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Author Topic: Prefer to be back to back  (Read 10538 times)


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #15 on: 09 October 2024, 02:11:20 pm »
I don't book back to back because I'd find that too stressful, but whilst I aim for 30 minute gaps I'm happy enough with 15 and the 30 is really only to give me a cushion when they faff about or turn up stupidly early.

The worst is when somebody books say 2 until 3pm and then somebody else wants 4 until 5pm; you just know nobody will want a half hour at 2.15 so you're going to be sitting there like a lemon for an hour. It isn't long enough to go out and get anything useful done, but it's too long just as a break  >:(

Am like you with the half hour gap situation. However in a scenario like yours l would say to the 4pm that you are unsure if you have a 315pm for an hour and will let him know if you will be late.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #16 on: 09 October 2024, 02:14:24 pm »
In response to the OP l did back to back when l was a lot younger than l am now. These were in the days when many guys prebooked the day before and diary was set up. Couldn’t now. I go for 30 min gaps when l can or 15 if busy.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #17 on: 09 October 2024, 04:10:13 pm »
I don't book back to back because I'd find that too stressful, but whilst I aim for 30 minute gaps I'm happy enough with 15 and the 30 is really only to give me a cushion when they faff about or turn up stupidly early.

The worst is when somebody books say 2 until 3pm and then somebody else wants 4 until 5pm; you just know nobody will want a half hour at 2.15 so you're going to be sitting there like a lemon for an hour. It isn't long enough to go out and get anything useful done, but it's too long just as a break  >:(
Ain’t no wayyy 3 minutes is enough to shower and mentally prepare for my next client …

Takes me more
Than 5 mins to even make the bed and bin wet wipes and comdoms

For me I leave half hour gaps but I do prefer to see my 2 clients a day within half hour of each other as hate sitting around lose enthusiasm

Both of these for me, it would melt my brain and I just wouldn't feel able to deliver the level of service I want to if I was getting them in back to back.

I need that 30 mins, I don't mind seeing 6 in a day when im on tour, as long as I have at least 30 mins between bookings, 45 mins around lunchtime is ideal as I can get something to eat, sit down, do admin etc and not get indigestion from rushing.

How in all seriousness do you keep clients from bumping into each other if you only have a couple of mins between them, that a situation they surely are not keen on??


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #18 on: 09 October 2024, 05:23:29 pm »
Yes that’s the other issue them bumping into each other would be awful.

I work from my own property that I own there isn’t anyway I would allow that like a que in my road lol


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #19 on: 10 October 2024, 07:35:08 am »
Yes that’s the other issue them bumping into each other would be awful.

I work from my own property that I own there isn’t anyway I would allow that like a que in my road lol

Exactly the same, unless I'm on tour which is only a few times a year, I'm working from home and I don't want a series of blokes hanging round in the street or in their cars playing tag on my doorstep.
When I'm home I don't see more that one client in an evening and no more that 3 in a day if I'm working on a weekend, I also only work one day of a weekend.

Even on tour as I work from private apartments, the last thing I want is the neighbours or other guests in the building to contact the hosting firm and complain.
I don't know if it's different in hotels as I never use them.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #20 on: 10 October 2024, 09:22:22 am »
If they're determined to turn up at the wrong time no matter what you tell them (and my directions text contains the words 'please be punctual - not early and not late'), then as far as I'm concerned it's on them.

I once had one call from my landmark a full twenty minutes early (so he'd probably been there for a couple of minutes) and my previous one had been out the door maybe three or four minutes. Fortunately he hadn't been before so wasn't standing on my doorstep or ringing the doorbell, and he never got to do either as I told him to piss off back to work when he started stropping because he would have had to wait until the actual time HE asked for.

That doesn't mean I'm going to start leaving an hour between bookings just in case, only that you can't plan for stupid.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #21 on: 10 October 2024, 03:50:15 pm »
How in all seriousness do you keep clients from bumping into each other if you only have a couple of mins between them, that a situation they surely are not keen on??

I only do back to back when working from hotels so I just don’t give out my room number until the other is gone. Pretty easy that way. But understand it wouldn’t be that easy at home so I wouldn’t do it.
However the majority of the clients that’s I do back to back are 30mins and I really don’t care if they bump into someone else. Maybe it’s wrong of me but I think if you’re a 30 min punter you can’t expect super high end service. Well I’m not giving it for 30 mins anyway. Not bothered if they bitch and moan elsewhere

fallen angel

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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #22 on: 10 October 2024, 06:04:16 pm »

I find when you go quiet for hours , i then struggle to get into the motion again. For example say start at 10am, do A client at 10am (1 hr) client B  at 1130am (30 mins), ClientC at 12:30 (1 hr). Then nothing until 6pm (I often work til 10pm / 11pm). That's That's 4 and half hr gap. Those gaps kill me. I get lazy and can't be arsed.

I'm the same.
30 min inbetween is ideal but long gaps mean I totally lose motivation especially if, like you say, it means waiting until early evening for the next.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #23 on: 11 October 2024, 09:38:45 am »
I prefer the gaps, back to back leaves me feeling rushed


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #24 on: 14 October 2024, 09:42:14 am »
30 minutes as other have said gives me time to prepare and a little slack.

If not at least 2 hours so I can get on with something else.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #25 on: 15 October 2024, 06:44:51 am »
Loved reading this. I am low volume, typically 1 person a day.

But if I worked differently, I would love back-to-back - Like when I'd do 9 or 10 hours booked back-to-back in a working flat - at least there was someone else to open the door and take calls.

It made me smile that some of you are having a shower and changing the bed....
OMG! No need for all that!
Air the room in some way for 3 minutes,and a quick wipe with a wet wipe is all that's needed.
Now, I do have an air purifier that I turn on now for a few minutes in between clients on the days that I do get 2 or 3.

5 minutes MAX between clients is ideal.

You can put a massive towel over the bed and change it if it gets mucky (or some sort of easy-washable throw).
The guys are used to getting a service on top of a towel that is a normal working-flat routine. And so is having ripped-up sheets of good quality paper towel (like Plenty) right next to the bed and quickly wiping up any mess using that.

The way I look at it is this:
It comes down to £ per hour. If you are charging say £150 per hour but also require an hour of preparation and clean up before and after then it is hitting you hard financially as you are only actually earning £75 per hour or less.
And there are limited hours in the day. When I'm not involved with a client, I want to be doing other stuff, not tending to his needs when he isn't even there.

Some of the ladies are doing QUICKies for little money - it would make no sense for them to take ages preparing in between those clients.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #26 on: 15 October 2024, 11:44:18 am »
It made me smile that some of you are having a shower and changing the bed....
OMG! No need for all that!
Air the room in some way for 3 minutes,and a quick wipe with a wet wipe is all that's needed.
Now, I do have an air purifier that I turn on now for a few minutes in between clients on the days that I do get 2 or 3 [...]

If that’s how you would work that’s fair enough but saying no need for a shower is awful . I would feel disrespectful towards my next client if I had not washed my body !

[giant quote redacted]
« Last Edit: 15 October 2024, 01:56:16 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #27 on: 15 October 2024, 02:30:27 pm »
If you dont have time to shower, a peri bottle is a more hygienic alt to a baby wipe on your bits and its still quick to use.


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #28 on: 15 October 2024, 03:09:42 pm »
I know I don't 'need' to have a shower and change bedlinen. I want to have one, because having some random blokes' sweat, dead skin cells, hair and quite possibly semen and saliva on me makes me feel gross and I can have a shower in sixty seconds.

I've worked in working flats too and we still showered (we had one lady who didn't and she stank). As for putting towels over the bed, who the hell wants to fuck on a towel? They're a pain in the arse to wash and dry, where a cheap synthetic throw chucks in the machine and is dry in no time.

The idea that we're losing money by leaving short gaps between bookings is just bizarre; part of the reason I'm self employed is so that I don't have to work flat out like this and unless you're doing twenty bookings a day there's no situation where it would make any difference?


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Re: Prefer to be back to back
« Reply #29 on: 15 October 2024, 05:22:59 pm »
Go to a solicitor  or accountant? their hourly rate includes paying for admin/dead time.  For me admin is something I do at my convenience.