Have you tried arnica cream? It won't hide then but seems to speed up how fast they fade pretty sharpish. Expensive but 100 times better than ice leaves skin all soft too. Vitimin suppliments if your not too healthy supposedly help bruising too.
High stockings or holdups can hide the leg bruises, other than lingerie for hiding some, a mineral powder or bronzer sometimes lightly dusted on after light moisturiser can distract a little. I wear heavy fake tan and bronzer to make the bruises less obvious but it doesn't hide them as such.
(I'm not a pole dancer, but I wrestle, box and fight so frequent bruising on my arms, wrists, back, torso and legs. I try to hide at work. Many times I tried to explain to shocked clients I'm not being beaten. Not sure you can hide bruises 100% without using full camouflage makeup which works but its hard, time consuming and ruins your skin.)