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Author Topic: Reasons not to be an escort  (Read 146645 times)


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #135 on: 21 March 2020, 02:21:42 pm »
I went through a phase of very openly telling friends about what I do because I was struggling so much with the double life and feelings of isolation and lack of connection that I was experiencing. I guess I was craving acceptance.

Nobody acted horrified, though I'm aware that things were said behind my back but the result that did come as more of a surprise was how many people expected me to set them up in business and although I did happily help a couple of friends, I rapidly realised that they expected me to do everything for them, as though they were entitled to a slice of all of the "money" they were convinced that I was making.

I had a string of people who seemed to latch on to me and time after time it became apparent that their motivation was to see what they could get from me.

Both from males and females, I made myself a bit of a target by sharing what I do openly. I found that people could get very jealous as they perceive that WG's are earning tonnes of money without having to "work" for it.

I've since relocated and have decided to keep it to myself in this new area. I'm past the stage of feeling that anyone has a right to know my business. A lesson learnt.
More Fatass than Badass!


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #136 on: 19 April 2020, 12:48:05 pm »
I went through a phase of very openly telling friends about what I do because I was struggling so much with the double life and feelings of isolation and lack of connection that I was experiencing. I guess I was craving acceptance.

Nobody acted horrified, though I'm aware that things were said behind my back but the result that did come as more of a surprise was how many people expected me to set them up in business and although I did happily help a couple of friends, I rapidly realised that they expected me to do everything for them, as though they were entitled to a slice of all of the "money" they were convinced that I was making.

I had a string of people who seemed to latch on to me and time after time it became apparent that their motivation was to see what they could get from me.

Both from males and females, I made myself a bit of a target by sharing what I do openly. I found that people could get very jealous as they perceive that WG's are earning tonnes of money without having to "work" for it.

I've since relocated and have decided to keep it to myself in this new area. I'm past the stage of feeling that anyone has a right to know my business. A lesson learnt.

I've also made this mistake in the past. I was too open about my life, and people used it against me. They also expected me to pay for alot of stuff, which frustrated me. I had one friend who was behind on her payments for our holiday, and she kept asking me to cover it because I have 'tonnes of money.' I don't think I've ever had tonnes of money... ::)

Snow Whitest

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #137 on: 21 May 2020, 11:24:17 pm »
You realise that fundamentally, men are fucking idiots. The more intelligent they are, the more likely they get lost on a two minute walk. They also think what you do is a hobby and that you're horny for cock 24/7. Seriously. Jesus wept
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by arseholes.” Sigmund Freud”


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #138 on: 22 May 2020, 04:04:54 am »
Yes men rarely see that we are running this as a legitimate business.  They think it is something we merely dabble in and we want sex 24/7.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #139 on: 12 November 2020, 05:55:11 pm »
Some reasons I've quickly realised for myself:

Having to realise how many halfwits there are in the world by dealing with timewasters and failed trolls who think they achieve anything by calling you with suppressed numbers when you explicitly say you ignore those.

Also weirdos who send you dickpics after you told them you're not the type for it. They could've been future customers, but they had to ruin it by having their brain replaced with a horniness on/off switch.  Wouldn't be half as bad if they were decent pics instead of making their dicks look as gross and unapetitising as they possibly can.  :FF


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #140 on: 11 January 2021, 12:47:24 pm »
Yep I've been trying to exit for the past 3 years and it's hard especially when you don't have a network of sound people you can relate to, it's so isolating I'm glad I am on this forum now, I know for the next 6 weeks in lockdown I will be on it quite a lot ! Onwards and upwards though x


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #141 on: 11 January 2021, 03:20:31 pm »
I feel you hun.

When I first started out about ten years ago, one of the first things they told me that I remember as key to my sanity was "don't ever do what you don't feel comfortable doing" no matter the money unless it neutralises the discomfort. I've tried to keep up with this statement throughout the years, sometimes not as successfully so I can feel what you mean. Anyway the best way is to keep those days far between and hopefully never again. You feeling good about yourself is more important ... x


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #142 on: 12 January 2021, 12:24:38 am »
I've also made this mistake in the past. I was too open about my life, and people used it against me. They also expected me to pay for alot of stuff, which frustrated me. I had one friend who was behind on her payments for our holiday, and she kept asking me to cover it because I have 'tonnes of money.' I don't think I've ever had tonnes of money... ::)

I’ve gotten this as well & I believe I’ve written about it. A 10 year friendship ended over this job ~ thats the extremely abridged version, but I was making $$, she didn’t have any, seemed to think she should have some of mine😳 & when I refused, proceeded to out me on FaceBook. Thanks Karen.

Emotional blackmail, man.

I also look at every single guy & think, I bet you see SWs. Anyone who talks about how great their BF is? I’m thinking yeah, he probably ain’t as great as you think he is. I’ve learned it’s impossible to keep track of where your guy is all the time. They will find a way to see us, & they will find a way to get around any set up the GF/wife may’ve set up.

Unfortunately bc of this job I’ll never trust a man. Ever. I’ll just tell him to go ahead & lie to me🤷🏼‍♀️. I know you’re going to anyway, so just do it. What I WON’T tell them? Is how amazingly good this job has made me at reading body language & cues. I’ll find OUT your lies my friend. Then I’ll pounce😈.
« Last Edit: 12 January 2021, 12:26:41 am by CelesteManchester »
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #143 on: 12 January 2021, 11:15:44 am »
Not to mention the exposure to drugs and alcohol, that are all fine taken recreationally in your own time, although dangerous if you have an addictive personality, but not the ideal potential working hazzard that comes up.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #144 on: 13 January 2021, 10:18:44 pm »
Not to mention the exposure to drugs and alcohol, that are all fine taken recreationally in your own time, although dangerous if you have an addictive personality, but not the ideal potential working hazzard that comes up.

I don't see the link - I've been a sex worker for a fairly long time and I don't take drugs or drink alcohol, nor am I exposed to either while I'm working (or at least only very rarely)? I suspect it's more to do with the company you keep.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #145 on: 13 January 2021, 10:36:14 pm »
I don't see the link - I've been a sex worker for a fairly long time and I don't take drugs or drink alcohol, nor am I exposed to either while I'm working (or at least only very rarely)? I suspect it's more to do with the company you keep.

I got clean, good incentive.

Doesn't mean I have not encountered it, just make it clear I don't drink alcohol or use other drugs.

Non-sex-work workplaces encouraged boozy socials, which were problematic.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #146 on: 16 January 2021, 09:45:51 am »
I don't see the link - I've been a sex worker for a fairly long time and I don't take drugs or drink alcohol, nor am I exposed to either while I'm working (or at least only very rarely)? I suspect it's more to do with the company you keep.

It certainly depends on the company you keep, the safety in numbers can help as far as that goes but you can end up perusing with those who use drugs to cope with demand or just use it recreationally just because.

Having others around when you are working can almost become addictive as I know work can be lonely for a lot and being able to talk to others really helps with motivation and to keep you going but you can get dragged into things if you are not strong of mind. I like to network on occasion but I think now I just to just stick to me myself and I when it comes to work. less drama, more focus, more money.
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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #147 on: 16 January 2021, 12:29:32 pm »
I have been a sex worker for years. I've no doubt that some 'under the influence' clients have slipped through but the one and only time I had to throw someone out was the one and only time I caught someone pumped full of drugs. He was paranoid to death and had white powder marks on his jumper where he had dropped it  ::)

its definitely a case of the company you keep and how you market yourself. I know some girls that have worked for agencies and parlours who love the coke head bookings personally I could not think of anything worse x
GG x


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #148 on: 19 January 2021, 11:42:54 am »
Totally with you on this one.
And on the career bit, it's good to have options ;)

That's the only thing that gets to me and I wish we could organise some group or something to deal with this. So many WGs seem to have this problem and I only know a few working girls but they, like me, have basically no friends here (in the city they work).

I've always been a social butterfly and need to have a group of friends around me cause I enjoy close connections with people, but here in London I haven't done that because of they job. Why? I hate lying to friends. I had some friends and told them the truth and they stopped talking to me. Also I work weird hours so I find it hard to say "lets meet at 10" then get a call for 10 for three hours and have to give up all that money for a coffee with a mate. I find I've become closed when I meet people, always worrying they'll find out and so I get very quiet and hate talking about myself....

So, what to do? I'm positive and have plans to change this reality and get out there and make some great friends. I've no doubt I'll be successful but yes, in any other job it's not an effort to make friends but when you're a prossie you really have to work hard, force yourself to get out there and make strong, meaningful connections.

I also agree with the impact on romantic relationships. My relationship was wonderful but couldn't continue because of my job (he was fine with it but as he fell in love with me he could no longer accept my job). I'm happy to be single while I work, but one day I'm going to want to have a partner again...


I have a degree and my passions lie in another field and I want to build my career in that. But again, it's hard to walk away from this money and this "zero effort" job. What of the future? Where do you want to be in five years time? I think if you do not have a "goal" for the money you're earning and for your future, then you can easily become a prostitute and nothing else i.e that is your entire identity and you've nothing else, no ambitions, no plans for the future but instead living day by day, client by client...

p.s i love my job, but if we're looking for negative stuff, there it is.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #149 on: 23 January 2021, 08:26:41 am »
I don't see the link - I've been a sex worker for a fairly long time and I don't take drugs or drink alcohol, nor am I exposed to either while I'm working (or at least only very rarely)? I suspect it's more to do with the company you keep.

I won't deny anyone else's experience and neither should mine.