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Author Topic: Retired escorts - how was your transition?  (Read 7148 times)


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Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« on: 15 November 2020, 07:10:23 pm »
I've left the business after 4 years but I've moved back home and while I am actively looking for a job I have to say that at this point in my life I feel like a failure, I'm constantly worrying about my future if I'll have kids or if it's something that's out of the picture because I'm still hung up on this guy who I met originally as a client but we hit it off right away so I (like a BAD sex worker) saw him off the clock, now he's getting engaged and I'm just faced with the reality that maybe a lot of men might treat you this way, I don't want to live like this but I have very intense scary fears and memories and nothing makes sense and so I was just wondering if any retired ladies, what has your experience been?
From the weird, weird west :p


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #1 on: 16 November 2020, 02:23:53 pm »
I wasn’t in the bizz long only about a year but I gave up escorting for a guy. Obviously it didn’t work out and I’m on my own again. Got back into a civvy job full time and at times I miss my freedom but on my bad days I beat myself up about selling my body. I still webcam from time to time but the thoughts are still there. I haven’t let a man touch me in 10 months the thought gives me anxiety and when guys make moves I get my back up. It’s sad but true and I’m hoping one day I will beat it.

I don’t think it will leave you anytime soon and I don’t have much advice on how to deal with it tbh.  I’m just posting so you know you aren’t alone, although it feels like it, you aren’t.


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #2 on: 19 November 2020, 07:21:56 pm »
Oh wow, thank you so much i feel exactly like this and unfortunately there is no happy middle in my way of thinking. I left because I liked a guy too and of course he's engaged (I didn't know he had a girlfriend at the time) but I definitely feel tricked and like some side piece when I somehow (and am still) head over heels for the dude. And somehow in my thought patterns I check his fiances Instagram even though I know I shouldn't and I know this behavior is not good for each of us but I do it anyway and I'm still madly in love with him. He's just so perfect he dresses so nice and I don't know how long this will last or how hopeless I'm going to be and mentally my personality has changed and I'm VERY worried about getting a civvie job but yes, I'm just trying to get out more instead of sleeping in and start socializing myself I guess into society which is just ridiculous because I never had this problem but anyway, that's slightly for a different reason, I ended up joining one of those exiting sexual exploitation programs and it's made me very hard to relate to people and I don't know why.

Yeah, I do as well. It haunts me honestly, the forums and stuff do really help but yeah I just feel so heavy, I think I'm probably very depressed since I moved back home and can't seem to even get an entry level job. I don't know what my problem is lately. But I hope you do feel better. That makes me happy you weren't in this business as long as me! But yeah, it changes you.
From the weird, weird west :p


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #3 on: 21 November 2020, 10:49:28 am »
You know what I will say dont let a man hold you back.... never ever give your power to him, Your in control of your amazing future, I know with corona its tough right now. But you've got your whole life ahead of you people will come and go in your life. I was an escort for 3 years then retired then I came back and I decided to retire for myself recently because I wanted more for my life. Think about the future you want to create now moving forward. Work on yourself and build up your self esteem. It takes time but working on yourself is the best thing you can do to over come these types of situations. I hope you start to fell better soon! x


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #4 on: 21 November 2020, 02:54:27 pm »
Reading this brought a little tear to my eye. I always feel like retiring but I get scared of going back to a civvy job and failing at it and inevitably returning to escorting. Its so hard to have time and energy for normal relationships and I too have been burned by a guy who used to be a client. Same story - he got engaged to someone else and just binned me like rubbish. It hurt and made me feel like no guy looks at me seriously or with real respect while I'm doing this job.

I want to retire too and maybe run my own business. The thought of a low paying civvy job and all the hours required scares me. I've got so used to being my own boss and I don't think I can relate to people in a work environment! But I envy you for going for it.  Good luck and like the others said you have your entire life to create it just as you want it to be.


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #5 on: 22 November 2020, 10:05:34 pm »
« Last Edit: 01 October 2022, 01:33:14 pm by lilith »


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #6 on: 09 February 2021, 10:34:02 am »
I know some people have freely chosen this line of work as a work life style and have no plans to change line of work at the moment and good luck and all the best to you. This post is for people who decided to leave.

Interested in knowing about people's experience leaving this line of work, how it went, how they did it, what made them do it, are they better off etc xxx


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #7 on: 09 February 2021, 10:04:13 pm »
I sometimes think the phrase, "once a whore, always a whore", is true for many of us. It's always something to fall back on. But I'd also be interested to know of anyone who hung up their knickers and escaped to pastures new and how it went. I sometimes think I'd miss the attention but I'm really bored of sex work lately.


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #8 on: 10 February 2021, 08:31:17 pm »
I understand falling for a client because I did when I first started, I was texting him a lot & felt like I could talk to him about anything but one night he asked if he could come over and I said I wasn’t in the mood, had a crap day and just felt a bit emotional, he reassured me and said we should watch a movie and he’d give me lots of cuddles to cheer me up... well I was sold! Wed watched a film and it got late so both went to bed.. it all felt sincere ...spooning led to forking... but then as we’d finished and I was about to fall asleep- he jumped out of bed, got dressed and left £60 on the end of the bed. I was absolutely gutted. I was more offended by the money left but that was my harsh lesson to never fall for a client again. I blocked and deleted him straight away.

A few months later I met someone, outside of escorting. I told him after a month of being together & carried on escorting for 5 years then He proposed to me jan 2020 & then covid hit and my anxiety went through the roof so I stopped. I found a job working as a housekeeper in a hotel and hated the way I was looked down on, it was even more soul destroying than escorting.

I now work in an office, it’s much better but I constantly think I’m not good enough and I’ll get fired - I’ve been fired from so many jobs for being so head strong and independent, I can’t be the girl that just nods and looks pretty, if I can improve the business - I’ll tell people and people... well men just don’t like a woman with opinions...

I do miss escorting, I miss the freedom but I hate lying to my friends and family. I saved up £10k and I’ve been making a shit ton of money on crypto so money isn’t really the issue. I just want to be my own boss again...

I’m stuck in a rut, I’ll stick at my job until covid ends (or I get fired) but the two options then is go back to escorting or setup my own business... because I can’t face working for anybody again - if anyone has a good business idea & wants to go into business with me, pm me. :)


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #9 on: 10 February 2021, 09:49:22 pm »
I think we can all say we've been treated like this from a date, regardless of the job. The issue is not with your job, the issue was that he was a dick.

There are many men and women out there who can love their partner and support them regardless of their profession.

I did try to leave this industry and have another business - it was the worst and most financially damaging period of my life. My head was up my ass and I was scrambling to find my purpose. I then returned and started treating this like a real business with a more professional approach. I am happy and stable in what I do. OK, so very unlikely I will be doing this job until retirement age, however, this business allows me to plan and save for other ventures when I no longer want to do this.

As with everything, it all depends on your mindset.


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #10 on: 14 March 2021, 07:29:06 am »
« Last Edit: 26 September 2022, 12:08:14 pm by Angel143 »


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #11 on: 21 August 2021, 08:13:30 pm »
I retired from escorting back in 2017. I loved escorting but I actually left as it wasn't bringing me happiness anymore so I ended up moving up north back with my parents. Then fast forward end of 2020 my life changed financially and I moved out back to London.

I noticed someone said they are retired and make a lot on crypto. Crypto is actually what helped me retire and I am a self-made millionaire now at the age of 28.

If any girls are looking at retiring and are fed up, you can actually come up with a smart exit strategy for yourselves. If anyone is interested in crypto and wants to meet for a coffee and chat let me know, it can get quite lonely in London with the lock downs and be nice to meet with like-minded girls still. But crypto is not for everyone and this is not financial advice #dyor.


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #12 on: 21 August 2021, 08:51:33 pm »
A year later, I met this great guy (in my civvy life) but later found out that he goes to working girls and is familiar with this world. He didn’t know that I worked but he told me everything that I needed to know, to know that he would still continue. Listened to everything he had to say then ghosted him. I was upset with myself  because I took a good four-six month break trying to see where our relationship would go.

Basically he opened up, was honest to you but you were not honest to him by not disclosing you used to charge for sex. So in your eyes it's ok to charge for sex but it's not ok to pay for sex? Some double morality there. Amazing things happen when people are honest to each other, you guys could have reached some sort of agreement, like if he was planning to continue paying for sex then you could continue hooking. I believe that's a pretty fair thing. On the other hand if you're not into the "sexually open marriage thingy" i could understand you bailing out. Ghosting him after a 6 month relationship just for being honest? Wow... that's pretty cruel in my opinion, probably the guy will never disclose his pay for sex habit to the new girlfriend as he will be too afraid of being dumped again (which is funny considering the ex who dumped him was an escort herself). Again... double standards.
« Last Edit: 21 August 2021, 08:59:38 pm by ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #13 on: 01 September 2021, 02:23:01 pm »
Mentally there's not much going back once you've done this job
 I started at 18 I am now 30 and I have to be honest I am happy I don't have the complete and utter naïvety a lot of 'ordinary' women have about men's sexual nature's. I have already done the LTR and kids thing (had a 7 year break) and that is not the lifestyle for me. I like living on the fringes of society it makes me feel alive lol.

However you will eventually feel like just a normal person but even when I wasn't working it was always in the back of my mind I'm an ex prostitute. Everyone in my life knows though I don't hide what I do. It must be hard if no one in your life would accept you if they know your a sex worker

I also don't want a relationship or boyfriend, I've done all that I've got a FWB where we get on really well and he even said he loves me but neither of us want the commitment and mental crap of a relationship. I guess that makes working emotionally easier.
« Last Edit: 01 September 2021, 02:30:13 pm by Kescort »


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #14 on: 01 September 2021, 02:25:21 pm »
The same thing happened to me although, he was married. He was a Surgeon, mid-twenties.  I found out when we went to Spain together that he was married and had a pregnant wife. Of course, some clients would be married that would see us but, you wouldn’t know who is married and who isn’t.

He didn’t know that I knew he was married. When he was asleep, I went through his phone and it told me everything I needed to know. I used him monetary wise until I couldn’t use him anymore. Then, I ghosted him.

A year later, I met this great guy (in my civvy life) but later found out that he goes to working girls and is familiar with this world. He didn’t know that I worked but he told me everything that I needed to know, to know that he would still continue. Listened to everything he had to say then ghosted him. I was upset with myself  because I took a good four-six month break trying to see where our relationship would go.

Even though it’s been almost three years, working and those experiences have made me hate men. I don’t think I have the capacity to willingly trust a man no matter what his intentions may be. I hope one day my opinion of men changes but the more I work, the more I realize that’s never going to happen anytime soon. If I do get married, it might be for status or just because I’m lonely, but for love ——- I’m not sure.

I wanted to quit but, as a student in a very demanding major, I could not find a job that would let me balance out my tentative class schedule. Also, it’s hard to find a job where all my needs could be met, and then some without having any formal training or a degree.

Therefore, I have decided that until I get my licensing, I will be working. For me,  it’s an easier way to not only take care of my expenses but allows me to start paying off my college tuition early. I’m trying to see if I can open a business that could supplement my needs the same way working has so then I won’t have to work anymore. Although, that is now definitely going to take some time since the pandemic has been a train wreck, and  I have drained all of my savings keeping myself afloat during the lockdowns.

You went through a client's phone? Or was he a boyfriend? If any client no matter how well we get on wants to hang out in real life it's a huge no. They are just chancers hoping for a free fuck lol.