I have split this thread and moved it because this discussion is not relevant or helpful to the original thread starter. This is the last time I am going to remind folk that Warnings threads are exactly that - any further posts in that section which add nothing useful in the way of help or specific information will be deleted; I do understand that members may want to offer sympathy and so on to other posters, but please try to keep it relevant and not let important threads degenerate into chit-chat. If in doubt, please use the PM system.
Back on this topic, this site is hosted in the US and we are still bound by Data Protection legislation - there is no 'getting round' it, although that obviously doesn't mean breaches of it don't happen. As far as the mobile lookup sites go, there is nothing I have ever heard or seen anywhere which suggest they work - there will be numbers listed from information bought from the mobile companies but this would only apply to registered phones and I doubt very much many of us use them. And as Strawberry said, the information is woefully out of date and inaccurate.
Anyone ever used these sites and found them to work, rather than have just seen a few ads promising the moon on a stick on Google?