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Author Topic: See this is what annoys me about advanced bookings!  (Read 2549 times)


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See this is what annoys me about advanced bookings!
« on: 20 June 2009, 07:21:46 am »
I just hate it, when someone books an appointment days in advanced, says all the proper things (except for one or 2 that raises a brow) and then doesnt even show up for it.

Tonight, supposed to had someone come in for a booking tonight, we went over it and all seemed valid, except when he told me he didnt have an exact hotel booked yet, which then made me nervy and raised a brow thinking he's full of shit. I gave him the benefit of the doubt since everything else added up, and the asshole doesnt even show up tonight.

I take these appointments srriously, even if I am leery they may be a timweaster (Im always prepared for that if they are). But still its like they take the piss from it and screw it up. I've had majority of my advanced bookings go well, but its the few that try to stand me up that gets to me.


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Re: See this is what annoys me about advanced bookings!
« Reply #1 on: 20 June 2009, 08:34:21 am »
It's not the fact that it was an advanced booking. It's more to do with the fact that your timewaster was vague about the hotel details. That's what should've alerted you. Anybody that doesn't have hotel details to give you, so you can do a discreet check to see if they're registered there, isn't worth bothering with.


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Re: See this is what annoys me about advanced bookings!
« Reply #2 on: 21 June 2009, 12:29:51 pm »
I don't take a booking seriously unless I know they've actually, definitely booked the hotel etc. Can seem harsh as some guys think just a quick email mentioning a time/rough location is enough to hold the appointment then get T'd off when we say we've made other arrangements at our end.

What they don't realise is we often get bookings, enquiries mentioning days/times places that just disappear.

Anika Mae

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Re: See this is what annoys me about advanced bookings!
« Reply #3 on: 21 June 2009, 01:17:27 pm »
I take advance bookings for hotels, but I don't leave the house (or start getting ready, if possible) until I've confirmed that the guy's there.

Joey, sort it out. If they can't confirm that they're where they say they are, you can't go see them.


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Re: See this is what annoys me about advanced bookings!
« Reply #4 on: 21 June 2009, 07:54:44 pm »
I take advance bookings for hotels, but I don't leave the house (or start getting ready, if possible) until I've confirmed that the guy's there.

Joey, sort it out. If they can't confirm that they're where they say they are, you can't go see them., I did not leave my house. I didnt even get dressed! When I said he didnt 'show up' I meant as far as arriving in town like he was saying he would. I also felt that if I had gotten a request for another booking (which I did) then I'd take it since he couldnt give me exact hotel details like a normal client does. Who the hell gets into town and doesnt have a hotel booked?

Actually last night, had a call (different person). Wanted me to be there within the next hour. By the time I got showered and dressed (as I just came home) and he lives about 25 min. away, I did a double check call before I left which I always do. It was a good thing I did cause he called me exactly 1 hour, 15minutes before he has to go somewhere. So I ended up cancelling it for not giving me enough time to get there.

Im just going to stick with the guys who give their addresses days before the actual booking. Although I dont require that, atleast I know they wont be bullshitting me.


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Re: See this is what annoys me about advanced bookings!
« Reply #5 on: 21 June 2009, 07:59:19 pm »
Did you not check the time, booking length etc?

Have to admit I've had that myself - quite often "Can I see you in the next xxxx hours" means I need you here and gone in that time. Funny how if we say we only work until a certain time some guys will read that to mean you will take your last booking at that time!!!!