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Author Topic: Smelly clients  (Read 10316 times)


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #15 on: 07 June 2015, 03:11:21 pm »
You could make it compulsory that all clients need to shower and brush teeth (mention it on your ads, in a polite way of course), that way your not singling anyone out.


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #16 on: 10 June 2015, 08:03:14 pm »
For first time clients you never know if they will have odour or not. If they do I just get
 through the session and don't think about it, after that I decide I'm not going to see them
I will just block their calls and texts. This rarely happens though but I have done it a couple times  :P


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #17 on: 10 June 2015, 09:06:20 pm »
If it's a GFE and they pull that shit I casually mention that no it's fine if they don't want to kiss or have OWO just wash what you want to have fun with then...  ;D

If it's PSE then as above, plus rimming - all covered, sugardick!

See how they run to that fucking shower then...  ;D


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #18 on: 10 June 2015, 10:57:19 pm »
Kate's great with clients like that, her storys crack me up about dirty clients and her giving them a talking to :-)

I wish I was so brave, the other day someone came to see me and I was like "would you like a shower before we begin" and he was like "no I've had one" and then he took his coat off and you could see his shirt wet and stuck to his back, you could smell his BO as he unbuttoned his shirt!!!! he was asked to shower, and he did, didn't seem to happy but GROSS! and then the SAME BLOODY day (last week) I did a two girl booking and the guy kissed me and I actually threw up in my mouth, luckily having another lady there I was able to remove my face from his and do something else but OMG it was worse than anything I have ever experienced, and then I watched her kissing him and well, apart of me died inside myself and I nearly full scale puked... guys are gross!!! I've never kissed a girl with bad breath


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #19 on: 11 June 2015, 11:56:34 am »
Even if they have a shower, some of them are in and out in 2 minutes and still smell!! I think they think a quick rinse is
all it takes, and they don't bother to use a bit of showergell (of which I have plenty and I always point out there is!!) and
have a good scrub under their arms and their bits..
You would think grown men would know how to wash properly  ::)
And if they think it goes off their booking time, I'd rather go 5 mins over and have a fresh smelling client than having to
put up with a smelly one!
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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #20 on: 04 November 2015, 11:26:47 pm »
I INSIST all punters have a shower before we get started. It's on my profile so they know the script. Even at that half of them still don't wash their arse properly  ??? They expect us to be spotlessly clean and fresh smelling so why not reciprocate?? Disgusting specimens lol x
I have a certain way of being in this world, and I shall not, I shall not be moved


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #21 on: 05 November 2015, 01:02:52 am »
I used to see an old boy who, though he always mentioned how he had "showered specially" for my visits (  :-\ - he was neither infirm or imobile ), evidently ran out of Imperial Leather before reaching the underarm region.
 It was a constant vigilance in keeping my wigs well away from the area for the 2 hour duration  :(


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #22 on: 05 November 2015, 06:58:50 am »
Two situacion

 do u want take  shower?

 1.    ... ok ... u hear  running water  out  but this is all.... he  will give  u back dry towel and he is  of course dry too

2. i already had one... ok  then  can  u just please  was  your hands ... u know u  touch money etc ....(and looked to you like if u told him stay on  your head and  jumping on your earls ..)

in one  forum somebody  post  feedback  i told  him if can wash his hands and he don't  understand  why  because he told me he already have shover. :FF :FF :FF
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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #23 on: 05 November 2015, 12:04:30 pm »
There just seems to be some guys have a permanent smell. I had one guy even was happy to have a quick shower before we started and I offered to join him and give him a bit of a rub down while he gets clean and then got myself clean. He seemed perfectly fine after the shower but then we got to the bed and within a minute of him getting on top of me there is this strong stale smell coming from his body and it only got stronger as he got all worked up.


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #24 on: 05 November 2015, 12:33:13 pm »
Something I've noticed about myself... When I had an office job and commuted, I'd wear anti-perspirant every day. Now I'm at home, especially in the cooler months I tend to only wear it if I'm going out and about. I wouldn't say my armpits stink or anything, but there's definitely a stronger natural scent after 2-3 days, even with multiple baths/showers.

So if someone never uses anti-perspirant, isn't great at personal hygiene, and has a naturally high level of body odour too - they are definitely going to honk a bit under their arms.
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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #25 on: 05 November 2015, 12:33:13 pm »
Some blokes just don't know how to wash properly.Some have never twigged they need to pull the foreskin back or wash under their ball sack and the pubes.Thankfully I don't often get very dirty guys.The ones with bad breath I'll hold my breath for and keep kissing to a minimum.The guys with a cheesy cock I'll make a big display of getting a baby wipe out wiping it etc so they know there is smega there they can see it themselves and I just won't see them again.One bloke actually apologised and blamed the obvious cheese on it being a warm day.I just looked him straight in the eye and told him it actually takes a few days of not washing for smegma that evident to build up...he left quite quickly leaving me with the full money for an hour..this was a seemingly well educated middleaged man ffs!


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #26 on: 05 November 2015, 12:38:14 pm »
Its down to ignorance with some people.For me if I was going to go and get intimate with someone I'd make sure everything was squeaky clean and I was well groomed.Most decent blokes shower,shave,use deodorant and a drop of aftershave naturally when they get up on a morning and will have a wash on arrival and be normally chewing some gum or sucking a mint when they arrive.Its not rocket science really so I imagine they are just always unkempt and they wonder why maybe their partners don't go near them anymore...


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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #27 on: 05 November 2015, 04:23:51 pm »
Fortunately I don't really get any smelly clients, and those that are not quite as fresh as I would like (e.g. they showered in the morning, but their appointment is at 6 pm after work) can usually just be shown the way to the shower and that works fine.

However I have had a couple of real stinkers.... like really bad. A previous poster said that these type of people are embarrassed about it.... well not in my experience - they don't care. One of them even said that his nickname at work was "Mr. Poo" because he smelled. I said (horrified!) doesn't that bother you? He said no.

I used to try asking this type of very smelly, clear shower avoider please to have a wash first. That didn't work because they would either not wash properly (think only letting the shower water run down their front when they had a dirty bum) or they would shoot you dirty looks, clearly thinking you're trying to waste their paid for time by insisting they have a shower.

So now for the real stinkers (not people that aren't quite as fresh as they should be, but the ones who actually deliberately don't clean and smell of poo) I adopt the following approach: I wrap a tonne of wet wipes round my hand, wipe their bum with it gently (and of course it comes away dark brown) and say politely "I'm sure you must understand I can't play with you when the wet wipe comes away like THIS" and put it really close to their face. I know that's horrible but for some reason all the dirty-bum guys seem to ask for rimming, and they're asking me to eat that! So if they don't like it near their face then why on earth should I? Harsh but it does work and they're off to the shower for a proper wash like a shot.

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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #28 on: 05 November 2015, 05:52:26 pm »
A few weeks ago I had a client who had a shower at the start of the booking and then later wanted 69. There was a bit of an unpleasant smell but he looked clean so I couldn't really figure it out. After a couple of minutes I was running my hand over his thigh and gently pulled back the skin - you know the crease that runs from groin to hip? As soon as I did this there was an overpowering stink of - I can't even describe it - just totally rank, and there was this stuff, I can only call it 'matter' - white and grey gunk all down the creases on both sides. I couldn't believe he had had a shower and not washed there and it looked (and smelled) like he hadn't cleaned himself properly in WEEKS.
I'm always so worried about bursting the sexy bubble and getting bad reviews so I just gagged a little and carried but with hindsight I really wish I had leapt up and grabbed baby wipes to teach him how to clean himself. Yeurgh!  :-X

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Re: Smelly clients
« Reply #29 on: 06 November 2015, 01:38:36 am »
Thank god I don't do OWO or kiss! I had a booking yesterday with a very polite and friendly guy. It was obvious he'd had a shower not long before I arrived, as bathroom was soaked, towel wet etc.
But he still smelled. Bad odour from under his armpits. Really bad breath, the rotten teeth kind of bad breath. What do you do then? It's the crappiest situation, because you know that he did try to be clean. The rotten teeth is also not something a mouthwash and brushing will take care of. Apart from the horrid smell, he was a nice person, non problematic, not demnding, sweet guy.  :-\