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Author Topic: Reasons not to be an escort  (Read 146647 times)


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #120 on: 06 October 2019, 01:49:03 pm »
Charges and going to jail.Trading services for money is illegal. Illegal business can't report crime to the police.Dangerous out here. Doesn't matter high end or low end working for $$$$$$$$$$$$..One client or many clients.Sad ladies trash each other in this business doing same thing.

Jane Seymour

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #121 on: 17 October 2019, 02:19:47 pm »
This choice of work is not for everybody.  If you can a place for it in your head to file away and not think about it when you are not working you have cracked it.  That is unless you genuinely enjoy the experience.  I was like that until I had one unpleasant experience and I can remember it to this day.

I took an appointment from a very nice man for an hour's incall.  He sounded lovely.  I watched him drive down the street and park up, but as he was getting out of his car my 'phone went and I moved away from the window to reach my diary.  By the time I finished the call he had fed the meter and was walking to my flat. By now he was out of sight.

He called for the number and after ages I let him in.

If I saw a disabled client I always asked them to let me know so I could explain about the stairs and the lift.  I always allowed  extra time for undressing and showering etc.  I felt it was a decent thing to do but I needed to know so I could leave time in case I saw someone else afterwards.

He knocked on my door and when I opened it he fell in as his legs were twisted and gave me the biggest bunch of Roses I had ever seen.  This was a deliberate attempt to put me off guard.

He managed to get onto my sofa.  I asked him what his disability was and he said he had arthritis.  He later admitted he had cerebral palsy.  He stank.  His body stank of stale sweat and his breath made me gip.  His clothes were dirty and his underwear was rank.  This was the only client I did not kiss properly.  He sat on my sofa and talked.  He had sweat patches under his arms and the smell filled the flat.

I offered him a shower.  He said he wouldn't be able to do so because of his disability

I wiped his cock clean with baby wipes as it was cheesy.  To my credit and my folly I gave him a full service.  When the time was up he asked for a cup of tea.  Then he asked for a shower !
He got in the shower and only used water.  Then he dried himself on my towels making them stink.

Three hours later I turfed him out.  I showered and scrubbed my body and then I cleaned the flat which reeked of his B.O. and I boiled the towels.

I was so upset I locked the flat and did not return for two weeks. I let myself down and felt ashamed that I had allowed him to do this.  I swear he got off on my distaste.
I had the distinct feeling he did this to every lady he saw but only the once.

I did not want to return to work.  I felt violated.  I logged his number and two weeks later I returned to work.

I can understand why some ladies feel this line of work is not for them.   After a break I was OK but I never forgot that one.  He almost pushed me into leaving.  However I armed myself mentally and reworded my web pages so it was clear that a disabled guy was welcome provided he informed me about his circumstances and the severity of his disability.

I also posted a warning about this man locally and then I carried on working.

It is experiences such as this that chip away at your self esteem and make you think of the end game IMHO

Jane Seymour

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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #122 on: 23 October 2019, 04:36:02 am »
I am no longer working but I remember that I used to think I was not living in the real world and it was like being in a parallel universe, so I  cleaned my house, did the washing and ironing, walked the dogs, took the children to school and cooked proper meals.  For a time I had another job which had a uniform so I could sometimes say I was working extra shifts.

The worst part for me was losing real life friends as I did not have the time any more.  If I could turn the clock back I would have worked less hours.

When I was at home I dressed down so nobody suspected anything, but the sheer amount of time away from home was the thing I most regret.  No amount of money is worth this


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #123 on: 25 October 2019, 03:14:03 am »
I'm new to being a member on SAAFE but not new to escorting.
I think I was 21, living in London, when I first started escorting on AW (ah so young) and now I've started up again (age 27, living back up north).

I've started up again because this year I got out of a shitty 4 yr long relationship with a total narcissist where I was quite financially dependent and now he's gone I've found.. I love my new life, my part time job that I don't want to leave. I have goals that I now have to rework out on my own and sexwork is my golden ticket!

But yeah, I cammed and escorted while I was in a relationship (desperate for money times does not a healthy relationship make). I do believe you can be a sexworker and be in a good relationship, I just think I got unucky.

It can be totally isolating - I'm so lucky that my best friend did it at the same time I did and we could talk about it and still talk about it but..

The stigma is very real. Even if you only tell people who are 'cool' with what you do. If you live in a small community, even if it's in a big city - people love gossip. I can think of two times where I've been 'exposed' - at the time it's the most infuriating, betraying thing. Forget it. Don't worry. People forget, or generally don't care. May you be the bigger person; they don't get it at all.

And oh god the money. Don't ever think you're doing well. Even if you make crazy money in an hour, that could be one hour a week.

Sorry, this has turned into an essay..I've had wine. If you do escort, please be safe, I'll be a buddy anytime, message me..


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #124 on: 14 February 2020, 02:10:49 pm »
For me, as a single woman, really makes you see a pretty unflattering side of men, even the nice ones.

Like for example, why do literally  ALL the nice, clean, good at sex, easygoing and generous ones wearing a wedding ring (as they offer me my favourite drink and some chocolates because they are so gosh darned NICE and the very best clients?

And the mouthdroolers, pokes me with sharp fingers, smelly, hagglers are, of course, single.

I don't hold out much hope for future relationships tbh, but I have a new found appreciation of my asexual relationships and platonic friends I can tell you!!!


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #125 on: 15 February 2020, 08:52:47 pm »

Like for example, why do literally  ALL the nice, clean, good at sex, easygoing and generous ones wearing a wedding ring (as they offer me my favourite drink and some chocolates because they are so gosh darned NICE and the very best clients?

And the mouthdroolers, pokes me with sharp fingers, smelly, hagglers are, of course, single.

When they are single, socially awkward and lonely (either lack hobbies, stable job or friends), the chances of them stalking you becomes much greater. Without fail, clients who have harassed me in the past fit into this profile. 


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #126 on: 17 February 2020, 01:18:56 pm »
When they are single, socially awkward and lonely (either lack hobbies, stable job or friends), the chances of them stalking you becomes much greater. Without fail, clients who have harassed me in the past fit into this profile.

Thanks.....something more to look forward to.... ::)



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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #127 on: 17 February 2020, 01:36:20 pm »
When they are single, socially awkward and lonely (either lack hobbies, stable job or friends), the chances of them stalking you becomes much greater. Without fail, clients who have harassed me in the past fit into this profile.

Unfortunately a couple of punters who harassed me are married, likely to have stable income in the form of occupational pensions, appear to have social life and friends. That's the shocker.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #128 on: 19 February 2020, 09:01:27 am »
Unfortunately a couple of punters who harassed me are married, likely to have stable income in the form of occupational pensions, appear to have social life and friends. That's the shocker.
he would have fit into the profile of a perfect client. Very Jekyll and Hyde, no way to tell at all


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #129 on: 19 February 2020, 02:42:02 pm »
I can't date. I don't have the energy it takes to lie to a significant other, so I just don't.

I wonder if ppl know who I am when I'm at Walmart ~ I have a super distinctive haircut, think a red Annie Lenox with bangs basically ~ & get paranoid.

I also don't have the energy it takes to make new friends, see above.

My family thinks I work in catering. I thought long & hard about what I could tell them; I needed something that was fluid, & that didn't have a "solid" email address that everyone would clamor for.
Now whenever I see them I have to study up on the catering world & IT SUCKS. Currently they think I'm learning bartending bc my dumb ass can't keep my mouth shut & boy, I just can't WAIT for the next holiday!🤦🏼‍♀️ "Hey Celeste! Make me a Harvey Wallbanger!"
Me: uhhhhhh.....

However, it's Wednesday morning & I've made nearly $3,000 since Sunday. Yeah, I think I'll be dealing with the above for awhile longer....
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #130 on: 20 February 2020, 09:19:37 pm »
I can't date. I don't have the energy it takes to lie to a significant other, so I just don't.

I wonder if ppl know who I am when I'm at Walmart ~ I have a super distinctive haircut, think a red Annie Lenox with bangs basically ~ & get paranoid.

I also don't have the energy it takes to make new friends, see above.

My family thinks I work in catering. I thought long & hard about what I could tell them; I needed something that was fluid, & that didn't have a "solid" email address that everyone would clamor for.
Now whenever I see them I have to study up on the catering world & IT SUCKS. Currently they think I'm learning bartending bc my dumb ass can't keep my mouth shut & boy, I just can't WAIT for the next holiday!🤦🏼‍♀️ "Hey Celeste! Make me a Harvey Wallbanger!"
Me: uhhhhhh.....

However, it's Wednesday morning & I've made nearly $3,000 since Sunday. Yeah, I think I'll be dealing with the above for awhile longer....
I recognise some clients on dating websites. It's hilarious what they write on their dating profiles...


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #131 on: 21 February 2020, 08:53:33 am »

I wonder if ppl know who I am when I'm at Walmart ~ I have a super distinctive haircut, think a red Annie Lenox with bangs basically ~ & get paranoid.

OMG, I have that paranoia all the time now.  For example, there have been a couple of times when I have been walking around, perfectly vanilla in my frumpy clothes and men have been literally leering at me, not the mouthdrooler type either, but men who would normally ignore me.  It happened again, just Tuesday at the gym reception, very disconcerting as I was with the sprogs.  I am not particularly distinctive either and the assets were well covered by a coat, no make up and this man was super eyeballing me. 

I had one passing me in a station who fit the same profile as the first, again these are men that normally wouldn't notice me. 
It's very disconcerting.


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #132 on: 23 February 2020, 09:14:17 pm »
Catching every cold, flu and sickness bug going around... :FF


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #133 on: 28 February 2020, 10:47:13 am »
People don’t respect you the same (even if they say it doesn’t matter you doubt them)


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Re: Reasons not to be an escort
« Reply #134 on: 28 February 2020, 12:54:00 pm »
People don’t respect you the same (even if they say it doesn’t matter you doubt them)

That's 1 reason I don't date; a huge reason actually. Started seeing a guy (not a client), was upfront, told him the 1 thing he must never, EVER do is throw my job in my face. Made him put his damn hand on the Bible, that's how serious I was.

2 months later (smh, Celeste, you're sooooo naive), "Oh yeah? Well you fuck men for $$!" or whatever he said.

And that's the main reason I'm afraid to make new friends too☹️. Bc the minute there's any type of disagreement, that's going to get hauled out (if I tell them that is).

"You fuck men for a living & get paid for it, what you're doing is illegal."

In a way, I get it. It's SO EASY. It's the easiest thing in the world 🌎to use to hurt me in an argument/fight. It also the dirtiest, low down thing one could do, & I walked away from that guy.
He's spent the last 4 years trying to get me back.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉