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Author Topic: Reinventing yourself!  (Read 1996 times)


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Reinventing yourself!
« on: 31 May 2014, 01:09:03 pm »
What are your thoughts on it?

When I first started escorting, I quickly had to close my account and start another but I was brand new to the industry and had no choice but to close my account because of reasons I don't want to give away on here but I was thinking next year of reinventing myself because I fancy a change. I have nothing to hide as I have perfect feedback and reports but I fancy a new name, a professional shoot and just a clean profile. My rates and services will be the same as nothing's changed in that department and I will obviously tell all my regulars about the change and if anyone was to phone me and ask me if I used to be who I am now then I will happily tell them. I am thinking of doing camming as well as escorting as towards the end of next year I want to start coming away from the business then stop escorting all together but maybe still do camming for a while, don't know as I will have to see what happens at the time.

I'm not 100% sure on all of this as I have to really think about it but I'd appreciate your opinions. I would really like a fresh start.

« Last Edit: 31 May 2014, 01:11:04 pm by Pink~Princess »


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #1 on: 31 May 2014, 03:02:03 pm »
I reinvented myself a few years back. It sure freshens things up. It took long thought but once there is even more successful. I have expanded growing.


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #2 on: 31 May 2014, 03:33:05 pm »
You can reinvent yourself but keep your old profile.  Just remove everything written on it and put your new self on and change your name.  It makes life a lot easier than having to put up with all the newbie hunters and their fantasises and fake bookings and also allows you to keep feedback you have worked hard to earn.

You could even leave your profile blank for a week or so with just your new nameand something along the lines of I have deleted this profile for now as I have outgrown myself and have changed ersonality wise but will be back very soon with the brand new me

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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #3 on: 31 May 2014, 04:04:28 pm »
You can reinvent yourself but keep your old profile.  Just remove everything written on it and put your new self on and change your name.  It makes life a lot easier than having to put up with all the newbie hunters and their fantasises and fake bookings and also allows you to keep feedback you have worked hard to earn.

You could even leave your profile blank for a week or so with just your new nameand something along the lines of I have deleted this profile for now as I have outgrown myself and have changed ersonality wise but will be back very soon with the brand new me
Yes this is what I first thought when I read the post. You could also do it at a time that you are having a week+ holiday and change your profile to seeking services, so it can not be viewed until it is re-invented as the new you

When creating back-links to your profile on AW it is always important to use your profile number in the link rather than your name, this way your links will always be live even if you change your name.

Sarah x x x


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #4 on: 31 May 2014, 04:20:01 pm »
A few years ago, about 2.5 years ago, I did what you are thinking about and totally changed everything. 

I didn't keep anything of my old profile except the telephone number. 

I started again at zero feedback from almost 400 and I didn't get any of the flack the newbie gets or maybe I just saw through the twats and ignored.  I can't remember 100% but I certainly didn't get a lot of hassle.  I did get one twat leave me silly feedback but AW soon removed that.

If you fancy it, go for it.  It didn't do me any harm.  I like you, just wanted a change. 

It wasn't till about 9 months ago that I decided I wasn't going to do much more prossying.  I may have carried on longer but ill health prompted me to chill out more and find other avenues to follow, some adult and some not.  I don't earn as much but I don't have the same payout either and I have most days to do what I want when I want .. But that is digressing from topic.

So PP, if you fancy it, go for it, keep your old profile tucked away in "seeking services" if you wish to have back up, but remember to log on every couple of weeks to keep it there.
« Last Edit: 31 May 2014, 04:22:28 pm by Lady_Lust_XXX »
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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #5 on: 31 May 2014, 04:56:45 pm »
Thanks ladies. Dani, the feedback is one of the things I want rid of, I feel I have too much......I dunno! It's hard to please everyone, some guys think loads of feedback is pretty much a guarantee your a good un but then others are out off by loads of feedback cause they think you've been shagged by everyone even although they should already know that since your an escort but you know what it's like.

I defo feel like a fresh start. I am wise to the newbie hunters so I don't think that will be a problem tbh and I will make a point of saying that I am an experienced escort.

Just really fancy the idea of a nice, glossy and fresh profile with nice pics and everything else but even with that I won't be able to please everyone as some guys love professional pics whereas others hate them because they think the real version over the photoshopped version is nothing alike but I will just ask the company not to overdo it with photoshop, I would still like some photoshop though so that I can keep my discretion and also for to make it look extra nice.

« Last Edit: 31 May 2014, 04:59:55 pm by Pink~Princess »

Lunar Moon

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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #6 on: 31 May 2014, 05:13:49 pm »
I personally would never do that it and the ones I notice doing it are usually trying to escape bad feedback/reputation and need to.

Took me a long time to build up my reputation, advertise myself everywhere I possible could with links to my website, get myself up the top of google etc.  I please everyone with a variety of girl next door photos, facial photos and professional photos.

I have absolutely no need to reinvent myself, change my name and why would I ?  I am quite happy with me, my reputation and image overall. 

A ?personal brand? is in many ways synonymous with your reputation, so if you change that you lose it.

As they say 'If its not broken - don't fix'
Never regret the things you've done only the things you haven't done.


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #7 on: 31 May 2014, 06:11:08 pm »
I personally would never do that it and the ones I notice doing it are usually trying to escape bad feedback/reputation and need to.

Took me a long time to build up my reputation, advertise myself everywhere I possible could with links to my website, get myself up the top of google etc.  I please everyone with a variety of girl next door photos, facial photos and professional photos.

I have absolutely no need to reinvent myself, change my name and why would I ?  I am quite happy with me, my reputation and image overall. 

A ?personal brand? is in many ways synonymous with your reputation, so if you change that you lose it.

As they say 'If its not broken - don't fix'

I wasn't talking about you though, I was asking for advice about myself and as I said, I have absolutely nothing to hide, I have about 300 reviews online without a negative one in site. I am not trying to fix anything, I simply want a fresh start. Anyone who knows me whether I have met them or not will know that I am not running from a bad reputation and anyone who doesn't know me won't know any different. I am just a bit fed up and fancy a wee change and also a get out plan as I start to finish up with escorting x


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #8 on: 31 May 2014, 06:13:03 pm »
P.S there are a million reasons why an escort may HAVE to reinvent herself that has nothing to do with feedback, I was that girl once x
« Last Edit: 31 May 2014, 09:25:04 pm by Pink~Princess »


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #9 on: 31 May 2014, 06:17:46 pm »
i agree with alot of what  lunar moon said, about reputation etc........are you going to keep deleting your profile eveytime the feedback hits a certain high number? i know lots of girls do it,but i personally feel you can get away with charging alot more when you have more feedback...however some guy wont risk pay ?150phr+ etc for newbies until they see other guys feedback....(as discussed many times on a certain client forum) which could mean u noticing a dip in your bookings for a while, whilst you build your feedback up again.


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #10 on: 31 May 2014, 07:00:35 pm »

Just wanted to say, I've reinvented myself recently too - new name, getting new photos, and starting in new location - I realised my previous incarnation was not as discrete as I would like it to be and I was worrying about its effect on my life outside of escorting so I've deleted everything.
I'm starting again without all the reviews and I had lovely regulars so will have to make new ones.

If you're moving out of escorting or juggling it with another profession, I certainly feel safer starting again, so I think it's a great idea if you go for it.

As a side not re: photos, I spent HOURS looking for a professional photographer who doesn't overly photoshop pictures... ended up finding him on here!


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #11 on: 31 May 2014, 08:58:12 pm »
Many change their escort persona just for the hell of it.  I was one that wasn't running away from anything either.

There are many happy to go on forever the same and there are those like myself and PP who just want a change. 

I don't foresee any problems for PP and if it gives her something to look forward to why not.  There are people who will know who you are and that doesn't matter, what matters is that we are happy with ourselves.

Others really don't matter.
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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #12 on: 31 May 2014, 10:07:53 pm »
I wouldn't mind reinventing myself but what worries me is what if you make a new profile and a previous client thinks your new profile is a different person, makes a booking then turns up for it expecting someone different. Would be embarrassing. Has that happened to anyone?


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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #13 on: 31 May 2014, 10:15:59 pm »
My advice is to put your old profile to service seeker and dont deleted it, you may feel sorry later and want to get back to it.
I am still   sorry for my old profile, I had my reasons to delete it but now I think I did a mistake and I miss it.
« Last Edit: 01 June 2014, 11:44:17 am by hotblondie28 »
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Re: Reinventing yourself!
« Reply #14 on: 31 May 2014, 11:24:04 pm »
Yeah, keep it in seeking services a bit until you are comfortable with the new persona.

I have done the re-inventing thing a couple of times over the years, I have never collected that much feedback though (think the most was 28 or something). Every single time I have done it the reason has been because I have changed my services - I have went from quite extensive services, to very very tame services which prob wouldn't even be classed as sex work (!), to the middle, to more on the tame side again. Or because I wanted to shake off some less than desirable regular punters or persistent callers in my phone - you do need a new number for that though. I decided to make a whole new profile, pics, phone number etc when I changed my services because I wanted a clean break - so no clients could complain of "oh but I saw your profile a month ago and it said OWO" etc, or those that contact you over and over but take ages to book could eventually book and expect a different service. Also it made returners less likely to badger for services I no longer offered if i was on a new profile, name, number whereas if it was just a little note at the bottom to say something had changed, I expect they would still assume the previous services were ok.  ::)

I don't think it has much to do with a bad reputation - most clients don't put all that much thought into it to be honest - they don't search reviews in the main. I've had "bad" reviews (but many many more positive ones) and I can categorically say it made zero difference in how busy I was or not.

Once I changed for a legal reason.

Also, some ladies are not too keen on being "known" - I am one of them I guess.

Go for it, I don't think it will make much difference but if it makes you feel better in yourself I think it's a good idea.

I do agree with the poster who said that it's difficult to charge higher than average rates (not saying you do, just in general) when you have less than say 3-5 feedbacks.