Lately I feel the worst part of the job isn’t an awful booking but the relentless, soul-destroying screening. Achieving a client through the door is getting tougher and I’m really struggling to start my day without a sense of dread.
My financial situation is spiralling. I’ve always kept on top of it but I feel the wolves at the door and a deep sense of daily despair. It’s really chipping away at me.
I know I just need to do that one nice client to propel me out of the constant vicious cycles. I’ve had several phone calls and emails today from awful sounding men and it perpetuates the feeling, ‘fuck it, I’m going back to bed.’ Often, I do because I can’t face it. I feel trapped. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I cam. I make enough to cover most of the bills so I’m grateful for that. But escorting income makes me thrive and I’ve got some great financial goals.
I have friends in the industry feeling much the same. I’m just feeling a bit sad for them and sorry for myself.
Does anyone else feel this way? I feel so sad. I could use some stoic pep-talking advice of support and to push through this low point ladies.taking a break isn’t an option and I’m skint. I need some strength. Much appreciated!