Whilst there's loads of positives, I would never recommend this job due to most of the posts already written on here.
1. I can never switch off. Even when I worked for my agency exclusively and all I had to do was turn up, do my job and leave, it's all I could ever think about. I check my profile on days off, holidays etc. I've tried to ban myself whilst on holidays but I find it so fucking hard.
2. Not having a security reserve. I used to be great with money but due to quitting my well paid job to study, racking up a shit load of debt and wanting to give myself treats, I feel like I'm always living hand to mouth. Some months I don't even make enough to cover my bills depending on how much I've worked and times can get tough. Alongside breaks, illnesses etc, it can be hard to keep a reserve fund topped up. I've also had the stupid mind set that 'it's okay to buy that bag/holiday/etc, I can always put the money back tomorrow' and if tomorrow's dead, it can be a real struggle.
3. The detrimental effects it can have on personal relationships. I've not been close to having a real relationship while doing this job. My experience has either been men who don't approve, men I haven't told and I don't want to live a lie, men who think that because I'm an escort, that's all I am, I'm in work mode 24/7. I just want to be me, it's difficult to be open with someone who respects that and isn't jealous, possessive etc.
4. The fear of being outed. My friends know but my family doesn't. I live at home and I'm constantly petrified incase my parents find out. I've been outed over Facebook on numerous occasions but I've always managed to deny it, I think one day I'll not be able to deny it anymore.