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Author Topic: Reasons not to be an escort  (Read 146661 times)

Willow Summers

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #60 on: 04 July 2016, 07:55:46 pm »
Only been an escort for 9 months. Hand on heart, I will be doing this job for as long as I can, I love the money! I'm 42 and its the first time Ive ever had savings! However, these are the crappy bits I've had-

As a very submissive woman, I found it hard to tell a man to go wash his cock that tasted of stale piss - incase i offended him
DFK guys when they have horrible mucky teeth
Numerous injuries to my ninny caused by sharp nails and rough men
Infections caused by dirty fingers
The appearence of skin tags in my ninny
The phone never stopping
The never ending stream of pictures of mens cocks of videos of them wanking being sent
Annoying text message, such as 'Hi' or 'ur fit'
Feast or famine - fucking more men in a day than I want to, because it might be dead quiet the next day
Emotional exhaustion - I have a bit of adhd, so concentrating on a guy for an hour at a times really knackers me


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #61 on: 06 July 2016, 03:52:42 pm »
You do need to be more discerning or you're going to catch something. Not necessarily an std but you have to have boundaries. Make it clear they have to wash their hands and cock before anything starts and buy a work phone. I could never use my own phone. You get idiots texting and ringing at all hours. I've even had booking requests at 4.00am for 5.30am. This is even though it states my phone is switched off at a certain time. There would be no peace at all if I couldn't switch my work phone off.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #62 on: 11 September 2016, 09:09:59 am »
Only been an escort for 9 months. Hand on heart, I will be doing this job for as long as I can, I love the money! I'm 42 and its the first time Ive ever had savings! However, these are the crappy bits I've had-

As a very submissive woman, I found it hard to tell a man to go wash his cock that tasted of stale piss - incase i offended him
DFK guys when they have horrible mucky teeth
Numerous injuries to my ninny caused by sharp nails and rough men
Infections caused by dirty fingers
The appearence of skin tags in my ninny
The phone never stopping
The never ending stream of pictures of mens cocks of videos of them wanking being sent
Annoying text message, such as 'Hi' or 'ur fit'
Feast or famine - fucking more men in a day than I want to, because it might be dead quiet the next day
Emotional exhaustion - I have a bit of adhd, so concentrating on a guy for an hour at a times really knackers me

Darling, you need to look after yourself or else you will get ill.

It's not being dominant to ask a man to wash his hands or his cock. Offer them the bathroom when they arrive, or, once you get down to business if it smells/tastes a bit off then say "Do you mind washing?" - it doesn't have to be rude or forceful, this is your health and it's worth protecting.

Philippa Joyce

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #63 on: 29 September 2016, 06:16:29 pm »
I can relate to all of these posts. The hardest part for me is that although i have told myself I can stop escorting anytime I want to, I have been doing it for 6 years,tried to stop, but always go back to it because its good money for the minimum amount of time. For me,its addictive and Im 52 now,I really dont want to be at it in my 60s or 70s lol.  As soon as I earn money,i cant spend it quick enough and think its ok because i can earn some more the next day...but sometimes the "next day" or the days after that are quiet. Timewasters, hairy balls and men that have to be reminded to pay me are other pet hates with the job. I fell in love with a punter and married him,gave up the job, but the marriage was a disaster because we couldnt trust each other. There are so many negatives attached to our profession and we have to become tough cookies to deal with the pitfalls..its not for the faint hearted. Im currently trying to reduce the escorting and do more webcam and phone call work instead,and this is what i would recommend to women who are new to the sex industry,ease yourself into it gently and don't rush straight into the escort side of it.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #64 on: 29 September 2016, 07:35:44 pm »
As soon as I earn money,i cant spend it quick enough and think its ok because i can earn some more the next day...but sometimes the "next day" or the days after that are quiet.

That's really not just you, Abi! There are money management tips and suchlike scattered all over the forum, but we have a whole thread here about precisely this which is well worth a read :).


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #65 on: 29 September 2016, 08:30:07 pm »
That's really not just you, Abi! There are money management tips and suchlike scattered all over the forum, but we have a whole thread here about precisely this which is well worth a read :).

Which thread is this?


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #66 on: 29 September 2016, 09:11:53 pm »
Which thread is this?

I can't easily post another link because I'm on the stupid tablet now, but if you click on 'here' the one above should work? It's fine for me, but if it's playing up let me know and I'll have another look :).


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #67 on: 29 September 2016, 09:22:12 pm »
I see it now!

Philippa Joyce

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #68 on: 30 September 2016, 10:04:56 am »
Hi Amy and thank u for that link...its nice to know im not the only one!!!x


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #69 on: 06 November 2016, 02:09:53 am »
Only been an escort for 9 months. Hand on heart, I will be doing this job for as long as I can, I love the money! I'm 42 and its the first time Ive ever had savings! However, these are the crappy bits I've had-

As a very submissive woman, I found it hard to tell a man to go wash his cock that tasted of stale piss - incase i offended him
DFK guys when they have horrible mucky teeth
Numerous injuries to my ninny caused by sharp nails and rough men
Infections caused by dirty fingers
The appearence of skin tags in my ninny
The phone never stopping
The never ending stream of pictures of mens cocks of videos of them wanking being sent
Annoying text message, such as 'Hi' or 'ur fit'
Feast or famine - fucking more men in a day than I want to, because it might be dead quiet the next day
Emotional exhaustion - I have a bit of adhd, so concentrating on a guy for an hour at a times really knackers me
One day you will see that inner happiness and good mental health are far more important than money; I've been a hooker for 11 years on+off and its only now that I'm starting to realise this!! The first year of being a hooker is a honeymoon period and its all because of money!!! Save save save and always stop for a break when you wake up one day & say to yourself 'I really don't wanna do this'& its maybe only a 30min appointment abd you could be sitting with no electricity and no cash & you still don't want to do it then thats when its time to hang up your stockings; either temporarily or forever. Enjoy the H'moon whilst it lasts xx
X From Scottish Sexpot X 🕯🎉💓😗


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #70 on: 30 December 2016, 12:47:11 am »
*Belle de jour * film what a load of crap I saw it for the first time this week and prefered personal services/band of gold!
If people not escorting are imagining its like  that french film god help them !!!!

 This film by Luis Bunuel is based on a novel by Joseph Kessel. I liked the movie, which I saw two or three times. But I have the impression that the film mainly describes male fantasies.

In any case, cinema always represents in a rather fanciful way the work of sex workers.

2) Personally, I feel that the work of an escort resembles the work of a secret agent. One must constantly lie and pretend to be someone else. This keeps you in a state of constant nervous tension.

Or else if you tell the truth about you, you must be ready to suffer the consequences: broken friendships, difficult love relationships, severe judgment on the part of your family, etc ...

The main problem for me is doing an activity that I like but that society as a whole judges severely.

If everything had to be started again now, I think that would be the number one reason not to become an escort.
« Last Edit: 30 December 2016, 03:59:48 am by Lotus300 »
"Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time." Tallulah Bankhead


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #71 on: 02 March 2017, 10:35:25 am »
From my own experience the biggest drawback is the stigma attached to the job. Once they find out what you do, friends and even family will distance themselves from you if not drop you completely. I was lucky at first. I was married when I started and my husband was supportive. He covered for me and helped me keep my job secret. Once we divorced I lost my confidant and became careless. My family soon found out and were horrified. I'd brought shame on the family name and they disowned me. I haven't spoken to my dad or brother in years, though mum calls me behind dad's back once in a while to make sure I'm OK.

Romantic dating is very difficult. Not many men want to get emotionally involved with an escort. When a guy does show some interest you always wonder if he has a motive. You wonder if he really loves and cares about you or if he just gets off from what you do, or he thinks you're a ready supply of cash. The work makes you cynical too, and you become harder and more difficult to love. It did with me anyway. I never even considered what would happen if I split from my husband until it happened, and then I was forced to learn the hard way  :(

You'll find it incredibly hard to stop. I was 21, studying for my degree and mature for my age when I started. I planned to quit once I graduated and got myself a regular job. I did graduate and I did manage to get a decent job. The pay wasn't amazing but the prospects were good, providing I worked hard. And there's the rub. I was working 50 hours some weeks for the same money I could earn in 4 as an escort. Within a year I resigned and returned to escorting full time. There have been times when I've doubted my decision. Losing my family was truly awful. But I know deep down that I could never go back to a regular job. Even if you do get out it will always affect you. You cross a line that first time you take money from a client in return for sex, and it changes what you are for the rest of your life.

I don't want to sound too negative. I love this job despite the drawbacks and I don't think I'd be as content as I am now had I stuck with my original career. The trick is to spend your money wisely and save to give yourself time off. By all means work as much as you like while you're enjoying it, but have a bit put by so you can take a break when it all gets too much. Besides holidays with my boyfriend (yes, I have managed to find one), I aim to take 3 months off every couple of years to recharge my batteries.

Good luck  :)


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #72 on: 02 March 2017, 05:29:14 pm »
When a guy does show some interest you always wonder if he has a motive. You wonder if he really loves and cares about you or if he just gets off from what you do, or he thinks you're a ready supply of cash.

The work makes you cynical too, and you become harder and more difficult to love. It did with me anyway. I never even considered what would happen if I split from my husband until it happened, and then I was forced to learn the hard way  :(
 Besides holidays with my boyfriend (yes, I have managed to find one), I aim to take 3 months off every couple of years to recharge my batteries.

It sounds like a very rational assessment, rather than simplistically being "negative".   I agree with Lotus, too.  If escorting life wasn't so complicated, we wouldn't be using a site like this.     :)


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #73 on: 30 March 2017, 11:34:22 pm »
Interesting article. I have been in this industry for a number of years. I always believed that when I stopped escorting, I would be able to pick up my life, and put it all behind me. I stopped for four years, and to be honest I didn't feel a bit different. I couldn't pick up my life and forget all about it in the way I hoped, because there is always the knowledge at the back of your mind that you have been a prostitute. There are so many things that I feel I could have done differently if I had made different choices- and now I will never know.  Unfortunately every action has a reaction, and this job does change you in many ways.

This. I haven't worked in years but the fear of being outed is still the same. It doesn't matter if I worked yesterday or a decade ago, people's reactions would still be the same. A guy stopped and stared at me in the shop today and I've been paranoid ever since, heart palpatations the lot. I need some Inderal I think.

Chanel xxx

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #74 on: 15 April 2017, 03:18:44 am »
This. I haven't worked in years but the fear of being outed is still the same. It doesn't matter if I worked yesterday or a decade ago, people's reactions would still be the same. A guy stopped and stared at me in the shop today and I've been paranoid ever since, heart palpatations the lot. I need some Inderal I think.

Not sure what Inderal is..but maybe the guy that stopped and stared at you did so you because he thought you were gorgeous  :-*

I can say that the fear of being outed is always there but until it happens don't live in fear of something that hasn't or may never happen. Life goes on and anyway it none of anyone's business how any adult chooses to live their life.
Back on point escorting can cause self doubt and a lot of soul searching and yes we see a side of men (and women) that others don't see.
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.