I've had a mix of clients saying they had previously seen me out shopping.
Some of them appreciated my professional discretion by not acknowledging them, as they were with family.
HA! Like I'd remember what they looked like, ten minutes after they walk out my door.
Some people phoning for an appointment, say they had seen me outside and recognised me from ad photos.
I also had an existing client {ringing up for another appointment} saying I'd been into his branch of carphonewarehouse
the previous Friday (I had). He asked for a half price session! So I asked for a half priced iphone
Needless to say no booking.
I've only been approached once by an existing client while off-duty. That was in a club. I didn't recognise him though.
The thing is that I dress totally different when not working: Little / no makeup, old jeans, vest, tatty sneakers.
(A right lezza,to quote my man-What did he expect, dating a predominately gay woman!)
And all these people say how hot I look. I suspect we are missing a trick here.
Maybe guys don't want glam, but would prefer the '
I couldn't be bothered to make any effort at all' look'.
Still getting ready puts me in a professional state of mind and I also find it empowering.