had no work since it started. I'm really annoyed with myself as well because the first two days of snow, I was ill and had my phone turned off. Whole bunch of missed calls and texts when I turned it on. I figured I was going to be doing fine and then, since then, nothing. I'm down to the last few pennies in my bank account, having to actually rely on my husband's income for the first time ever! The shame D:
I've got two bookings for tomorrow, an outcall which I'm sure I'll be able to get to, and an incall with a regular client who has to drive to my area for work anyway so he shouldn't have any trouble making it. If things stay slow after that then I'll have a sale and hope that tempts people out :P
Emily, don't even joke about it, the day after I posted that, my main bus route broke! GRRRR