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Author Topic: Reasons not to be an escort  (Read 146682 times)


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #30 on: 05 March 2013, 07:56:01 am »
*Belle de jour * film what a load of crap I saw it for the first time this week and prefered personal services/band of gold!
If people not escorting are imagining its like  that french film god help them !!!!


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #31 on: 31 July 2013, 08:10:39 am »
The hardest moment I have ever had escorting was when my ex boyfriend (at the time we both were openly still in love with each other and even though we broke up it felt like I was cheating on him every time I worked) told me he found out. Apparently someone forwarded him my AW profile, he will never tell me who. We were having an argument on the phone (we lived in separate cities) over something trivial and he said something along the lines of 'oh and you are always right aren't you Angel (then working name)'. I dropped the phone and broke down crying, then numb with shock just said 'how do you know'.

Later on he told me the main reason he was so angry was that he was scared I would end up badly hurt or killed.

Even now years later, and happily with someone who knows and accepts what I do, its making me tear up writing this. Gosh I'm a sappy idiot some times.

Sappy Idiot I don't thinks so . Your a lovely caring person that deserves a man she can trust that loves and cares for her


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #32 on: 25 August 2013, 07:48:14 pm »
i started a week and a half ago,

i lost 10kg in 5 days, hardly ate didn't sleep much was absolutely god awful regardless of the fact i lost a little weight

i think it was a combination of adrenaline and the stress of performing.

my first client was pretty much wanting to me my pimp as i was new and i told him (to make myself feel a little better and also so he knew i was new to it all). so you get a lot of people who want to pressurize you into doing things you don't want to do and can be very controlling. you have so be so strong willed!


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #33 on: 08 September 2013, 09:52:15 am »
I'm really relieved to read this thread as I have heard the total opposite on other boards frequented by punters, i.e. wgs professing to really love the job and saying they never have to 'fake it' with clients as they are *all* soooo wonderful. The reality as portrayed here can be bloody awful: unattractive, smelly clients, young girls having to service men in their 50s/60s/70s (yikes!) and jolly well look like their enjoying it to boot! I realise that on the more infamous boards one can't very well moan too much about bad experiences, bad PA and all that but to read some of the SPs posts, one would indeed think that they've swallowed 'Belle du Jour'!
« Last Edit: 08 September 2013, 09:55:38 am by Fanny_Hill »


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #34 on: 08 September 2013, 10:44:58 am »
Er, well some women really do love the job just as others hate it and I daresay most of us are somewhere in the middle. Whether or not somebody chooses to 'fake it' (and it's not clear whether you mean during sex or just generally being nice to your customers) is up to them - I would be amazed to hear that anybody had never, ever had to take a deep breath and stick a smile on their face when they didn't really feel like it irrespective of the job they were doing. I spent my entire career as a barmaid doing precisely that, and I didn't earn ?130 an hour for it, either; equally whether or not people people tout on punting boards is neither here nor there - if some choose to market themselves in this way that's up to them to get away with whatever they can. Most people can see straight through it and I doubt it has a particularly positive affect.

The purpose of this thread is to help newbies consider all aspects of the job and potential repercussions so they can think about whether or not they're cut out for it, not to slag off either prostitution or punters - we provide a place here where people can moan about bad experiences if they want to, but this would not really include clients being older or 'unattractive' say, because having sex with people you don't fancy is part of the job. If all somebody wants to do is see people they do fancy, then prostitution probably isn't for them and that's fine, but that isn't the same thing as 'some people don't enjoy working as prostitutes, therefore prostitution is bad'. I never find clients attractive in a 'potential partner' sense because I'm not interested and just don't think that way when I'm working, but that doesn't mean I don't like, value and respect my clients as people and the genuinely unpleasant ones I've met in ten and a half years I can count on one hand. If you go back and read the thread starter here, the main focus is on aspects which are nothing to do with punters (stigma, danger and so on) for precisely this reason.

This is a help and advice forum, and people don't generally need help and advice unless something is wrong which may well present something of a skewed picture (in that nobody is likely to pitch up and start a thread about how they've had a day of perfectly fine and unremarkable, run of the mill bookings today) but whilst what happens on other forums is not a matter for discussion here, just because somebody else's view doesn't concur with your own, it doesn't make them wrong and nor does it automatically mean they must be making it up. It's clear from your posts that you have a fairly low opinion of your clients, but whilst that's a real shame (and if you really are constantly having such a dreadful time it's maybe an idea to either change the way you work or get out altogether) it is not carte blanche to talk about either punters as a group or men generally as if they were little better than farm animals, and we won't have this kind of sexist rubbish on the forum.
« Last Edit: 08 September 2013, 10:50:25 am by amy »


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #35 on: 08 September 2013, 11:30:07 am »
Er, well some women really do love the job just as others hate it and I daresay most of us are somewhere in the middle. Whether or not somebody chooses to 'fake it' (and it's not clear whether you mean during sex or just generally being nice to your customers) is up to them - I would be amazed to hear that anybody had never, ever had to take a deep breath and stick a smile on their face when they didn't really feel like it irrespective of the job they were doing. I spent my entire career as a barmaid doing precisely that, and I didn't earn ?130 an hour for it, either; equally whether or not people people tout on punting boards is neither here nor there - if some choose to market themselves in this way that's up to them to get away with whatever they can. Most people can see straight through it and I doubt it has a particularly positive affect.

The purpose of this thread is to help newbies consider all aspects of the job and potential repercussions so they can think about whether or not they're cut out for it, not to slag off either prostitution or punters - we provide a place here where people can moan about bad experiences if they want to, but this would not really include clients being older or 'unattractive' say, because having sex with people you don't fancy is part of the job. If all somebody wants to do is see people they do fancy, then prostitution probably isn't for them and that's fine, but that isn't the same thing as 'some people don't enjoy working as prostitutes, therefore prostitution is bad'. I never find clients attractive in a 'potential partner' sense because I'm not interested and just don't think that way when I'm working, but that doesn't mean I don't like, value and respect my clients as people and the genuinely unpleasant ones I've met in ten and a half years I can count on one hand. If you go back and read the thread starter here, the main focus is on aspects which are nothing to do with punters (stigma, danger and so on) for precisely this reason.

This is a help and advice forum, and people don't generally need help and advice unless something is wrong which may well present something of a skewed picture (in that nobody is likely to pitch up and start a thread about how they've had a day of perfectly fine and unremarkable, run of the mill bookings today) but whilst what happens on other forums is not a matter for discussion here, just because somebody else's view doesn't concur with your own, it doesn't make them wrong and nor does it automatically mean they must be making it up. It's clear from your posts that you have a fairly low opinion of your clients, but whilst that's a real shame (and if you really are constantly having such a dreadful time it's maybe an idea to either change the way you work or get out altogether) it is not carte blanche to talk about either punters as a group or men generally as if they were little better than farm animals, and we won't have this kind of sexist rubbish on the forum.
Hey, hold your horses! I was not doing anything but echoing some of the negative points of escorting, so why get defensive with me? I didn't say anything that has not already been said on this thread and I certainly was not 'having' a go at prostitutes! This is an open forum for debate, right?


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #36 on: 08 September 2013, 11:44:33 am »
Yes it is, but some subjects (among them punting forums and their members, given that discussion of people who are not here to participate themselves is unfair on both them, and also those reading here who have no idea what we're talking about and couldn't care less) are off topic here and likewise baseless derogatory posting about men generally and punters in particular.

Your posts read to me as an expression of delight that you've apparently found a place to do this, and this one didn't seem to address much in terms of the thread title so my post was an assurance that this is not the case. Whilst we certainly don't encourage anybody to censor themselves and I'm well aware that some people and places do make it difficult for anybody to say anything even remotely negative about the job without getting jumped on, the purpose of this thread is not to paint the job as bad but instead help those considering it to think about aspects of it they might not have previously taken into account. Depending on their plans for the future, having to shag somebody who's a bit fat or has manky teeth is likely to be the least of their worries.
« Last Edit: 08 September 2013, 11:46:13 am by amy »


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #37 on: 08 September 2013, 12:06:31 pm »
I agree with you that shagging men whom one doesn't find attractive or who are dirty is the least of an escort's worries but the fact remains, it is a concern that has been brought up time and time again on this thread/forum, so obviously it needs to be shared! Wgs are human and there is only so much they should be expected to put up with. Apologies  if I contravened the forum rules in bringing up other forums, notably forums that are mainly populated by punters, and admittedly I am not aware of all the rules that might apply. Ok, should have read 'The Rules' lol.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #38 on: 24 September 2013, 01:24:00 pm »
Trusting men is an issue for me now. It really takes it's toll on relationships.
?We are all born sexual creatures, thank God. But it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift.? - Marilyn Monroe. x


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #39 on: 27 September 2013, 08:55:10 pm »
I would add "Having Sex with Ugly People" to the list.  While hygeine is an absolute minimum and should be expected, the fact is that many clients are unnattractive.  You will get the occasional hottie, but you do have to ask yourself if having sex with someone you aren't attracted to is going to be a problem.

"Awkwardness" is another issue.  Your client may behave perfectly acceptably but there is no real click between you.  This can leave you feeling horrible.  Additionally, many polite and clean clients are shy and inexperienced and may be poor communicators.  This can feel embarrassing and awkward, and you will walk away from the booking wondering whether you can do this job.  If you can ignore or accept these feeling, then you'll be fine, but if not, reconsider entering the profession.

Having sex with an ugly one is what stopped me doing it... and the teeth aaaah and he tried to kiss me even worst he tried to put it in without protection  :FF... HELL NO! I think up to that point I was spoilt. I had Asian, Black and White men and they were all good looking professionals.

I guess you have to be prepared for the douches! I wasn't...


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #40 on: 27 September 2013, 09:03:46 pm »
I'm really relieved to read this thread as I have heard the total opposite on other boards frequented by punters, i.e. wgs professing to really love the job and saying they never have to 'fake it' with clients as they are *all* soooo wonderful. The reality as portrayed here can be bloody awful: unattractive, smelly clients, young girls having to service men in their 50s/60s/70s (yikes!) and jolly well look like their enjoying it to boot! I realise that on the more infamous boards one can't very well moan too much about bad experiences, bad PA and all that but to read some of the SPs posts, one would indeed think that they've swallowed 'Belle du Jour'!

I actually really like Belle De Jour and I am fascinated by her story.

I couldn't agree more with what Amy said.



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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #41 on: 28 September 2013, 12:12:12 am »
On a high from escorting having fun and the money, only to realize that this comes with some form of isolation.

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #42 on: 30 September 2013, 01:33:37 pm »
On a high from escorting having fun and the money, only to realize that this comes with some form of isolation.

I agree MD this job can be very isolating and  I think can affect your personal and social life in a negative way. Even when my phone is switched off and I'm not in sex kitten mode anymore I'm still lying in bed thinking about advertising, promoting my profile, my pictures...basically what more I can do to keep my business going and do better and get more money!!!
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #43 on: 30 September 2013, 03:44:46 pm »
OBSESSIVE clients.  Not sure if this has already been covered.

Boy do they get really obsessive. 


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #44 on: 04 October 2013, 04:21:04 pm »
Gazing out the window from time to time watching the world go by. Then carrying on like normal doing this.
« Last Edit: 04 October 2013, 04:24:26 pm by meetingdiversity »